Target: InterContinental - Make Them Pay for Anti-FTAA - 13.11.2003 17:44
Show your solidarity with activists in the Americas! Help us defeat the FTAA! *** Please translate and re-post!! *** Target: InterContinental Hotel Make Them Pay for Hosting the FTAA!!!!! Days of Action: November 19-21, 2003 This November 19-21, the InterContinental Hotel in Miami will host the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) ministerial meetings. The FTAA will extend the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) throughout the entire Western Hemisphere. If it is implemented, the FTAA will expand corporate control at the expense of citizens and the environment throughout the Americas. InterContinental is a huge corporation with over 120 hotels across the globe. We will show them that hosting trade talks like FTAA will hurt their image and their bottom line! On November 19-21, take action against the InterContinental Hotels in your area and around the world. Action Plans: 1. Hold a solidarity anti-FTAA protest at the InterContinental Hotel in your area on November 20. Let them know that the global activist community will target any venue that dares to host trade talks. Flier the workers with information about the FTAA. 2. Jam the InterContinental Hotel in Miami Use faxes, phone calls and e-mails to disrupt business at the hotel where the FTAA Ministerial will be taking place. HOTEL I-C MIAMI AT MIAMI CTR 100 Chopin Plaza MIAMI, FL 33131 UNITED STATES Tel: 001-305-5771000 Fax: 001-305-5770384 Email: 3. Telephone Below is a list of every InterContinental Hotel in the world. Many of them have toll-free phone numbers. Every time you make a call to one of those numbers (especially if it’s half way around the globe) the InterContinental will have to pay the charges. You might ask the receptionist if she knows about the FTAA and what its effects will be. The longer you keep the hotel worker on the phone, the more InterContinental will pay. 4. Fax If there is an InterContinental Hotel in your telephone area code, go ahead and send them a fax. You can fax anti-FTAA fliers or a bunch of black pages to eat up all of their toner. 5. E-mail Send e-mails to the addresses below. Let the InterContinental know that activists all over the world will be targeting them and any other hotel that dares to host the FTAA. NORTH AMERICA Canada InterContinental Hotels HOTEL I-C MONTREAL 360 Rue St-Antoine Ouest Montreal MONTREAL, QC H2Y 3X4 CANADA Toll-Free: 1-800-327-0200 Tel: 001-514-9879900 Fax: 001-514-8478730 Email: InterContinental Hotels HOTEL I-C TORONTO 220 Bloor Street West TORONTO, ON M5S 1T8 CANADA Toll-Free: 1-800-267-0010 Tel: 001-416-9605200 Fax: 001-416-9608269 Email: InterContinental Hotels TORONTO CENTRE, ON 225 Front Street West TORONTO, ON M5V 