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SUPERVISION 3000 W H Y - 30.07.2003 21:39
CALL FOR AGENTS– Codeword: SEPTEMBERACTIE  Rotterdam Brigade In the last year in Rotterdam we have seen a rapid increase in the number of politie, toezicht&beveiligings personnel, buurtagents and any other possible form of supervision. Some have guns, some walkie-talkies, some just a pad of paper, and others are just walking around SLOWLY: but they are all supervising you. But do you know what exactly they are supervising? Why do they walk so slow staring suspiciously at inanimate objects? What are they really writing about in their black notebooks? The repetetive veiligheidsindex, waarden en normen, overlast, hangjongeren, hotspots, resultaat op straat... -WHO defines this? Now,YOU can. The toezicht (supervision) industry is a rapidly growing economy in Rotterdam and we all should profit from that market sector! Sign up as an agent of SUPERVISION 3000 and you are authorized to WEAR a blue shirt WALK around slowly CARRY a notebook LOOK empowered APPLY your values and norms OBSERVE what makes you feel unsafe and annoyed MAP your problem zones FILE reports to the headquarters In the debut Septemberactie SUPERVISION 3000 wants to have as much public presence as possible throughout this month.For maximum PR effect of the new toezicht system we are looking for volunteer agents to patrol the public spaces and streets of Rotterdam in groups of minimum 2 pers (recognition effect!).What better opportunity is there than the ”September in Rotterdam" festival? We are looking for experts in diverse fields: the Art Corps can i.e. inspect i.e. the massaculturele overlast created by hangouderen or calculate the stupidification-dangerfactor at the festival opening borrels. But don‘t forget about architecture, fun-shopping or eating habits! You can even lead your own (exclusive) department. JOIN NOW ! superVISION exists only through YOUR supervision.Only together will we assemble a genuine Rotterdam encyclopedia of reports, complaints and investigations that testify to the true annoyances of Rotterdam! EMAIL US OR CHECK THE WEBSITE FOR TACTICAL DETAILS! E-Mail: innbetween@hotmail.com Website: http://www.supervision3000.tk |
Lees meer over: LINKS kunst, cultuur en muziek vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen |  | SuperVision | Refalm - 30.07.2003 21:51
SuperVision 3000... ik dacht bijna dat AudioSonic met een nieuwe handheld kwam, maar nee... | |
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