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Disclaimer: Jesus Christ and Daddy Allah ALLAH - 12.09.2003 14:40
I, Allah,(and my son Jesus Christ) notice with anguish and pain that Satan is indulging in character assassination of Allah and posting rubbish under different ID's on open publishing, thus polluting the "sea of stories" called cyber space. Satan sees the people-to-people communication as threat to his satanic kingdom and tries to sabotage this, to stop establishing the kingdom of Allah on earth. Satan is deeply involved in everything evil on this earth, but always drags my good name to deceive lovers of humanity and divert their attention from his evil doings. I am a great democrat; I did not punish Satan for turning a rebel. I did not silence him and did not gag his mouth. I do not want to hide or delete these posts. Satan has been given full freedom to criticize me. These dirty tricks reveal how low Satan has stooped. However it troubles my Public Relation Department personnel (who monitor cyber space) to brows through irrelevant messages. I declare the rumors spread by Satan that I have a web site and an e-mail address; as deplorable, mischievous and politically motivated. Neither I nor my beloved son Jesus Christ has a web site or e-mail address. Yes it is true that I have recently signed up for the e-mail address allah@humiliateamerica.com as it has a powerful spasm guard and provides a fax no also. Most importantly, I do not get e-mails titled "shape your breasts", " increase size and girth” etc. This is also true that I have commanded one faithFULL to provide my beloved son, Jesus Christ, live chat facility and now my son is available for "blessed ones" 24 hours at this URL(address). Let me reveal the truth. I like cyber world. Right from the eternity, I have habit of keeping my identity secret and working behind the screen. I love privacy. That is why I send messengers to guide humanity to tread the right path, but I did not come into open personally. However, after the advent of Internet that problem is solved. No messengers are needed now. I will directly engage humanity into a fruitful and effective dialogue which can facilitate to establish kingdom of Allah on earth. After Mohammad, the last messenger of Allah, it has become all the more necessary. I am not sending messengers any more. However my son Jesus Christ will personally come to guide you after the world war III. The character assassination of those who are not available to defend themselves and give their own version of the story is a sin. The cyber space is full of character assassination of Allah and his messengers. That is indecency. You criticize Quran, Islamic theology but invoking psychological motives to historical figures is not good. History cannot be explained in terms of psychology of historical figures that is irrational. There is a line of separation between biography and history, between psychology and sociology that should not be blurred. A war is going on between evil and good, between love and hate, between Satan and Allah, between lovers of humanity and followers of kingdom of Satan, in which Satan plays all kind dirty tricks. Recent postings in open publish alleging my involvement in Sept 11 killings is the part of Satan’s campaign against supporters of kingdom of Allah. As you know that killing of Sept 11 was result of internecine war between various satanic sects. so is the attack on Afghanistan and Iraq. The satanic sects like Bush regime, Taliban regime, and Saddam regime etc, and their agents are bleeding humanity in their internecine wars and conflicts. Why to drag good name of Allah for all this. I strongly refute these allegations. I see war and terrorism on earth as sectarian conflicts in the kingdom of Satan. All the actors belong to one or the other satanic sects. All of them are enemies humanity and do not belong to me. The kingdom of Satan is in deep crisis; Satan has failed to put his house in order. Satan instead of addressing the real problems facing satanic kingdom, is blaming Allah for everything that went wrong in his satanic kingdom. If Allah is to be blamed for killing a few Americans on Sept 11, Who is responsible for killing hundred thousands of human being during wars, pogroms and genocides? Who roasted Jews alive? Who unleashed world wars? Who killed babies in Iraq? Who carpet-bombed Afghanistan? Even name of Allah was not invoked in these killings. It was in the name of fictious (white) God that these people were killed As you know that Satan has established new religion on earth, that is called nationalism (those who believe in this satanic religion are called patriots and those who preach and administer it are called nationalists.). All wars are conflict between nationalist satanic forces. These war and conflicts prove that Satan’s efforts to unify its forces and strengthen its kingdom on earth through globalization have utterly failed. No unification is possible under kingdom of Satan who survives on creating dissension and divisions among human beings. Some satanic sects resist any attempt to do away with their unique identity, autonomy and independence within the kingdom of Satan and they resort to terrorism and war. Satan tries to unify its kingdom under one flag with the use or threat to use of WMD (weapons of mass destruction). But there are well-entrenched satanic sects that resist such attempts. Blaming Allah is Satan’s diversionary tactic. There can be no peace without justice, satanic kingdom is based on injustice and deceit, cannot promise peace. There can be no peace unless humanity is integrated and kingdom of Allah is established on earth. For this kingdom of Satan has to be dismantled, more lovers of humanity delay this, more violent shall be the collapse of Kingdom of Satan. Satan was once one of the most obedient angels. When I created Adam, Satan was not impressed with my creation and started finding faults. The arguments continued and culminated in rebellion by Satan. Since then Satan leaves no stone unturned to mislead man and exploit man’s weaknesses while as my son Jesus Christ strives to prove that Allah's creation is perfect and human nature is essentially good. When my son, Jesus Christ, was among human being preaching love and peace. One dozen agents of Satan besieged him. They hatched a conspiracy and killed my son, bleeding him to death. Not only this Dirty Dozen diluted his messages of love