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tentoonstelling milieu- en sociale strijd flip - 18.11.2003 15:36
Hier een doorstuurberichtje in het engels over een tentoonstelling in Amsterdam over sociale problemen; * gevolgen van klimaatverandering; * de Wereldbank projecten en de boycotcampagne tegen deze internationale geldschieter; * de (meestal gedwongen) privatisering van drinkwater. De directe aanleiding is de komende VN conferentie over klimaatverandering (COP9) in Milaan van 1 tot en met 12 december. Meer over de plannen voor Milaan kun je lezen op www.risingtide.nl/cop9/index.html. Er gaat ook een bus (of busje afhankelijk van de vraag) vanuit Nederland. Hierover later meer. Hello everybody We, Carbon Trade Watch, Transnational Institute and Concrete Dok, would like to invite you to visit and participate Amsterdam exhibition about impacts of climate change and the emerging pollution trading market. This will be running on the three weekends between 21st November to 7th December from 16.00 to 22.00 at the Langebrugsteeg 2 (at the corner with Rokkin). All events are for free. Here is the programme of activities which we are organising: you can also check for regular updates on our film and workshop programme on our website www.concrete-dok.net/indexhib.html ********************************************************************** Carbon Trade Watch & Concrete Dok present: An exhibition on pollution trading and climate change with films, audio, photographs & workshops. In parallel with COP9 (UN conference on climate change) taking place in Milan Italy, the exhibition puts climate change in the bigger context of the privatisation of the environment and the effects of International Financial Institutions on our lives. The exhibition opens space for the people directly affected by the eucalyptus plantations whereby they talk about the effects on their lives and surrounding biodiversity. We expose the role of 'carbon credits' and the emerging pollution trading economy in supporting the eucalyptus plantations in this xhibition. Silencing Voices Trading Lives Power, Control and Resistance from the ground week 1 Climate Change 21-23 nov 16.00-22.00 friday 21st 18.00-grand opening with food and films saturday 22nd 16.00-doors open 17.00-film viewing 'Green Gold' 18.00-climate change workshop 20.00-nederlands action planning sunday 23rd 16.00-doors open 17.00-film viewing 'Green Gold' 18.30-film viewing 'Crossing the Green Desert' 20.00-film viewing 'Arresting Dissent' ***** week 2 World Bank Bond Boycott 28-29 nov 16.00-22.00 friday 21st 16.00-doors open 17.00- film programme related to the World Bank Bond Boycott till 22.00 (list not confirmed yet) saturday 22nd 16.00-doors open 17.00-film viewing (related to World Bank Bond Boycott campaign) 18.00-workshop about World Bank Bond Boycott campaign 20.00-discussion and action planning sunday 23rd 16.00-doors open 17.00-film programme related to the World Bank Bond Boycott till 22.00 (list not confirmed yet) ****** week 3 Water privatisation 05-07 dec 16.00-22.00 friday 21st 16.00-doors open 17.00- film viewing 'Orange Farm Water Crisis' 19.00- film viewing 'The Water is Ours Damn It!' saturday 22nd 16.00-doors open 17.00-film viewing (another film about situation in Cochabamba: title to be confirmed) 18.00-workshop about Water Privatisation 20.00-discussion and action planning sunday 23rd 16.00-doors open 17.00-film viewing 'Orange Farm Water Crisis' 19.00-film viewing 'The Water is Ours Damn It!' you can also check for regular updates on our film and workshop programme on our website www.concrete-dok.net/indexhib.html Enjoy!!! contact: paula albuquerque
p@concrete-dok.net Website: http://www.concrete-dok.net/indexhib.html |
Lees meer over: globalisering natuur, dier en mens wereldcrisis | aanvullingen |  | |