2X3 CANADA Toll-Free: 1-800-422-7969 Tel: 1-416-5971400 Fax: 1-416-5978128 Email: Mexico InterContinental Hotels PRESIDENTE I-C CANCUN Boulevard Kukulkan Km 7.5 Zona Hotelera CANCUN, 77500 MEXICO Toll-Free: 1 800 904 4400 Tel: 52-998-8488700 Fax: 52-998-8832515 Email: InterContinental Hotels PRESIDENTE I-C COZUMEL Carr A. Chankanaab KM 6.5 COZUMEL, 77600 MEXICO Toll-Free: 01 800 327 0200 Tel: 52-987-8729500 Fax: 52-987-8729501 Email: InterContinental Hotels PRESIDENTE INTERCONTINENTAL GU Avenida Lopez Mateos Sur y Moctezuma Guadalajara GUADALAJARA, 45050 MEXICO Tel: 0052-33-36781234 Fax: 0052-33-36781222 Email: InterContinental Hotels PRESIDENTE I-C IXTAPA Boulevard Ixtapa S/N Located on the Playa del Palmar beach IXTAPA, 40880 MEXICO Toll-Free: 1 800 344 0548 Tel: 01152-755-5530018 Fax: 01152-755-5532312 Email: InterContinental Hotels PRESIDENTE I-C LOS CABOS Boulevard Mijares S/N SAN JOSE DEL CABO, 23400 MEXICO Toll-Free: 01 800 344 0548 Tel: 0052-624-1420211 Fax: 0052-624-1420232 Email: InterContinental Hotels I-C PARAISO DE LA BONITA Carretera Cancun-Chetumal, KM 328 Bahia Petenpich CANCUN, 77500 MEXICO Tel: 52-998-8728300 Fax: 52-998-8728301 Email: InterContinental Hotels PRESIDENTE I-C MEXICO CITY Campos Eliseos # 218 Colonia Polanco MEXICO CITY, 11560 MEXICO Toll-Free: 1 800 3440548 Tel: 52-55-53277700 Fax: 52-55-53277730 Email: InterContinental Hotels PRESIDENTE I-C MONTERREY Avenida Jose Vasconcelos #300 Oriente San Pedro Garza Garcia MONTERREY, 66260 MEXICO Tel: 0052-81-83686000 Fax: 0052-81-83686040 Email: InterContinental Hotels PRESIDENTE I-C PUERTO VALLARTA Carretera a Barra de Navidad Km 8.5 PUERTO VALLARTA, 48300 MEXICO Tel: 0052-322-2280191 Fax: 0052-322-2280116 Puerto Rico InterContinental Hotels I-C SAN JUAN RESORT & CASINO 5961 Isla Verde Avenue ISLA VERDE, 00979 PUERTO RICO Toll-Free: 800-468-9076 Tel: 1-787-7916100 Fax: 1-787-2532510 Email: USA InterContinental Hotels IC STEPHEN F. AUSTIN 701 Congress Avenue AUSTIN, TX 78701 UNITED STATES Tel: 001-512-4578800 Fax: 001-512-4578896 InterContinental Hotels INTERCONTINENTAL CHICAGO, IL 505 North Michigan Avenue CHICAGO, IL 60611 UNITED STATES Toll-Free: 18006282112 Tel: 001-312-9444100 Fax: 001-312-9441320 Email: InterContinental Hotels IC CONFERENCE CENTER CLEVELAND 9801 Carnegie Avenue N/A CLEVELAND, OH 44106 UNITED STATES Toll-Free: 1-877-707-8999 Tel: 001-216-7074100 XN/A Fax: 001-216-7074101 XN/A Email: InterContinental Hotels CLEVELAND CLINIC IC SUITE HOTE 8800 Euclid Avenue CLEVELAND, OH 44106 UNITED STATES Toll-Free: 877-707-8999 Tel: 001-216-7074300 Fax: 001-216-7074301 Email: InterContinental Hotels HOTEL INTERCONTINENTAL DALLAS 15201 Dallas Parkway DALLAS, TX 75001-4676 UNITED STATES Toll-Free: Reserv.8003861592 Tel: 001-972-3866000 Fax: 001-972-9916937 Email: