ALF & ELF actions militantvegan - 01.11.2003 12:09
ALF & ELF actions HOE MAAK JE VERFBOMMEN? 1 november 2003 – Zweden Op de website staan foto’s hoe je stap voor stap verfbommetjes kunt fabriceren. PIJLEN AFGESCHOTEN. 1 november 2003 - Italie Hetvolgende communique werd ontvangen door de Morini campagne in Italie; “ 2 pijlen zijn afgeschoten naar Arco Spedizioni in de nacht van 25 op 26 oktober, waardoor de ruiten kapot gingen. We willen een duidelijk boodschap naar buiten brengen; de dieren kunnen niet langer wachten. We zijn bereid om te vechten op welke manier dan ook. Morini moet dicht en de dieren, mensen en moeder aarde zullen bevrijdt worden.” In dezelfde nacht werden andere Arco filialen in Ravenna aangevallen en ruiten ingegooid met stenen. ALF SABOTEERT STEEPLE-CHASE, PAARDENWEDSTRIJD. 1 november 2003 – Australie “onder de dekking van een dikke mist, betraden leden van het ALF de racebaan in Yarra Glen, victoria. De volgende dag zouden er paardenraces worden gehouden. De ALF activisten ontmantelden de starthokken, verwijderden 20 zware metalen hekken en lieten deze verdwijnen. Het start platform werd kapotgeslagen. Kabels, en hangijzers werden ook vernield. De jury-zitplaatsen werden ondergespoten met anti-race slogans en de letters ALF. Een groot obstakel dat onderdeel was van de race werd weggebrand door vriendelijke vlammen.” An unknown group has taken credit for extensive sabotage at the site of a Walmart under construction in Martinsville, Indiana. An anonymous communique, sent to the ELF Press Office, claims the action took place on the 24th October and did significant damage to heavy machinery being used on site, as well as to the site itself. 10/24/2003 Martinsville, IN we visited a construction site for a new Wal-Mart store. We pulled up dozens of survey stakes, spraypainted building walls and machines. Sabotage was done to over a dozen pieces of heavy machinery and vehicles by putting sand in the fuel tanks, slashing tires, and cutting engine hoses and tubes. Before leaving we broke out 20-30 construction machine windows. We are overwhelmed by the amount of shit society offers us. We look around us and see our lives displayed in neon lighting. In one city block there is a McDonald's, a Chevron, a couple of banks, and a Taco Bell. Two massive car dealerships glow in the short distance, the new SUV's proudly displayed in the front. We can even see the old Wal-Mart which apparently wasn't large enough or new enough to satiate a growing population of consumers. Everything must be new, and it must be big. Even the highway passing through town isn't big enough. And there is nothing unique about this specific location. This is life in North America. This is becoming everywhere. But what life is to be found in this? Some will have us believe that this is what should be desirable to us. Things are just large enough to keep us looking and shopping. Things are just fast enough that we never even have to leave our cars for most of our transactions, as we speed off to work. Everything is convenient and people are satisfied, and for those who might be discontent with this reality, there is plenty of televison to watch. Most people are content with this, but we are not. We know that life does not have to be one monotonous routine played out over and over again. We know that the places we live can offer us much more than Wal-Marts and McDonalds and Chevrons. We know, because at times we have experienced a break with this reality, and know that other possibilities exist. and how can things change really? For us, sabotage may not be a means to change any world but our own, as an expression of our feelings toward this society. We strike for ourselves, out of our own frustrations, and rage and a means of therapy and adventure. Because to not act, or to resign oneself to such an impoverished life of working and consuming is not good enough for us. We are not content and we intened to express this. This society offers us shit...How can we repay them? Website: |