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CHEMTRAILS: Worldwide Chemical Spraying Michael Irving, of World-Action - 19.10.2003 08:30
CHEMTRAILS: Global Aerial Spraying of Chemicals Becoming Severe STOP CHEMTRAILS ------------------------------------- WWW.STOP-CHEMTRAILS.COM Announcing a NEW Chemtrail website for people who have had enough of being poisoned by the air we breathe: 'STOP-CHEMTRAILS'
http://www.stop-chemtrails.com ------------------------------------- WORLDWIDE 'STOP CHEMTRAILS' ACTION. A global FORUM for STOP CHEMTRAILS action. Proboard's 'STOP CHEMTRAILS' Action Forum:
http://stopchemtrails.proboards24.com 'Welcome to the new STOP CHEMTRAILS forum -- Join the GLOBAL fight to STOP CHEMICALS being sprayed in OUR SKIES -- STOP CHEMTRAILS NOW':
http://stopchemtrails.proboards24.com STOP CHEMTRAILS Forum's ACTION and Global Chemtrail REPORTING boards ....... Action Plans To Stop Worldwide Chemtrail Spraying ---- STOP CHEMTRAILS - UK ---- STOP CHEMTRAILS - EUROPE ---- STOP CHEMTRAILS - USA ---- STOP CHEMTRAILS - CANADA ---- STOP CHEMTRAILS - AUSTRALIA ---- STOP CHEMTRAILS - NEW ZEALAND Reports Of Worldwide Chemtrail Spraying ---- Chemtrail Reports From UK ---- Chemtrail Reports From EUROPE ---- Chemtrail Reports From USA ---- Chemtrail Reports From Canada ---- Chemtrail Reports From AUSTRALIA ---- Chemtrail Reports From NEW ZEALAND 'STOP CHEMTRAILS' Global Action Forum:
http://stopchemtrails.proboards24.com (Please use sensible usernames when registering -- this is a serious business. i.e. I have recently heard of babies being taken into hospital Casualty departments with serious breathing difficulties. Etc.) ------------------------------------- NEW 'STOP CHEMTRAILS' YAHOO NEWS LIST. New Yahoo News Group - 'STOP CHEMTRAILS':
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/stop-chemtrails-news Join this Yahoo NEWS LIST and send your global Chemtrail reports to me for possible worldwide distribution --- especially details of ACTION being taken to STOP this Chemtrail madness. ------------------------------------- WWW.WORLD-ACTION.CO.UK World-Action Worldwide Websites:
http://www.world-action.org/chemtrails.html Special 'STOP-CHEMTRAILS' Website:
http://www.stop-chemtrails.com New 'STOP CHEMTRAILS' Global Forum:
http://stopchemtrails.proboards24.com New 'STOP CHEMTRAILS' Yahoo News Group:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/stop-chemtrails-news ------------------------------------- "We must do what we conceive to be the right thing and not bother our heads or burden our souls with whether we will be successful. Because if we don’t do the right thing, we will be doing the wrong thing and we will just be a part of the disease and not a part of the cure." --- E. F. Schumacher PLEASE FORWARD THIS 'STOP CHEMTRAILS' INFORMATION TO FRIENDS, CONTACTS, AND GROUPS. Thank You --- World-Action E-Mail: michael@world-action.co.uk Website: http://www.world-action.co.uk |
aanvullingen |  | As a chemtrail witness.... | Cuz - 19.10.2003 15:47
Due to the fact that my girlfriend worked for British Airways until recently and also that I live in a fighter jet practice zone, I ended up becoming a bit of a sky watcher. For years the skies were clear except for the odd contrail from a US bound plane hi up that would soon disipate into nothing after a few minutes. In the past I had heard of chemtrails, but as I had never seen one I have to admit to being skeptical. But then at about the same time as the recent Iraq war started, the sky over Scotland suddenly became filled with trails from planes that were seemingly coming from all directions. At first there were parallel lines, then crosses, then little bits of rainbows on an otherwise clear day except for trails, then halos would appear around the sun, now I am seeing dark lines appearing ahead of planes that fly high up parallel to each other. Not only that but people are developing flu like symptoms frequently. So please Tom listen to us, or should I just pull the bed clothes over my head and go back to sleep and hope everything will be ok in the morning. It won't be! Sorry but I can't do that, as I do not believe that my eyes are decieving me, I feel that this is a genuine problem that will not go away by itself and needs to be dealt with. Just like G.W.Bush said about terrorism, "You are either with us or you are against us". Tom, which side are you on? (I have picked my side, but I do not support terrorism) Cuz. Cuz Homepage: http://antidote.v21hosting.co.uk/
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