InterContinental Hotels INTER CONTINENTAL HOUSTON 2222 West Loop South HOUSTON, TX 77027 UNITED STATES Toll-Free: 8663420831 Tel: 1-713-6277600 Fax: 1-713-9613327 Email: InterContinental Hotels HOTEL I-C MIAMI AT MIAMI CTR 100 Chopin Plaza MIAMI, FL 33131 UNITED STATES Tel: 001-305-5771000 Fax: 001-305-5770384 Email: InterContinental Hotels INTERCONTINENTAL WEST MIAMI 2505 N.W. 87 Avenue MIAMI, FL 33172 UNITED STATES Tel: 1-305-4681400 Fax: 1-305-4681370 Email: InterContinental Hotels INTERCONTINENTAL NEW ORLEANS 444 St. Charles Avenue NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130 UNITED STATES Toll-Free: 1-800-445-6563 Tel: 1-504-5255566 Fax: 1-504-5237310 Email: InterContinental Hotels HOTEL IC THE BARCLAY NEW YORK 111 East 48th Street NEW YORK CITY, NY 10017 UNITED STATES Tel: 001-212-7555900 Fax: 001-212-6440079 Email: InterContinental Hotels I-C CENTRAL PARK SOUTH NY 112 Central Park South NEW YORK CITY, NY 10019 UNITED STATES Tel: 001-212-7571900 Fax: 001-212-7579620 Email: InterContinental Hotels MARK HOPKINS IC SAN FRANCISCO Number One Nob Hill 999 California Street SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94108 UNITED STATES Toll-Free: 1-800-662-4455 Tel: 1-415-3923434 Fax: 1-415-4213302 X3302 Email: InterContinental Hotels WILLARD I-C WASHINGTON 1401 Pennsylvania Avenue NW WASHINGTON, DC 20004 UNITED STATES Tel: 001-202-6289100 Fax: 001-202-6377326 Email: LATIN AMERICA Argentina InterContinental Hotels HOTEL I-C BUENOS AIRES 809 Moreno Street (1070) CAPITAL FEDERAL BUENOS AIRES, C1091AAQ ARGENTINA Tel: 0054-11-43407100 Fax: 0054-11-43407199 Email: BRAZIL InterContinental Hotels HOTEL INTER-CONTINENTAL RIO Avenida Prefeito Mendes de Morais, 222 São Conrado RIO DE JANEIRO, 22610-090 BRAZIL Toll-Free: 0800210722 Tel: 55-21-33232200 Fax: 55-21-33225500 Email: InterContinental Hotels HOTEL I-C SAO PAULO Alameda Santos 1123 SAO PAULO, 01419-001 BRAZIL Toll-Free: 0800118003 Tel: 0055-11-31792600 Fax: 0055-11-31792666 Email: Chile InterContinental Hotels HOTEL I-C SANTIAGO Avenida Vitacura 2885 Las Condes SANTIAGO, CHILE Tel: 56-2-3942000 Fax: 56-2-3942075 Email: Colombia InterContinental Hotels HOTEL TEQUENDAMA Carrera 10 #26-21, PO Box 240112 BOGOTA, COLOMBIA Toll-Free: 018000916565 Tel: 0057-1-3820300 Fax: 0057-1-2822860 Email: InterContinental Hotels HOTEL INTER-CONTINENTAL CALI Avenida Colombia No. 2-72 PO Box 7457 CALI, COLOMBIA Tel: 0057-2-8823225 Fax: 0057-2-8822567 Email: InterContinental Hotels HOTEL I-C MEDELLIN Calle 16 No. 28-51 Variante Las Palmas MEDELLIN, COLOMBIA Toll-Free: 018000943030 Tel: 57-4-2660680 Fax: 57-4-2661548 Email: Costa Rica InterContinental Hotels REAL INTER-CONTI COSTA RICA Prospero Fernandez Highway & Camino Real Escazu SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA Tel: 