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Genomics: public money, no public input. Ronnie (ffv from biotechimc.org) - 27.11.2003 08:28
On November 27, the Genomics project (www.genomics.nl) will accommodate a meeting on investment in biotechnology in Amsterdam. Activists will take this as the opportunity to confront business with the message that gentech is not a very profitable source of investment in a time when there's little support for the development and commercial use of GM products. Besides this, there will be a people's master class to teach what gentech really means, the threats, and how it's a waste of money for governments and business to invest. The Genomics Project: Public money, but no public input. The Dutch government has decided in 2001 to donate 300 million euros to new gentech projects. According to the policy The Netherlands should become a high-tech society, and modern biotechnology is an important ingredient. The real relevance for society of these Genomics finances is debatable. Decision making about the spending of public money is happening behind closed doors as usual, despite all promises. This obviously doesn’t gain much trust from the public. Today, at the second Genomics conference, also public investors have to be persuaded to pump money in this risky sector. Gentech doesn’t only involve risks for people and the environment, but it also doesn’t offer much security as an investment. The results of the millions that have been invested already in gentech are rather disappointing, as well as for agricultural and medical application. Companies like Syngenta and Advanta have called a halt to their research in The Netherlands. This is directly connected to the great public opposition, that leads to financial insecurity. Why is gentech a bad investment? - Experts are already pointing out for years that in much research the wrong starting points are being used. The fact that not everything is being determined by the genes, as assumed before, has led to new views on research. On all biological organisation levels, from DNA to ecosystems, there are still large knowledge gaps. It’s not surprising that the new gentech companies have hardly marketed any products. - For the granting of the Genomics finances it was decided that a social consultative council should be established. The money has been divided now, but there’s till no consultative council yet. It’s of no use investing in an application without support from the public. - Public opposition, especially what concerns applications in agriculture, is very big. Opinion polls result over and over again that gentech food is unwanted and considered useless. Nonetheless the government has granted 50 millions from the Genomics fund to the University of Wageningen in order to work on gentech potatoes and tomatoes. But who’s waiting for this? - Also investors carry responsibilty for the developments that they support with their financing. What concerns responsibility in case of damage due to a gentech product, there are no regulations yet within the EU. Insurance companies have made it clear that they don’t want to cover the risks of gentechnology. It’s also morally reprehensible to invest in technologies that are connected to great risks for the environment. E-Mail: ronnie@aseed.antenna.nl Website: http://www.biotechimc.org/or/2003/11/2091.shtml |
aanvullingen |  | NL bericht | linking - 27.11.2003 08:36
zie ook Nederlandse aankondiging:
http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2003/11/15711.shtml donderdagochtend: gentech actie in Amsterdam Flip - 26.11.2003 17:37 Morgen, donderdagochtend 27 nov. zal er een actie plaatsvinden bij een business gentech congres in de Beurs van Berlage in Amsterdam. | |
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