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SUPERVISION 3000 REPORTS: Blauwe Herfst SuperVision3000 - 04.11.2003 18:17
As the weather turns cold, blue shirts turn to black coats but Rotterdam still needs your Super Vision.  Rotterdam needs your Super Vision! --------------------------------------- Supervision3000 Link: ALERT GROUP( http://www.alert-group.nl/alert_intro.htm) Browsing through the links of participants in the November 20-22 ALLES VOOR UW VEILIGHEID Beurs ( http://www.allesvooruwveiligheid.nl) ("Everything for your Safety") at the AHOY! Complex in Rotterdam, we found the Alert Group. On our link list, we have some other security agency websites but this one is breath-taking. Follow the "Flash Intro" link on the home page and discover what industrial drum & bass musicians have for career alternatives in the Netherlands! Terminator-esque aesthetics are decontextualized from their dystopian critique to decorate yet another opportunistic private security agency. Once again, behind the scenes we have a group of "innovative" young graphic designers and musicians devoting their talents towards greater social control. Congratulations Pager-Productions( http://www.pager-productions.nl/)! You need our SuperVision!
http://www.supervision3000.tk --------------------------------------- Stasi for better living: The All-Seeing Eye of Rotterdam At first I naively thought this was similar to the Big Brother award, a bronze Orwellian boot stamping on a head, given in disdain to agencies and corporations that trample on human rights and privacy. The Eye of Rotterdam is a masonic pyramid with an all-seeing eye on top like Poindexter’s Total Information Awareness logo. But now I believe, to my horror, that this “prize” is awarded by the city of Rotterdam to citizens who snitch on neighbors, not with irony, but as a token of appreciation! Do we then have in Rotterdam an informal Stasi network forming? Unfortunately, I believe so... —2002 U.S. Senate candidate Rick Stanley READ FULL REPORT on http://www.supervision3000.tk --------------------------------------- Meer Blauw op Straat —Einhard Visscher over een paar jaar houdt de ene helft van de bevolking de andere in de gaten; uniformen domineren het straatbeeld onder het waakzaam oog van camera's maar toch blijft het gezellig een veilig warm gevoel verspreidt zelfs in de winter een aangename behaaglijkheid en des zomers beschijnt de zon gezinsvriendelijke vrijetijdsbesteding in genotsmiddelvrije parken onder toezicht van het bevoegd gezag en tjonge wat ziet alles er keurig uit met al die splinternieuwe kantoren er wordt geschrobd en geboend dat het een aard heeft nergens een papiertje te bekennen en sinds het algehele rookverbod in de Rijnmond van kracht is zijn ook de peuken verdwenen (...) READ FULL POEM on http://www.supervision3000.tk --------------------------------------- CIVIC TV (URAUFFÜHRUNG) Rotterdam is going to hell. What can we do about it? ZATERDAG 22 November @ Het Poortgebouw, Stieltjesstraat 38 aanvang 14.00 uur Civic TV receives voices from individuals and groups with alternative visions of the urban experience which desperately need to be amplified and broadcasted in Rotterdam. On November 22, the first episode of Civic TV will showcase subjective/subversive strategies which struggle with indoctrinated notions of the urban experience and question the authorities regulating the physical and mental environment. Through presentation, performance and interventions in the city, Civic TV is kaleidoscopic channelling of stories from diverse participants from inside and outside Rotterdam whose instigations atomize the monodimensional vision of civic normality. more info: http://www.poortgebouw.nl Surveillance: SUPERVISION 3000 / WHY Rotterdam http://www.why-rotterdam.tk SOCIAL FICTION http://www.socialfiction.org DE HONDENKOEKJESFABRIEK http://www.angelfire.com/stars3/fcknbstrds/de-HONDENKOEKJESFABRIEK.html AUTONOOM CENTRUM http://www.autonoomcentrum.nl SAUL ALBERTS / SPACE-HIJACKERS (UK) http://www.spacehijackers.org + more to be confirmed --------------------------------------- E-Mail: innbetween@hotmail.com Website: http://www.supervision3000.tk |
Lees meer over: LINKS kunst, cultuur en muziek vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen |  | |