506-289-7000 Fax: 506-289-8930 Email: Dominican Republic InterContinental Hotels V CENTENARIO I-C SANTO DOMINGO Avenida George Washington 218 PO Box 2890 SANTO DOMINGO, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Toll-Free: 1-800-214-1024(USA) Tel: 001-809-2210000 Fax: 001-809-2212020 Email: El Salvador InterContinental Hotels REAL I-C SAN SALVADOR Boulevard de los Heroes and Avenue Sisim Codigo Postal No. (05) 44 SAN SALVADOR, EL SALVADOR Tel: 00503-211-3333 Fax: 00503-211-4444 Email: Guatemala InterContinental Hotels REAL I-C GUATEMALA 14 Calle 2-51 Zona 10 GUATEMALA CITY, GUATEMALA Tel: 00502-379-4444 Fax: 00502-379-4445 Email: Honduras InterContinental Hotels REAL I-C SAN PEDRO SULA Colonia Hernandez y Blvd. del Sur Multiplaza Mall SAN PEDRO SULA, 3818 HONDURAS Tel: 00504-553-0000 Fax: 00504-550-6255 Email: InterContinental Hotels REAL I-C TEGUCIGALPA Ave. Roble S/N, Frente a Mall Multiplaza TEGUCIGALPA, 2122 HONDURAS Tel: 00504-231-2727 Fax: 00504-231-2828 Email: Nicaragua InterContinental Hotels HOTEL I-C MANAGUA 101 Octava Calle Sur Oeste No 101 PO Box 3278 MANAGUA, NICARAGUA Tel: 00505-2-224151 Fax: 00505-2-283087 Email: InterContinental Hotels REAL I-C METROCENTRO MANAGUA Costado sur Centro Comercial Metrocentro MANAGUA, NICARAGUA Tel: 00505-2-784545 Fax: 00505-2-780203 Email: Panama InterContinental Hotels MIRAMAR I-C PANAMA Miramar Plaza Balboa Avenue, PO Box 7336 PANAMA CITY, PANAMA Tel: 00507-214-1000 Fax: 00507-223-4891 Email: Venezuela InterContinental Hotels TAMANACO I-C CARACAS Avenida Principal de las Mercedes PO Box 467 CARACAS, 1060-A VENEZUELA Tel: 0058-212-9097111 Fax: 0058-212-9097116 Email: InterContinental Hotels HOTEL I-C GUAYANA Avenida Guayana Parque Punta Vista, Puerto Ordaz 8015-A CIUDAD GUAYANA, VENEZUELA Tel: 0058-286-7131000 Fax: 0058-286-7131001 Email: InterContinental Hotels DEL LAGO I-C MARACAIBO Avenida El Milagro, Apartado Postal 90 Maracaibo MARACAIBO, VENEZUELA Tel: 0058-261-7924022 Fax: 0058-261-7930392 Email: InterContinental Hotels HOTEL I-C VALENCIA Calle Juan Uslar Urbanizacion La Vina, PO Box 762, Valencia Edo. VALENCIA, VENEZUELA Tel: 58-241-8247070 Fax: 58-241-8249777 Email: EUROPE Austria InterContinental Hotels RESORT & SPA LOIPERSDORF Loipersdorf 219 LOIPERSDORF, A-8282 AUSTRIA Tel: 0043-3382-20000 X0 Fax: 0043-3382-20000 X81 Email: InterContinental Hotels WIEN Johannesgasse 28 A-1037 VIENNA, AUSTRIA Tel: 0043-1-711220 Fax: 0043-1-713448 Email: CZECH REPUBLIC InterContinental Hotels PRAHA Namesti Curieovych 43/5 PRAGUE, 110 00 CZECH REPUBLIC Tel: 420-2-96631111 Fax: 420-2-24810071 Email: ENGLAND InterContinental Hotels THE CHURCHILL LONDON 30 Portman Square LONDON, W1A 4ZX UNITED KINGDOM Tel: 0044-207-4865800 Fax: 0044-207-4861255 Email: InterContinental Hotels LONDON One Hamilton Place