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about the 5 EU hungers strikers of Sallonika wdm - 16.11.2003 15:23
The public petition-allarm call,towards the justice system,published by the doctors of the 5 EU hunger strikers of Thessaloniki. The hunger-strikers' doctors' alert Κυριακή 16 Νοεμβρίου 2003) Any violent (either spontaneous or on-spontaneous) reaction to the challenges of power and any idealization of the violence which could be used from the life-guards for the facilitation of their plans, seems as an accomplice with the death and it is turned straightly against the health, the life and the freedom of the five hung ΤΗΕ DOCTORS OF ΤΗΕ FIVE HUNGER-STRIKERS ALERT FOR THE DEFENCE OF HEALTH, LIFE AND THEIR FREEDOM We, Kleanthis Grivas, Alexandra Efthimiadou Griva and Maria-Mirto Griva, doctors of the five political detainees, Simon Chapman, Carlos Martin-Martinez, Fernando Perrez-Gorraiz, Solaiman Dakdouk and Spyros Tsitsas, ADDRESS PUBLIC CALL in all those that intend they take part in the events of 30th anniversary of revolt of Technical university. It is necessary that the following critical question can be answered by all active citizens "WHY DID THEY TRANFER 5 STRIKERS of HUNGER FROM THESSALONIKI TO ATHENS, A FEW DAYS BEFORE THE 30th ANIVERSARY of TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY REVOLT": 1) According to the orders of minister of Justice F. Petsalnikos, towards the administrative director of Papanjkolaou Hospital in Thessaloniki, Thrasivoulos Ventouris (as it is also marked in relative papers of the patients). 2) While their familiar persons, their lawyers and their personal doctor knew nothing 3) Following western type enterprise of five patients from the hospital in the 2.30 night 10th to 11 November 2003 (unprecedented action, according to the nursing chronicles of country, that is sure that could expose them to the Greek and international common sence). The "ARGUMENTS" the cooperating repressive and administrative mechanisms, according to which the transport became for reasons of "better hospitalisation" and "safety" are obviously false and fools, because they presuppose: 1) That in a city, as modern as Thessaloniki can be, they could not be kept in "conditions of safety" 5 young men that are between life and death, due to the hunger-strike which lasts 39-56 days (individually). 2) That in the completely manned and equipped hospitals and the academic clinics of Thessaloniki, satisfactory hospitalisation could not be provided to five patients (!) and this could exist in the Hospital of Koridalos Prisons that exists only in the papers and as building structure (as it is proved by the fact that all the serious incidents are transfered immediately to the State Hospital of Nikaea). CONSEQUENTLY, there's no other explanation left, that the autonomous parallel departments of repressive mechanisms (that are organised, checked and guided by the American factor) with the transport of 5 hunger-strikers to Athens CREATED a "point of peak" based on which they will attempt to cause extensive violent actions in the centre of city (by exploiting the Fair INDIGNATION of common opinion for the revealed brutal violation of each significance of right, humanism and culture in the case of 5 hunger-strikers ), in the frame of a strategy that aims at: 1) the DISORIENTATION of common opinion from a sociopolitical economic situation, unfavourable for the administrators of power. 2) the WEAKENING of SUPPORT of common opinion in the five hunger-strikers . 3) In the A POSTERIORI COMPURGATION of SAVAGERY by the repressive mechanisms (that are in place of defendant and apologizer). And, mainly, 4) FINALLY, CANCELLATION of the TEMPORARY RELEASE of the five hunger strikers (that seems forecoming). It is obvious that, if somebodies are an accessory in the drawings of repressive mechanisms in the creation of episodes, NO JURIDICIAL BEGINNING is not to pronounce positively in the demand for temporary release of the detainees. As doctors of five hunger-strikers , interested mainly for their life, the health and their freedom, WE MAKE PUBLIC CALL to everyone not to comply with any challengers trying to promote the plans of the autonomous parallel departments of the repressive mechanisms and their dark instructors, harming the five hunger strikers that are in the verge of life and death. Any violent (either spontaneous or on-spontaneous) reaction to the challenges of power and any idealization of the violence which could be used from the life-guards for the facilitation of their plans, seems as an accomplice with the death and it is turned straightly against the health, the life and the freedom of the five hunger-strikers. Thessaloniki, 15 November 2003 προσθέστε τα σχόλιά σας σε αυτό το άρθρο |
Lees meer over: Agenda europa | aanvullingen |  | Elke nieuwe wet betekent 1 nieuwe gevangenis | Dusnieuws/Kanenas - 16.11.2003 16:27
Vrijheid voor de gevangenen van de Griekse staat! Al geruime tijd zijn zeven politieke gevangenen in Griekenland in hongerstaking. Zij werden gearresteerd tijdens de demonstraties rond de eurotop in Thessaloniki deze zomer. Zij worden beschuldigd van betrokkenheid bij een terroristsche groepering. Hun lichamelijke toestand is ronduit slecht. Het artikel is vertaald uit het Engels, terwijl dit Engels weer uit het Grieks was vertaald. Dit levert een wat rare stijl op. De Griekse staat was de president van de Europese Unie voor 6 maanden. Het arresteren en beschuldigen van enkele mensen als leden van de gewapende groep "17 november", gaf groot optimisme aan de Griekse staat en haar mechanismes, in het bijzonder politie en justitie; de persoon die minister was van openbare orde (het politie ministerie) had grote voordelen en nu heeft hij een van de hoogste posities in de regeringspartij. Het probleem was dat hun vooraf geconstrueerde rechtszaak in het midden van het presidentschap kwam, en maakte duidelijk wat de wilskracht van de staat was. De rechter verbood (uniek voor de laatste dertig jaar) camera's of opname-apparatuur in de rechtszaal, en de grootste rechtszaak in de geschiedenis zou in absolute isolatie van de maatschappij plaatsvinden, daar de journalisten enkel pen en papier mochten hebben. Desondanks hebben de massamedia (die voor 100 procent de stem van de staat waren tot die dag en slechts de persberichten van de politie reproduceerde of de geruchten in de gangen van het "politie paleis") twijfel geuit over deze staatsbeslissing. Het feit is dat deze twee gebeurtenissen tezamen bijdroegen tot het polariseren van de situatie tussen de autoriteiten en enkele van de actieve volksgroepen. Lees verder op: http://eurodusnie.nl/2003/11/786.shtml Website: http://eurodusnie.nl | vijf, geen zeven | Kees - 16.11.2003 20:47
Anders dan in het Dusnieuws-bericht zijn niet alle zeven arrestanten in hongerstaking. Het zijn er vijf. Twee arrestanten zijn minderjarig en worden appart gehouden van de andere vijf en ze doen niet mee met de hongerstaking, misschien weten ze niet eens dat die plaatsvindt. Artsen hebben gewaarschuwd dat sommige van de hongerstakers zich nu in een stadium bevinden dat ze onherstelbare schade aan organen kunnen beginnen op te lopen. Fernando zou elk moment in coma kunnen geraken. Lawaai maken voor of in Griekse instellingen (consulaten, ambassades, nationale banken etc.) op zoveel mogelijk plekken is nu belangrijk.. | |
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