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Poland: 'Abortion boat' stirres up controversy M02 - 22.06.2003 23:13
[Wladyslawowo, Poland, 22.06.2003] The "Women On Waves" ship finally was allowed to enter a Polish harbour. But the authorities entered the ship and the mobile abortion clinic has been sealed. All activities on the ship are prevented and has been isolated from people ashore.  1. Women On Waves ship finally docks at Wladyslawowo port  2. Mobile clinic aboard the ship the 'Langenort'  3. Polish authoroties checking the Langenort  Pro and contra abortion demonstrators welcome the Women On Waves  6. Women On Waves pressconference for Polish and international media  7. Video stills were taken from Polish tv channels TVN and TVPolonia 21/22-06-03  5. Eggs and red paint was thrown by anti-abortion fanatics ((Nederlands: hieronder en op http://indymedia.nl/nl/2003/06/12515.shtml )) Before, the Polish authoroties prevented the ship to enter a Polish port the past few days. The ship wich sails under dutch flag was welcomed by pro and contra demonstrators and is getting a lot of media attention in Poland. Poland has one of the toughest anti-abortion laws in Europe. The "Langenort" ship is sailing under Dutch flag, and therefore the dutch laws apply aboard. Medical abortions are being done while sailing in international waters. Polish anti-abortion protesters, (extreme rightwingers and religious fanatics), have insulted, threatened and stalked Woman on Waves supporters the past days. Eggs and red paint was thrown at them in the harbour. Polish righ-wing politician Mr. Robert Strak said on Polish TV he would publish pictures of every women going aboard for abortion. The Polish government also have stated that Women On Waves are not welcome. However, the Women On Waves are getting a lot of support from Polish locals and have the impereesion the anbt-abortion fanatics are a small but loud minorty ______________________________ Women on Waves offers a safe and legal choice. Every 5 minutes somewhere on the world a woman dies needless as a result of illegal, unsafe abortion. In response to this violation of women´s human rights and medical need, Women on Waves operates a mobile clinic on a ship that sails to countries where abortion is illegal. This is done at the invitation of local women's organizations. With the use of a ship, early medical abortions can be provided safely, professionally and legally. Women on Waves aims to prevent unsafe abortions and empower women to exercise their human rights to physical and mental autonomy, by combining healthcare services and sexual education with advocacy. E-Mail: . Website: http://www.WomenOnWaves.org |
Lees meer over: europa feminisme kunst, cultuur en muziek natuur, dier en mens vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen |  | Vertaling | Reseda - 23.06.2003 00:36
Wladyslawowo, Polen, 22.06.2003 Het "Women On Waves" schip, met een verplaatsbare abortuskliniek aan boord, mag eindelijk een poolse haven binnen. Het schip dat onder de nederlandse vlag vaart werd verwelkomt door voor- en tegendemonstranten en krijgt veel media aandacht in Polen. 1. Het schip van Woman On Waves legt eindelijk aan in de haven van Wladyslawowo. 2. Verplaatsbare kliniek aan boord van het schip de 'Langenort' 3. Poolse authoriteiten bekijken de Langenort 4. Pro- en anti-abortusdemonstranten verwelkomen Women On Waves 5.- 6. Women On Waves perconferentie voor poolse en internationale media. De poolse authoriteiten weerhielden de afgelopen dagen het schip een poolse haven binnen te gaan. Polen behoort bij de landen met de strengste anti-abortuswetgeving van Euopa. De "Langenort" vaart onder de nederlandse vlag, daardoor gelden de nederlandse wetten aan boord. Medische abortussen worden uitgevoerd terwijl het schip in internationale wateren vaart. Poolse anti-abortusdemonstranten (extreem rechts en religieuse fanatici) hebben de afgelopen dagen Woman On Waves sympathisanten beledigd, bedreigd en gestalkt. In de haven zijn er eieren en rode verf naar hen gegooid. De Rechtse poolse politicus Mr. Robert Strak zei op de poolse TV Dat hij van alle vrouwen die hun kind laten aborteren foto’s zal publiceren. De poolse regering heeft verklaard dat Woman On Waves niet welkom is. ______________________________ Woman On Waves bied een veilige en legale keuze. Elke 5 minuten sterft er ergens op de wereld een vrouw nodeloos, als gevolg van illegale onveilige abortus. Als antwoord op deze schending van de mensenrechten van de vrouw en medische nood, Heeft Woman On Waves een verplaatsbare kliniek op een schip dat naar landen vaart waar abortus illegaal is. Dit wordt gedaan op uitnodiging van lokale vrouwenorganisaties. Met behulp van het schip kan er voorzien worden in vroege medische abortussen, veilig, profesioneel en legaal. Woman On Waves streeft ernaar Onveilige abortussen te voorkomen en vrouwen in staat te stellen hun Mensenrechten tot lichamelijke en mentale zelfbeschikking ten uitvoer te brengen, door gezondheidszorg te combineren met sexuele voorlichting en rechtshulp. Website: http://www.WomenOnWaves.org