Hyde Park Corner LONDON, W1J 7QY ENGLAND Tel: 0044-207-4093131 Fax: 0044-207-4933476 Email: France InterContinental Hotels CARLTON CANNES 58 La Croisette BP 155, CANNES, 06414 FRANCE Tel: 0033-4-93064006 Fax: 0033-4-93064025 Email: InterContinental Hotels PARIS 3 Rue de Castiglione PARIS, 75001 FRANCE Tel: 33-1-44771111 Fax: 33-1-44771460 Email: InterContinental Hotels LE GRAND PARIS 2 Rue Scribe PARIS, 75009 FRANCE Tel: 33-1-40073232 Fax: 33-1-42661251 Email: Germany InterContinental Hotels BERLIN Budapester Strasse 2 BERLIN, 10787 GERMANY Tel: 0049-30-26020 Fax: 0049-30-26022600 Email: InterContinental Hotels FRANKFURT Wilhelm-Leuschner-Strasse 43 FRANKFURT, D-60329 GERMANY Tel: 0049-69-26050 Fax: 0049-69-252467 Email: InterContinental Hotels HAMBURG Fontenay 10 HAMBURG, GERMANY Tel: 0049-40-41422220 Fax: 0049-40-41422299 Email: InterContinental Hotels STUTTGART Willy-Brandt-Strasse 30 STUTTGART, 70173 GERMANY Tel: 0049-711-2020 X0 Fax: 0049-711-2020 X2020 Email: Forum Hotels HANNOVER-SCHWEIZERHOF Hinueberstr. 6 HANNOVER, 30175 GERMANY Tel: 0049-511-34950 Fax: 0049-511-3495123 Email: Forum Hotels MUNCHEN Hochstrasse 3 MUNICH, 81669 GERMANY Tel: 0049-89-48034444 Fax: 0049-89-4488277 Email: Greece InterContinental Hotels ATHENEUM ATHENS 89-93 Syngrou Avenue ATHENS, 11745 GREECE Tel: 0030-210-9206000 Fax: 0030-210-9206500 mail: Hungary InterContinental Hotels BUDAPEST Budapest V Apaczai Csere J.U. 12-14 BUDAPEST, H-1368 HUNGARY Tel: 0036-1-3276333 Fax: 0036-1-3276357 Email: Italy InterContinental Hotels DE LA VILLE ROMA Via Sistina 67/69 ROME, 00187 ITALY Tel: 39-06-67331 Fax: 39-06-67842 Email: Kazahkstan InterContinental Hotels ASTANA 113 Abai Avenue PO Box 64 ASTANA, 473000 KAZAKHSTAN Tel: 007-3172-391000 Fax: 007-3172-391010 Email: Malta InterContinental Hotels MALTA ST. GEORGES BAY, ST JULIAN'S, MALTA ST. JULIANS, STJ 02 MALTA Tel: 356-21-377600 Fax: 356-21-372222 Email: Netherlands InterContinental Hotels AMSTEL AMSTERDAM Professor Tulpplein 1 1018 GX AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS Tel: 0031-20-6226060 Fax: 0031-20-6225808 Email: Romania InterContinental Hotels BUCHAREST 4 Boulevard Nicolae Balcescu BUCHAREST, 70121 ROMANIA Tel: 0040-2-13102020 Fax: 0040-2-13120486 Email: Scotland InterContinental Hotels THE GEORGE EDINBURGH 19-21 George Street EDINBURGH, EH2 2PB UNITED KINGDOM Tel: 0044-131-2251251 Fax: 0044-131-2265644 Email: Slovak Republic Forum Hotels BRATISLAVA Hodzovo Namestie 2 BRATISLAVA, 816 25 SLOVAKIA Tel: 00421-2-59348111 Fax: 00421-2-54414645 Email: Spain InterContinental Hotels PRINCESA SOFIA BARCELONA Plaza Pio XII, 4 BARCELONA, 08028 SPAIN Tel: 0034-93-5081000 Fax: 0034-93-5081001 Email: InterContinental Hotels CASTELLANA MADRID Paseo de la Castellana 49 MADRID, 28046 SPAIN Tel: 0034-91-7007300 