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BLAUWE AANSLAG MOET BLIJVEN the been - 28.08.2003 16:27
wat er aan de hand is op het moment met de blauwe aanslag To whom it may concern and all friends of the BLAUWE AANSLAG. In 1980 the old tax-building in The Hague was squatted. The name 'BLAUWE AANSLAG'was chosen because of the blue papers everybody gets every year to pay their tax. After the council became owner it was decided to renovate the building (with money from the governement). The people of the Blauwe Aanslag made an agreement with the council that the Blauwe Aanslag became owner and that the building would be renovated in three stages. After the first stage in 1993 the council decided to stop the renovation because all of a sudden they had other plans. They want to build a big road in the middle of the centre and the Blauwe Aanslag is standing in the way. In January 1995 the council decided to demolish and evict the Blauwe Aanslag the legal proccedures had begun. By now 8 years and lots of court cases as well have past and as it turns out that the arguments of the council are based on wrong information and false traffic counts they still want to evict. The last 23 years (almost) the Blauwe Aanslag has grown in to a multi-cultural centre with: bookshop, A vegan restaurant, Squatbar, a club, printers, cinema, cater service, metal workshop, wood workshop, voko and more. And a nice place for a lot of people to live in. Now they want to evict and demolish all that has been built up through the years. BASTARDS!! In a court case last june, the judge decided that the council doesn't have to wait all the procedures have finished. The judge said that the council can evict the Blauwe Aanslag from the 1st of October 2003. The arguments from the people from the Blauwe Aanslag were overrulled and ignored. So the Blauwe Aanslag is goin to appeal to that (court case is the 19th of september at paleis van justitie in den haag everyone is welcome) The date of 1 October has to dissapear or changed!! We have to save the Blauwe Aanslag from eviction now!!! In september we have planned actions, bands, demonstrations and parades every friday saturday and sunday Everybody is welcome in helping out, partying and participating in the actions. Join us standing up to the council Blauwe Aanslag Buitenom 216 2512 XD Den Haag Netherlands to call for information 0648740984 to call from abroard 0031648740984 BLAUWE BLIJFT !!!!! E-Mail: the_been_team@yahoo.com |
Lees meer over: wonen/kraken | aanvullingen |  | languages | talen | M02 - 28.08.2003 16:48
TIP: (in english) If you want attention for an article and subject for those who don't speak dutch (In the Netherlands and/or elsewhere), please also write the title, the intro and the article in the same language. Complete multi langual news posts are also very welcome off course. This can be done in a different post for every language version Indymedia NL editorial team can also link internationally interesting news articles to the global indymedia frontpage at http://www.indymedia.org TIP: (in het nederlands) Als je aandacht wil voor een artikel en onderwerp bij niet-nederlandstaligen (in Nederland en/of elders), schrijf dan de titel, de intro en het artikel in dezelfde taal. Compleet meertalige nieuws berichten zijn natuurlijk ook zeer welkom uiteraard. Dit kan in een aparte post voor iedere taal versie. De Indymedia NL redactie kan zelfs internationaal interesante nieuws bijdragen linken op de mondiale indymedia voorpagina http://www.indymedia.org | some corrections and additions | joost - 12.09.2003 13:04
In 1980 the old and partly demolished tax-building in The Hague was squatted. It was squatted on the request of the neighbourhood organisation because the old ruin was a harrasment to the neighbourhood. Immediately after the squat action was taken to make the building hospitable so the renovation was started at once, but it was based on a very low budget. The city council would only provide electricity and gas after a lot of campaigning. Most of the electricity and gas networks had to be fixed before it could be used. After the council became owner they forced the occupants into an union (Vereniging Blauwe Aanslag) with threats about social insurance. Whit this Vereniging it reached an official agreement about the renovation. Governement money would be used to repair damages that occurred under government responsibility and to transform the building into a nice place in three stages. The corruption that led to the demolition of the tax-building would not be prosecuted. After the first stage in 1993 the council decided to stop the renovation because all of a sudden they had other plans. They intend to build a big road in the middle of the centre and the Blauwe Aanslag is standing in that way. The council promised to relocate the Vereniging on the precondition the Vereniging would stop all legal procedures against the council plans. The Vereniging surrendered to this blackmail. But others continued the legal battle and september 19 there will be another courtcase The Vereniging may be gone but the collective the Blauwe Aanslag remains!
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