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FTAA-top Miami 20-21 november Latinos Locos - 22.10.2003 12:40
20-21 november worden in Miami de FTAA-onderhandelingen voorgezet tijdens een Ministeriële bijeenkomst en tevens het VIII Americas Business Forum. Op de nieuwe FTAA Indymedia site wordt al veel gepost over akties, alternatieve forums en demonstraties die georganiseerd zullen worden in Miami. Op de site is ook achtergrond informatie over de FTAA en vrijhandelsverdragen in Latijns Amerika te vinden.  ftaa imc site Nieuw: FTAA Indymedia Site
http://www.ftaaimc.org Stop de FTAA!! No al ALCA!! ---------------------------------- STOP THE FTAA! ANOTHER WORLD IS POSSIBLE! uit: http://www.stopftaa.org/ The FTAA is coming to Miami where ministers will be meeting from November 20-21. START NOW TO STOP THE FTAA! Come down to Florida for the week to Fight for Fair Trade. Four years ago in February of 1999 in Seattle, a motley network of 80 activists first came together to plan for the civil society mobilization against the WTO. Similarly historic meetings are regularly taking place in Miami, throughout Florida and around the country to begin planning the civil society welcome for the FTAA with events scheduled for November 17th – 21st in downtown Miami. Be a part of this mobilization against corporate-controlled globalization – and help Stop the FTAA! There are already plans for: Teach-ins and seminars, reality tours, concerts and forums, rallies and marches, and many more ways to get our Fair Trade message out! Folks from Florida and around the country will be joined by activists from around the world linking the local issues to the global fights, while building solidarity and alternatives. Folks from Florida and around the country will be joined by activists from around the world linking the local issues to the global fights and building solidarity and alternatives. MEANWHILE: GET CONNECTED, EDUCATE AND ORGANIZE All over the hemisphere, folks are learning about “NAFTA on Steroids” and fighting corporate rule. The FTAA is an expansion of NAFTA, a Proven Disaster It’s being negotiated without Citizen Input The FTAA will undermine Labor Rights, Push Down Wages and cause Job Loss It will hasten Environmental Degradation The FTAA will hurt Family Farmers It will lead to privatization and extreme deregulation of Essential Services Corporations will be given outrageous rights to sue Governments The FTAA will jeopardize consumer safeguards It will spread the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) It will deny access to lifesaving medicines for millions of people The FTAA will make the rich richer and increase poverty throughout the hemisphere ------------------------------------------- meer over FTAA en vrijhandelsverdragen in Latijns Amerika:
http://www.noticias.nl/globalisering.php Tien argumenten tegen de FTAA:
http://www.noticias.nl/globalisering_artikel.php?id=277 |
Lees meer over: globalisering | aanvullingen |  | real world radio on the air again | Mo - 23.10.2003 13:57
* sorry, ff geen tijd om nederlandse vertaling te fabrieken*
http://www.radiomundoreal.fm real world radio started on October 21st a special coverage of the new Free Trade of Area of the Americas (FTAA) negotiation round and the mobilizations that will take place during the November 17-22 FTAA Summit in Miami. You can listen to the the programs via the website http://www.radiomundoreal.fm in English, Spanish or Portuguese, or by means of one of the more than 300 community radios that are part of AMARC, the World Association of Community Radios ( http://www.amarc.org) in Latin America and the Caribbean. real world radio is an initiative of Friends of the Earth International ( http://www.foei.org) and AMARC, and it intends to show the impacts of "trade liberalization" in Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as the many ways available for local communities to resist transnational corporations. real world radio also has a space available for community radios, organizations and independent producers from all over Latin America to exchange materials.
http://www.radiomundoreal.fm | |
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