| Prosecuter admits that no crime has been comm | Women on Waves Press 06/22 - 23.06.2003 01:49
The Ship of Women on Waves arrived safely in the harbour of Wladyslawowo on the 22nd of June at about 14.00 hours. The ship was welcomed by Polish women’s organisations and members of Women on Waves who were standing on the docks. A small group of male associates from the League of Polish Families political party protested aggressively and threw paint and eggs at the supporters and the boat of Women on Waves. Except for this small group of radicals, Women on Waves receives a lot of support from Polish people by e-mail, personal comments and applause. We want to thank everybody for their support and we admire your courage. The ship was re-located and is now at a secured place in the harbour of Wladyslawowo. Polish customs and the local prosecutor searched the ship. The captain and another crew member had to hand over their passports. These were returned after a couple of hours. When the prosecutor left the ship he admitted publicly that no crime has been committed by Women on Waves. Women have been calling the hotline seeking information about contraceptives, sex education and they want to meet with doctors on the ship for further discussions in international waters. Women on Waves wants to raise issues that are of concern to them and their lives. Women everywhere have the right to information!
Website: http://www.womenonwaves.org/press/e_pressrelease.html | Kontrola statku WoW zakończona ! | M02 - 23.06.2003 17:57
Kontrola inspektorow Port State Control nie wykazala zadnych uchybien; holenderski statek-klinika aborcyjna jest przygotowany do zeglugi - poinformowala Anna Wypych-Namiotko, uczestniczaca w kontroli. Website: http://pl.indymedia.org/en/2003/06/2000.shtml | Expatica 23 June 2003 | LinkMichel - 23.06.2003 20:04
" Polish women will be the first to receive abortions on the ship because Women on Waves had not obtained an abortion treatment permit before it set sail for Ireland in 2001, preventing it from administering the abortion pill to Irish women. But former Health Minister Els Borst issued the medical team a permit last year to carry out abortions on women who are not more than six and a half weeks pregnant. "
Website: http://www.expatica.com/index.asp?pad=2,18,&item_id=32247 | news | vlo - 23.06.2003 21:08
At the end of the week (friday maybe) polish groups pro-choice and feminist groups are planning to make a solidarity demonstration with "Women on Waves", and against antiabortion act. news (12:15): At 14:00 today pharmacologist and prosecutor will start checking medicines if they are in accordance with polish law. Polish mainstream media informs widely about situation and why the ship is here. so informatio-war is doing his job. | boat sails | medicins sealed but may be used | willink - 25.06.2003 01:51
The boat will be allowed to sail on and off. AFP Picture of the boat lying in the harbour.
http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/030624/241/4hnm1.html AFP reports, quoting: "The boat plans during its two-week stay to make return trips between Wladyslawowo and international waters outside Poland. (...) Polish law allows abortion until the 12th week of pregnancy only if there has has been rape or incest, the mother's health is at risk or the foetus risks irreversible malformation. (...) Tensions continued to run high at the quayside, where group of protestors from the ultra-Catholic Polish League of Families prayed before a small black coffin. (...) Port manager Kazimierz Undro said there was nothing to stop it making trips into international waters once the administrative procedures were out of the way."
http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/afp/20030624/hl_afp/poland_health_030624174619 | Ship of women on waves open to public | 25.06.2003 02:55
Ship of women on waves open to public and press On Wednesday June 25 the mobile clinic on board the “Langenort”, the ship of Women on Waves, will be open to the public and press.
http://www.womenonwaves.nl/news/10.htm | boat left the Polish harbour on Thursday | ffwd. - 27.06.2003 03:15
The boat "left the Polish harbour Wladyslawowo on Thursday afternoon and headed for international waters, but a spokeswoman for the Dutch "Women on Waves" foundation refused to say if any Polish women were aboard to terminate a pregnancy."
http://www.expatica.com/index.asp?pad=2,18,&item_id=32247 | |
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