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 | Clean Clothes Campaign | LinkMichel - 08.12.2003 15:52
"What's all this campaigning about? A worker in the garment industry anywhere in the world today is faced with decreasing wages, deteriorating health, and an increased risk of losing her job. The Clean Clothes Campaign (or the "CCC" as it is popularly called) aims to improve working conditions in the garment and sportswear industry. The CCC started in the Netherlands in 1990. At that time stores in the Netherlands were not taking any responsibility for the working conditions under which the clothes they sold were made. But we have come a long way since then. Now there are Clean Clothes Campaigns in ten Western European countries. And now it's more difficult to find retailers here who denounce this responsibility. Campaigners are regularly in touch with organizations in a variety of countries, including those where garments are produced, and in this way work together as a network to draw attention to labour rights issues in the garment industry."
Website: http://www.cleanclothes.org | |
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