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Open Leter to Nobel Peace Commitee Organisation for Women's Liberation. - 29.10.2003 23:33
The Open letter to Noble Peace Committee Petition to Nobel Peace Commitee was created by 600 People.
http://www.petitiononline.com/NOBEL/petition.html To: Nobel Peace Commitee Signed by 700 well known Human/Women’s/Children’s Rights activists Copy to: Mrs Shirin Ebadi Women’s and Children’s Organisations Political Parties and organisations Mass Media 12/10/2003 Dear Committee members, We the undersigned, hereby, demonstrate our protest to the explanation given by the Noble Peace Committee regarding awarding this year’s Noble Peace Prize. In its statement, the Committee has explained that the Peace prize is awarded to Mrs Shirin Ebadi as “a woman who is part of the Moslem world.” Thus identifying the people of Iran and millions of men and women in all the Islamic stricken countries to this “world”. The only connection of the people in Iran has been the life of brutality and suppression imposed on them by Islamic laws. The only aspect of Islam that people identify themselves with is to fight against it. The statement further explains that the prize is awarded to Mrs Ebadi because “Ebadi is a conscious Moslem. She sees no conflict between Islam and fundamental human rights.” Presumably, the Committee believes this description would initiate delight and joy to people of Iran! The fact of the matter is that people of Iran see the Islamic Republic with all its laws and regulations as the cause of the hardship, poverty, destitution, women’s suppression and the brutal state of children’s rights. We the undersigned would like to express our indignation to such explanations and implications. We together with the people of Iran, see the law of hijab (Islamic veil) as violation of our most basic rights. We see how Islam is enforcing sexual apartheid in the society, we see how Islamic law on marriage perpetuates rape of children, we see how Islamic law of eye for an eye and stoning is ruining the lives of millions of people in Iran… The list is endless. We regard the whole philosophy of Islamic government in violation of human and civil rights. Contrary to your explanation, there is a whole world of contradiction between political Islam and human rights. There is no common ground between women’s and children’s rights and Islam. Your statement not only refuses to address these issues, but by endorsing, it paves the way to consolidating the very cause of violation of human rights in Iran. People in Iran, especially women, are paying the price of such international praises, by being denied their rights under Islamic laws. They are struggling for equality and a secular state. Twenty-four years of torture, execution, sexual apartheid, child poverty, and the demands for freedom and a secular state through the daily struggle of people in Iran are proof enough that there is every contradiction between Islam and basic human rights. We regard the statement by the Noble Peace Prize Committee against the interests of women, children and the people of Iran, and hence condemn it. Signatures Sincerely, The Undersigned E-Mail: farshad55@hotmail.com Website: http://www.azadizan.com/english/index.htm |
Lees meer over: Agenda | aanvullingen |  | Signed by 700 well known activists??? | eendje - 30.10.2003 11:08
Hier is iets vreemds mee aan de hand. Na lang zoeken op de gelinkte pagina vond ik: een lijst van 177 (!) activisten en 12 online ondertekenaars. Bekende activisten? Wie zal 't zeggen, er zit er geloof ik niet 1 tussen waar ik ooit eerder van heb gehoord. Zelfs Ayaan Hirsi Ali die toch zou moeten smullen van een dergelijke actie ontbreekt op de lijst ondertekenaars. | |
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