Fax: 0034-91-3195853 Email: Switzerland InterContinental Hotels GENEVE 7-9 Chemin du Petit-Saconnex GENEVA, 1211 SWITZERLAND Tel: 0041-22-9193939 Fax: 0041-22-9193838 Email: InterContinental Hotels ZURICH Badenerstrasse 420 ZURICH, 8040 SWITZERLAND Tel: 0041-1-4044444 Fax: 0041-1-4044440 Email: Turkey InterContinental Hotels CEYLAN ISTANBUL Asker Ocagi Cad. No.1 Taksim ISTANBUL, 34435 TURKEY Tel: 0090-212-2312121 Fax: 0090-212-2312180 Email: Uzbekistan InterContinental Hotels TASHKENT 107 A Amir Temur Street TASHKENT, 700084 UZBEKISTAN Tel: 00998-71-1207000 Fax: 00998-71-1206459 Email: AFRICA and the MIDDLE EAST Bahrain InterContinental Hotels THE REGENCY BAHRAIN King Faisal Highway PO Box 777 MANAMA, N/A BAHRAIN Tel: 00973-227777 Fax: 00973-2292929 Email: Egypt InterContinental Hotels PYRAMIDS PARK RESORT CAIRO Alexandria Desert Road, PO Box 70 Pyramids, CAIRO, EGYPT Tel: 0020-2-3838666 Fax: 0020-2-3839000 Email: InterContinental Hotels RESORT & CASINO HURGHADA PO Box 36 Hurghada HURGHADA, EGYPT Tel: 0020-65-446911 Fax: 0020-65-446910 Email: Gabon InterContinental Hotels LIBREVILLE BP 2254 LIBREVILLE, GABON Tel: 00241-732-185 Fax: 00241-731-629 Email: Israel InterContinental Hotels DAVID TEL AVIV 12 Kaufman Street TEL AVIV, 68012 ISRAEL Tel: 972-3-7951111 Fax: 972-3-7951112 Email: Jordan InterContinental Hotels JORDAN Queen Zein Street, PO Box 35014/15 Jabal Amman AMMAN, 11180 JORDAN Tel: 00962-6-4641361 Fax: 00962-6-4645217 Email: Kenya InterContinental Hotels NAIROBI City Hall Way PO Box 30353, City Square NAIROBI, 00200 KENYA Tel: 00254-2-32000000 Fax: 00254-2-32000030 Email: Lebanon InterContinental Hotels LE VENDOME BEIRUT PO Box 13 5518 Ain Mreysseh BEIRUT, LEBANON Toll-Free: 01426801ex8668667556 Tel: 00961-1-369280 Fax: 00961-1-360169 Email: InterContinental Hotels PHOENICIA BEIRUT PO Box 11 / 846 Minet El Hosn BEIRUT, LEBANON Toll-Free: 01426801-8668667556 Tel: 00961-1-369100 Fax: 00961-1-369101 Email: InterContinental Hotels MZAAR RESORT Ouyoun El Siman KFARDEBIANE, LEBANON Tel: 00961-9-340100 Fax: 00961-9-340101 Email: Quatar InterContinental Hotels DOHA PO Box 6822 Al Istiqlal Road, West Bay Lagoon DOHA, QATAR Toll-Free: 0800 9714 Tel: 00974-48-44444 Fax: 00974-48-39555 Email: Saudi Arabia InterContinental Hotels ABHA PO Box 1447 ABHA, SAUDI ARABIA Tel: 00966-7-2247777 Fax: 00966-7-2244113 Email: InterContinental Hotels AL AHSA Al Malik Khalid Street Al Hofuf P.O.Box 5399 AL AHSA, 31982 SAUDI ARABIA Tel: 966-3-5840000 Fax: 966-3-5840400 Email: InterContinental Hotels AL JUBAIL PO Box 10167 AL JUBAIL, 31961 SAUDI ARABIA Tel: 00966-3-3417000 Fax: 00966-3-3412212 Email: InterContinental Hotels JEDDAH Al-Hamra Corniche PO Box 41855 JEDDAH, 21531 SAUDI ARABIA Tel: 00966-2-6611800 Fax: 00966-2-6611145 Email: InterContinental Hotels DAR AL