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Barcelona Swiss consulate occupied 80 hours!! grupo de apoyo Barna - 16.06.2003 14:57
Since the occupation of the Swiss consulate on fridaymorning, two climbers are still hanging from the 40 meter high building to denounce the repression at the G8 and specifically the case of the climber Martin Shaw. 80 hours of occupation of the Swiss embassy!! We are not leaving untill our demands are being met!!! Since the occupation of the Swiss consulate on fridaymorning, two climbers are still hanging from the 40 meter high building to denounce the repression at the G8 and specifically the case of Martin Shaw. They intend to stay untill the Swiss government is willing to discuss the demands, the main one being the opening of an independent investigation into the repressive measures surrounding the G8. Last Friday at ten in the morning the Swiss consulate was occupied to protest against the repression at the G8 and the cutting of the climbing rope of Martin Shaw by the Swiss police, resulting in a fall from 20 meters and grave injuries. Today, the climbers that hung themselves from the front of the Swiss consulate are still continuing after 80 hours, despite the oven-like temperatures (around 40 C), untill the Swiss government shows their willingness to meet our demands: 1. The immediate release of all prisoners who remain detained and not allowed to communicate outside since the G8 summit. 2. The complete withdrawal of criminal charges against all activists present during the bridge action. 3. A transparant, independent public inquiry into the training and orders and the general policing/security policy that surrounded this G8 sunnit. This public inquiry should also contain a specific invesitigation of the police team responsible for cutting the rope that caused the fall and subsequent injuries to Martin Shaw and his fellow activists. 4. The Swiss government to sign a written statement committing to take full responsibility for the acts of its police. This commitment to culpability should include the pledge to fully compensate all injured parties present during the bridge action, and other individuals who have incurred medical or judicial costs as a result of violent repression by the apparantly immune Swiss police forces. We are asking for solidarity from everybody, so please, occupy an embassy, write a mail or make a phone call. We are hoping that as much people will make calls as possible, making it absolutely impossible for them to continue with their work. press information and contacts: www.liberinfo.net 0034637018401 0034677051602 pictures of the climbers:
http://barcelona.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=45734 www.barcelona.indymedia.org _____________________ Swiss Consulate Barcelona: Telèfon 0034 93 409 06 50 Fax 0034 93 490 65 98 E-mail
vertretung@bar.rep.admin.ch LIST OF EMBASSIES ------------------------------ UK ------- Embassy of Switzerland 16 -18 Montagu Place, London W1H 2BQ Tel: 00 44 (0)20 7616 6000 Fax: 00 44 (0)20 7724 7001 E-mail: swissembassy@lon.rep.admin.ch France ---------- Embassy of Switzerland 142, rue de Grenelle Paris – 75007 Tel: 00 33 1 49 55 67 00 Fax: 00 33 1 45 51 34 77 E-mail: vertretung@par.rep.admin.ch Spain --------- Embassy of Switzerland Calle Nuñez de Balboa 35-7 Edificio Goya Madrid Tel: 00 34 91 436 39 60 Fax: 00 34 91 436 39 88 E-mail: vertretung@mad.rep.admin.ch Germany ------------ Embassy of Switzerland Otto-von-Bismarck-Allee 4ª Berlin 10557 Tel: 00 49 (0)30 390 40 00 Fax: 00 49 (0)30 391 1030 E-mail: vertretubg@botschaft-schweiz.de USA ------- Embassy of Switzerland 2900 Cathedral Ave, NW Washington DC 20008 Tel: 001 202 745 7980 Fax: 00 1 292 387 2564 E-mail: vertretung@was.rep.admin.ch Italy ------ Embassy of Switzerland Via Barnaba Oriani 61 Rome 00197 Tel: 00 39 06 8083641 E-mail: Amsuisse@rom.rep.admin.ch The Netherlands ----------------------- Embassy of Switzerland Lange Voorhout 42 Den Haag 2514 EE Tel: (+31) (0) 70 - 3642831 Fax: (+31) (0) 70 - 356 12 38 E-mail: Vertretung@hay.rep.admin.ch Website: http://barcelona.indymedia.org |
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