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PROTESTS AGAINST AUA (AUSTRIAN AIRLINES) Burma Campaign Austria - 07.11.2003 18:29
In Holland protests against Austrian Airlines (AUA) and daughter company Lauda Air have now broadened. On 27 October 2003 at Schiphol FNV, BCN und Burmese refugees protested against AUA - Lauda Air's flights to Burma. In Holland, the protests against Austrian Airlines (AUA) and daughter company Lauda Air have now escalated. In a large action, 27 October 2003, at the national Dutch airport (Schiphol), the leader of the largest trade union in The Netherlands (FNV-chairman Lodewijk de Waal) has protested against AUA - Lauda Airs' flights to Burma on Friday. Some 50 Burmese refugees in Holland and some 30 more representatives of FNV and Burma Center Netherlands have distributed thousands of protest cards against Austrian Airlines - Lauda Air to airline authorities and passengers (including AUA-passengers). Trade union leader De Waal gave a satiric-critical warning to AUA-authorities at the Dutch airport. Passengers reacted surprised but also in general very positively on the campaign. In the last couple of day's ten thousands of protest cards against AUA - Lauda Air have been distributed in a number of European countries (in German, English and Dutch languages). In 13 European countries, protest campaigns against AUA - Lauda Air have been started already. Every week during the holiday season hundreds of tourists fly to Burma with Lauda Air, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Austrian Airlines. Lauda Air also promotes Burma as a holiday destination even though the EU, the Dutch government and Burmese opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi all officially discourage tourism to the country. Burma is ruled by a brutal military regime which is guilty of human rights abuses on a vast scale. Very recently, the only independent Burmese trade union (FTUB), the political party of Nobel Peace Prize Winner Aung San Suu Kyi (NLD) and the Burmese Government in Exile (NCGUB) have all written strong requests to AUA - Lauda Air to ban their flight to Burma immediately. E-Mail: burma_campaign_austria@linuxmail.org |
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