HIJRA MADINAH PO Box 20201 King Fahad Street, Central Area MADINAH, SAUDI ARABIA Tel: 00966-4-8207777 Fax: 00966-4-8207788 Email: InterContinental Hotels DAR AL TAQWA MADINAH Off Sitteen Street PO Box 20944 MADINAH, SAUDI ARABIA Toll-Free: 800 897 1465 Tel: 00966-4-8291111 Fax: 00966-4-8290611 Email: InterContinental Hotels MAKKAH Um Aljood - Old Jeddah Road PO Box 1496 MAKKAH, SAUDI ARABIA Tel: 00966-2-5601000 Fax: 00966-2-5602000 Email: InterContinental Hotels RIYADH Mather Street PO Box 3636 RIYADH, 11481 SAUDI ARABIA Tel: 966-1-4655000 Fax: 966-1-4657833 Email: InterContinental Hotels MASSARRAH TAIF Airport Road PO Box 827 TAIF, SAUDI ARABIA Tel: 00966-2-7505050 Fax: 00966-2-7505040 Email: South Africa InterContinental Hotels PALAZZO JOHANNESBURG MONTECASI Montecasino Boulevard Fourways, Private Bag X125, Bryanston JOHANNESBURG, 2021 SOUTH AFRICA Tel: 0027-11-5103000 Fax: 0027-11-5104001 Email: InterContinental Hotels SANDTON SUN&TOWERS JOHANNESBUR Corner of Fifth & Alice Streets Sandhurst, PO Box 784902 JOHANNESBURG, 2146 SOUTH AFRICA Tel: 0027-11-7805000 Fax: 0027-11-7805002 Email: State of Eritrea InterContinental Hotels ASMARA Deb Mie04, Expo Area PO Box 5455 ASMARA, ERITREA Tel: 00291-115-0400 Fax: 00291-115-0401 Email: Sultanate of Oman InterContinental Hotels AL BUSTAN PALACE MUSCAT PO Box 1998 MUSCAT, 114 OMAN Tel: 00968-799-666 Fax: 00968-799-600 Email: United Arab Emirates InterContinental Hotels ABU DHABI Al Khalidya Street PO Box 4171 ABU DHABI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Tel: 00971-2-6666888 Fax: 00971-2-6669153 Email: InterContinental Hotels DUBAI Bin Yas Street PO Box 476 DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Toll-Free: 8004642 Tel: 00971-4-2227171 Fax: 00971-4-2284777 Email: InterContinental Hotels AL AIN PO Box 16031 AL AIN, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Tel: 00971-3-7686686 Fax: 00971-3-7686766 Email: Zambia InterContinental Hotels LUSAKA Haile Selassie Avenue PO Box 32201 LUSAKA, ZAMBIA Tel: 00260-1-250600 Fax: 00260-1-250895 Email: ASIA PACIFIC Cambodia InterContinental Hotels PHNOM PENH PO Box 2288, Regency Square 296 Blvd. Mao Tse Toung PHNOM PENH, 3 CAMBODIA Tel: 855-23-424888 Fax: 855-23-424885 Email: India InterContinental Hotels GRAND Barakhamba Avenue Connaught Place NEW DELHI, 110001 INDIA Tel: 0091-11-23411001 Fax: 0091-11-23412233 Email: InterContinental Hotels PARKROYAL Nehru Place NEW DELHI, 110019 INDIA Tel: 0091-11-26223344 Fax: 0091-11-26224288 Email: InterContinental Hotels GRAND PALACE Gupkar Road SRINAGAR, 190001 INDIA Tel: 91-194-2470101 Fax: 91-194-2453794 Email: Indonesia InterContinental Hotels RESORT BALI Jalan Uluwatu 45 Jimbaran Denpasar - Bali BALI, 80361 INDONESIA Toll-Free: 0800-1555222 Tel: 62-361-701888 Fax: 62-361-701777 Email: