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 | hoezo de islam? | think twice - 11.10.2003 00:53
Er zijn weinig landen waar islamisten meer vervold worden dan in Egypte. De Egyptische gevangenissen tellen tienduizenden politieke gevangen waarvan de grote meerderheid leden zijn van islamistische organisaties. Meteen "foei die islam" roepen is er dus weer glad naast. Je had beter eens kunnen uithalen naar het stugge regime van Moebarak. Maar bon daarvoor moet je al weer effe nadenken en dat is aan jongens als jij niet besteedt. | Human Rights Watch is CIA | Christian Dick - 13.10.2003 14:17
En hou eens op om HRW voor te stellen als een bonafide mensenrechten organisatie. HRW werd opgericht door Soros met als bedoeling het communisme te bevechten en is een instrument van de CIA om de Amerikaanse belangen te behartigen.
http://lists.econ.utah.edu/pipermail/leninist-international/2001-August/010148.html "In 1975, "Helsinki Watch" was created to monitor what it termed "human rights abuses." It was the main institution that spread anti-Soviet propaganda. With the support of financier George Soros, the organization grew into what is now called Human Rights Watch. Soros established the Open Society Institute in New York City with the money he had made in investment exploits. His company, the Quantum Group, was the most successful financial fund in the world in its over 30 years of investment history. Soros has operated "hedge funds," which create nothing but produce superprofits for himself and his fellow investors. "At Human Rights Watch, for example, there is Morton Abramowitz, U.S. assistant secretary of state for intelligence and research from 1985-1989` and now a fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations; Warren Zimmerman former ambassador “whose spell in Yugoslavia coincided with the break up of that country”; and Paul Goble, director of communications “at the CIA-created Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (which Soros also funds).” According to Clark, Soros’ International Crisis Group “boasts such ‘independent’ luminaries as the former national security advisers Zbigniew Brzezinki and Richard Allen, as well as General Wesley Clark, once NATO supreme allied commander for Europe. The group’s vice-chairman is the former congressman Stephen Solarz, once described as ‘the Israel lobby’s chief legislative tactician on Capitol Hill’ and a signatory, along with the likes of Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz, to a notorious letter to President Clinton in 1998 calling for a ‘comprehensive political and military strategy for brining down Saddam and his regime’.”
http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/TAL307A.html etc. Working with Soros on the Human Rights Watch's Europe Committee are former Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research Morton Abramowitz, who was in the Reagan and Bush administrations, and Paul Goble, a commentator on Radio Free Europe--a major Cold War enterprise funded by the U.S. Congress and the CIA. | |
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