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Jaap, NATO, Turkey and PSY-OPS 24.09.2003 20:55
Een van de klussen van Jaap de Hoop-Scheffer als secretaris-generaal van de NATO is het beinvloeden van de Europese Publieke Opinie over de positieve rol van Turkije binnen de NATO. De "belangrijke rol van Turkije voor de veiligheid van Europa" moet ons worden uitgelegd. We kunnen ons dus klaar maken voor lovende woorden over het martelende en anderszins de mensenrechten schendend Turkije. NATO, Amerikaanse inspanningen dus, om de publieke opinie in Europa te beinvloeden om Turkije toe te laten tot de EU. De Hoop-Scheffer kennende lijkt het redelijk dat hij ook in deze achter de Amerikanen zal gaan staan. De Turkse staat heeft er alle vertrouwen in in elk geval.  Fallaka De Turkish Daily News berichte vandaag over "NATO Seminar on Turkey and European Security in Brussel" "The meeting is reported to have discussed NGO's, NATO's renewal agenda and the role Turkey plays in this scope. Besides the presentations performed by NATO officials on the main issues of the alliance's agenda, the recent developments in transatlantic relations and Turkey's point of view regarding them, interaction between the business world and security were also among the issues dealt with. In the NATO declaration regarding these issues, the very importance of providing public opinion a degree of awareness concerning NATO's activities and developments in internationall security was underlined. It was stated that to be engaged in a dialogue with certain elements, especially with the business world heavily taking part in the establishment and implementation of security policies, was crucial since they stood for a big part of the Alliance's public diplomacy strategy. Referring to the coming NATO summit which will be held in Istanbul in May 2004, the declaration pointed out the central position Turkey has gained within the framework of the alliance's enlargement. The seminar, accordingly, was designed to contribute to the necessary interaction Turkey had to undertake with the related units. Finally, taking the fight against terrorism and security issues into consideration, the Turkish representatives expressed their discontent because of some allies' callousness concerning those subjects. " Scheidend Secretaris Generaal van de NATO Robertson gaf hoog op over Turkije en stelde dat "(the) European public opinion should be informed on the issue more comprehensively.". Turkish Daily news melde: Robertson made a speech entitled, "The importance of Turkey for NATO and its role in the development of the alliance", and said Turkish and European Union public opinion should be informed on Turkey's efficiency in the Alliance." Een klus voor Jaap dus. "NATO officials said Turkey's strategic importance is increasing, and both Turks and Western Europeans should be aware of this" en "Turkey's efficiency in NATO is an important factor regarding its full membership to the European Union." "NATO summit that will be held in Istanbul will be a historic chance for the promotion of Turkey," NATO officials added. Over Jaap de Hoop-Scheffer meldde de officiele persverklaring van de schurkenstaat: "Within this scope our country believes that Mr. De Hoop Scheffer will fulfil his duties and responsibilities stemming from his post in the most efficient way," Gezien de recente slaafse houding van Nederland ten opzichte van de USA zouden ze daar wel eens gelijk in kunnen krijgen... Gebruikte bron: http://www.turkishdailynews.com Website: http://www.ozgurluk.org/torture.html |
aanvullingen |  | dat kan leuk worden | Gerrit - 25.09.2003 09:22
Dat wordt waarschijnlijk wel wat, Jaap de HS is ooit voorzichtig afgeserveerd als kandidaat voor commissaris van de provincie Overijssel, dat leek ze niet zo'n goed idee om zo'n man zoveel verantwoordelijkheid te geven. Verder schijnt onze Jozias van Aartsen eigenlijk de voorkeur van Bush cs. te hebben gehad, maar Jozias vond het allemaal rte lang duren en verkoos daarom fractieleider van de vvd te worden. Jaap is dus ook nog tweede keus. | Vervolg | Liberaal - 16.10.2003 19:15
Addressing a seminar on European Defence organised by the European Liberal Democrat and Reform Group, Gönül said that Turkey was considered a part of the EU family, and had played a significant role in maintaining peace and security in Europe since the Second World War. As such, it also had a role to play in the formation of the new European defence force, he said. Saying that Turkey and contributed to peace keeping and crisis prevention activities in Afghanistan, Kosovo, Georgia and Middle East in recent years, Gönül said that Turkey had much to offer the ESDP. Under the present conditions of the ESDP, only member nations of the EU are able to have a major role and hold veto power on the command and deployment of resources. However, the new defence organisation is entitled to call on the resources of European NATO members, including Turkey, though such countries are not included within the command structure of the ESDP. The formation and future of the ESDP was of great importance for Turkey, the Minister said, saying that Ankara was prepared to contribute to the successful implementation of the project. Turkeys gaining full membership of the EU would solve many problems in defence field and NATO-EU relations, Gönül said. | NATO: Behind the Curtains | 03.04.2004 00:33
ISTANBUL - Colloquy on dialogue between Europe and the Middle East, which will be organized by Council of Europe Parliamentary General Assembly's Sub-Committee on the Middle East, and the Assembly's Chairmanship Council meeting will be held in Istanbul between April 6 and 7. Releasing a written statement, Parliamentary National Palaces Department said on Friday that Chairmanship Council meeting in which Turkish Parliament Speaker Bulent Arinc will participate and the colloquy would be held in the Ritz Carlton Hotel. Arinc will inaugurate the Chairmanship Council meeting on April 6. The colloquy will be held on April 7. (GC-AÖ) 02.04.2004
Website: http://www.turkishpress.com/turkishpress/news.asp?ID=18836 | |
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