InterContinental Hotels MID PLAZA JKT Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 10 - 11 JAKARTA, 10220 INDONESIA Toll-Free: 001-803-657532 Tel: 62-21-2510888 Fax: 62-21-2511777 Email: Japan InterContinental Hotels TOKYO BAY 16-2 Kaigan 1-chome, Minatu-ku TOKYO, 105-8576 JAPAN Tel: 81-3-54042222 Fax: 81-3-54042111 Email: InterContinental Hotels KEIO PLAZA I-C TOKYO 2-2-1 Nishi-Shinjuku Shinjuku-Ku TOKYO, 160-8330 JAPAN Tel: 81-3-33440111 Fax: 81-3-33458269 Email: InterContinental Hotels YOKOHAMA 1-1-1 Minato-Mirai Nishi-ku YOKOHAMA, 220-8522 JAPAN Tel: 0081-45-2232222 Fax: 0081-45-2210650 Email: South Korea InterContinental Hotels GRAND SEOUL 159-8 Samseong-Dong Gangnam-Gu SEOUL, 135-732 KOREA-REPUBLIC OF Toll-Free: 00798 817 1067 Tel: 82-2-5555656 Fax: 82-2-5597990 Email: InterContinental Hotels COEX SEOUL 159 Samseong-Dong, Gangnam-Gu SEOUL, 135-975 KOREA-REPUBLIC OF Toll-Free: 00798 817 1067 Tel: 82-2-34522500 Fax: 82-2-34308000 Email: Hong Kong InterContinental Hotels GRAND STANFORD HONG KONG 70 Mody Road Tsimshatsui East, Kowloon HONG KONG, CHINA-PEOPLES REPUBLIC Toll-Free: 800968188 Tel: 852-27215161 Fax: 852-27322233 Email: InterContinental Hotels HONG KONG 18 Salisbury Road Kowloon HONG KONG, CHINA-PEOPLES REPUBLIC Toll-Free: 800 90 8855 Tel: 852-27-211211 Fax: 852-27-394546 Email: China InterContinental Hotels PUDONG 777 Zhang Yang Road Pudong SHANGHAI, 200120 CHINA-PEOPLES REPUBLIC Toll-Free: 8008301123 Tel: 86-21-58318888 Fax: 86-21-58317777 Email: InterContinental Hotels SHENYANG 208 Nanjing North Street Heping District SHENYANG, 110001 CHINA-PEOPLES REPUBLIC Tel: 0086-24-23341999 Fax: 0086-24-23341199 Email: Philippines InterContinental Hotels MANILA 1 Ayala Avenue Makati City MANILA, 1226 PHILIPPINES Toll-Free: 1800 1651 0320 Tel: 63-2-8159711 Fax: 63-2-8151948 Email: MANILA@INTERCONTI.COM Singapore InterContinental Hotels SINGAPORE 80 Middle Road SINGAPORE, 188966 SINGAPORE Tel: 65-63387600 Fax: 65-63387366 Email: AUSTRALIA AND OCEANIA Australia InterContinental Hotels SYDNEY 117 Macquarie Street SYDNEY, 2000 AUSTRALIA Toll-Free: 1800221828 Tel: 61-2-92539000 Fax: 61-2-92401240 Email: French Polynesia InterContinental Hotels BORA BORA BEACHCOMBER IC BP 156 Vaitape BORA BORA, 98730 FRENCH POLYNESIA Tel: 689-604-900 Fax: 689-604-999 Email: InterContinental Hotels MOOREA BEACHCOMBER I-C RESORT BP 1019, Tiahura PO BOX 1019 MOOREA, 98729 FRENCH POLYNESIA Tel: 689-55-1919 Fax: 689-55-1955 Email: InterContinental Hotels TAHITI BEACHCOMBER I-C RESORT BP 6014 Papeete PAPEETE, 98702 FRENCH POLYNESIA Tel: 689-86-5110 Fax: 689-86-5130 Email: New Zealand InterContinental Hotels WELLINGTON Corner Grey and Featherston Streets PO Box 175 WELLINGTON, 6004 NEW ZEALAND Toll-Free: 0800442215 Tel: 64-4-4722722 Fax: 64-4-4724724 Email: |