with hate mongering and formed a gang (called church) to in cash on common people’s love for my son. Thus enslaved millions of people under Christianity. This gang has guts to call my beloved son Jesus Christ, the son of fictious (white)God. It is outrageous. I have created humanity in all shades and colors not in black and white. But colorblind agents of Satan divide humanity according their colour of the skin. These followers of Satan can only see black and white colour. All human beings are color full, not in black and white. The church believes in white God, fictious and false God, a big lie and Satan’s creation. How can white God beget non-white son like Jesus Christ. It is against the principles of genetics. There is no God but Allah!! For me the Earth is like a small particle of dust. I do not accord so much importance to earth and humanity. After all I am the master and the creator of this universe. However it is my son Jesus Christ who is lover of humanity and determined to establish the kingdom of Allah on earth. I am non-interventionist, my son is interventionist. I am non-partisan in the affairs of humanity, my son Jesus Christ is partisan, involved in fight against Satan. I observes "dis-interested neutrality" while my son is concerned what is going on the earth. I am devoid of emotions and my son Jesus Christ is emotional and sentimental. That is the problem. I love my only Son, Jesus Christ and he is a lover of humanity. It is love of my son that I sent messengers on earth to guide humanity. (However my communication with man has always been oral not written one. The so-called divine books are not mine, the Bible have been written after my beloved son was crucified by the agents of Satan, the “Dirty Dozen” who had laid siege of my son. They compiled a book and called it Bible.) It is love of my son that I signed up for the e-mail at allah@humiliateamerica.com to be in touch with human beings. It is love of my son that I have commanded one of the faithfully to set up a web site for my son and arrange a live chat with human beings. The situation on earth is always the topic of discussion between me and my son. Jesus wants to descent on earth and stop satanic barbarism there. I try to impress upon my son that it is not safe to send him before the world war third when the weapons of mass destruction under the control of satanic forces will get destroyed. Jesus wants to prove that he has sowed the seeds of love on earth that will put kingdom of Satan in trouble, making a case to be allowed to descend on earth again. But I point to the dangers my only son might face on earth in the hands of Satan. Jesus Christ views Aljazaeera TV channel and I get cyber space monitored through Public Relation Department to keep an eye on evil activities and covert operations of Satan. Jesus Christ always comes with new proposals of divine intervention to stop Satan to destroy good on earth. I seek lacunae’s and loopholes in these proposals as I do not want to be played in the hands of Satan and want to ensure safety of my son. He wanted to descend over New York city with pomp and show along with thousands of angels scattered all over the sky. But when I told him that American satanic regime would take this as an attack by Osama bin laden and all of you will be targeted. He was saddened. Today’s world situation is a difficult one. I explain my son that he cannot wander from city to city to spread the message of love. Satan has divided his followers between different sects and each sect dominating and controlling a portion of earth what they call a country or a nation. The agents of Satan keep 24 hours vigils over the borders and allow only those who have visa (meaning permission) of the satanic regime to enter or to leave the country. Suppose Jesus Christ tries to enter into America, his beard and non-white skin will make him a suspect and he will be interrogated. If he could not prove his identity, he will be charged under Patriot Act as a terrorist- (a satanic sect hostile to satanic America) and sent to Guantomono bay where he will be put in a cage. He was saddened. When my son witnessed death and destruction in Iraq, babies and their mothers being brutally killed. Iraqis being hand cuffed, dragged and humiliated by satanic forces. He felt as if he was being dragged towards the cross again. He told me that the ancestors of these Iraqis might have been the playmates of him and urged me to do something for them. Since I am non-interventionist, I could do nothing. My son beseeched me to allow him descend over Baghdad. which was engulf in smoke at that time. I told my son that he will be killed and humiliated hand cuffed. This time I am not going to tolerate and sit idle and watch him being humiliated. I will ionize whole earth and it will disappear in thin air. Both good and evil on earth will vanish. This is playing in the hands of Satan. Jesus was saddened. Whenever my beloved son sees lovers of humanity raising their fist against Satan on earth, he comes running towards me crying, “Daddy Daddy look there is a lover humanity. Now permit me to descent on earth.” “look Daddy, Sherman Austin web master of www.raisethefist.com raises his fist against Satan. But when I told him that soon a white American judge will sentence and imprison him, Jesus got disappointed. I am all knowing. During Iraq war my son remained glued to T.V set, viewing live coverage of the war on Aljazeera T.V channel. He saw human shields in Iraq willing to sacrifice their lives for the sake of life of a fellow human being. but he was anxious when satanic American troops deliberately targeted journalist in Iraq. Jesus Christ immediately put all the human shield activists under his shield of safety to protect them against any satanic attack. He came running to me "Daddy Daddy this is the right time for intervention, send me to earth again.". But I told him that one of the human shields Ms Faith Fippinger will soon be fined and imprisoned by satanic America when she reaches home. We can do nothing. My son Jesus Christ was saddened. (By M.A.Hussain) Also read: Also read: What is Real Islam? Understanding Political Islam Why I renounced Islam and Humanism? Is American imperialism international terrorism? Three America's E-Mail: allah@humiliateamerica.com Website: http://www.humiliateamerica.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=384 |
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