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Actie voor JuanRa in Barcelona fwd. - 28.10.2003 00:59
Avui, dilluns CAP to them 20:00 hores, prop of 100 persones s´han concentrat durant one hour, davant of the Delegació of the Govern, to ciutat of Barcelona. Convocatòria s´ha realitzat to per to protest davant l´extradició to pres polític català Juan Ra.  foto vertaling gewenst. Zie verder:
http://barcelona.indymedia.org/newswire/display/57850/index.php |
aanvullingen | rough translation | indymedia - 28.10.2003 10:36
Today, at around 8pm, about 100 people assembled for one hour outside the Barcelona City Council chambers. they gathered to protest against the (arrest/extradition/imprisonment) of Catalan politician Juanra. | |
aanvullingen | |