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SPIN ALI'S COVER UP IS WORKING Tom Paine - 30.06.2003 12:27
Spin Ali has blocked the investigation into his crimes. Spin Ali has managed to cover the fact that he; 1)Browbeat Scarlett into signing off on intelligence reports he fabricated which included the 45 minute lie. 2)Supplied Parliament and The UN with deliciously fabricated intelligence information, purporting to be from MI6. 3)Knowingly supplied Parliament and the US with false information about African supplies of nuclear material to Iraq. 4)Made MI6 look like clowns for supplying bum information. 5)Blocked The FA Committee from doing a proper investigation by not letting them have access to the incriminating documents and witnesses. How does he do this? He has the backing of Phoney. Phoney misled MPs and Parliament when he made this statement: I HOPE THAT PEOPLE HAVE SOME SENSE OF THE INTEGRITY OF OUR SECURITY SERVICES THEY ARE NOT PUBLISHING THIS OR GIVING US THIS INFORMATION (he should have stopped there) AND MAKING IT UP. Phoney should resign for that.
tompainee@yahoo.co.uk 101. E-Mail: tompainee@yahoo.co.uk |
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