International Symposium against Isolation International Platform against Isolation - 13.12.2003 17:05
Tens of organisations and individuals with different political views will gather to discuss possibilities of cooperation against the inhuman isolation politics and other kinds of globalized repression. INTERNATIONAL DAYS OF STRUGGLE AGAINST ISOLATION 19-20 December 2003: Symposium 21 December 2003: cultural event PROGRAM OF THE SYMPOSIUM TOPICS Political prisonership and the prison resistance: - historical reasons, strategic meaning, position of the class struggle (the national and peoples liberation struggles and social struggles) The reasons or pretexts for the isolation practice: - treatment (practices of rules of behaviour), rehabilitation demagogies, political pressure, destruction of oppositional identity Practices in the isolation prisons: - practice and experiences from the F-Types (Turkey), Control Units (USA), FIES (Spain), QHS (France), Stammheim (Germany), Greece, Italy, Spain and other countries. The national and international aspects of the prison resistances: - from the method of the middle age dungeons to the recent globalisation of isolation prisons, isolation politics after the 11th September (the fight against terrorism demagogies and black lists), from the F-Types to Guantanamo... The dimensions of the isolation practices: - human, juridical, medical and political dimension Globalisation of the struggle against isolation: - Communication with the prisoners, international cooperation of prisoners relatives and solidarity organisations, the need of an international organisation, which organizes international actions against attacks on prisoners. Death fast: - Background, the situation today, attitude of the left, attitude of imperialism (EU-USA), attitude of silenceness and ignorance. ORGANISATIONS, CIRCLES AND PERSONS TO WHOM THE SYMPOSIUM IS DIRECTED: - All prisoner solidarity committees worldwide, the organisation of prisoners families and human rights associations - Political organisations (revolutioary, socialist, anarchist, trotskist, non- parliamentary and parliamentary, legal or illegal) - All ex-prisones of the whole world - Intellectual, artists and persons who are engaged with social matters - All jurists, psychologists, doctors and scientists, who are sensible on the question of isolation and work scientifically on the juridical and medical results. OTHER ACTIVITIES WE WANT TO ORGANISE IN THE FRAME OF THE INTERNATIONAL DAYS OF STRUGGGLE AGAINST ISOLATION: Hungerstrike from 19-22 December: - Well organise an international hungerstrike action, in which above all political prisoners from France, the Basque Country, Ireland, Turkey, USA and Germany are involved. Demonstrations in front of parliaments, embassies and representatives: - Days of Struggle against isolation, the isolation prisons were created and introduced by the EU-countries. Therefore we are going to organise demonstrations in front of the parliaments of these countries. And in Italy well also demonstrate primarily in front of the representatives of following countries: Turkey, USA, France and Spain. The campaign Ourselves behind the walls": - We aim an international network to give prisoners the possibility for writing and contacting. The major problem of the political prisoners for the international communaction is the barrage of language. A prisoner from Turkey has a lot of communities with prisoners from the Basque Country or USA. But simply for language reasons they are not able to communicate. If we put before eyes that communication is a form to break through the isolation, its meaning will be clearer. We as International Platform against Isolation take on the responsibility to create such a network for communication worldwide. To realise this aimed campaign we have a basis, that could be helpful with translations from Turkish, Italian, English, French, German, Spain and Russian. But to realise this campaign well constantly need people to help us with the translations. We will send the prisoners a list with all prisoners worldwide. Those prisoners who want to write somebody from the list send their letters to the International Platform against Isolation. We, as the platform are going to translate the letter and forward it to the right person. The long-term aim of this work is to create a possibility of communication for the prisoners and an international organisation, which is organising common international activities . THE ADDRESSES IN FLORENCE: 19 December 2003 Address: PALAZZO VECCHIO (building of the municipality) Salone Cinquecento Piazza Della Signoria, Firenze (Florence) 08.00-09.00 am: Breakfast 09.00-10.00 am: Press meeting 10.30-13.00: Morning session 13.00-14.00 pm: Lunch 14.00-16.30 pm: Afternoon session 16.30-16.45 pm: Coffee break 16.45-19.00 pm: Meeting Information evening: Address: CIRCOLO ARCI Via Pisana no: 809, Ponte A Greve-Firenze (Florence) 21.00-23.30 pm: Film and discussions about the death fast and the massacre of December 19. 20 December 2003 Address: AUDITORIUM REGIONE TOSCANA (Toscana parliament) Via Cavour 4, 50129 Firenze (Florence) 08.00-09.00 am: Break Fast 09.00-12.30 am: Morning session 12.30-13.30 pm: Lunch 13.30-16.30 pm: Afternoon session 16.30-16.45 pm: Coffee Break 16.45-19.00 pm: Final session Information evening: Address: CPA (Centro Popolare Autogestito, Firenze Sud) Via Villamagna 27/a, 50100 Firenze (Florence) 21.00-23.30 pm: War and Occupation, Black Lists, common struggle against isolation. The main languages will be English and Italian. There will be a simultanious translation into Turkish, German, Spanish and Russian. 21 December 2003 Festival: GREETINGS FROM ANATOLIA... Time: 15:00 pm Address: CASA DEL POPOLO GRASSINA Piazza Umberto 1 no:14, Grassina-Firenze (Florence) PROGRAM: Introduction of the participants of the symposium and welcoming of the visitors Music: - Grup YORUM (Turkey) -Pol MACADAIM (Ireland) -FIATI SPRECATI (Italy) -BRIGANTI (Italy) Presentation of the final declaration of the symposium PARTICIPANTS: 1- Neurologist Gianfranco di Maio (Italy, specialist in Wernicke Korsakoff) 2- Grazia Cecconi, lawyer and writer (Italy, she will present a book and a film, which she prepared on the detah fast) 3- Vainer Burani, lawyer (Italy) 4- Orsola Casagrande, journalist (Italy, for the newspaper Il Manifesto) 5- Yildiz Ercan, former prison guardian in Turkey, witness of the massacre from 19-22 December 6- Muhammed Safa (Lebanon, Rehabilitation Center of the El Khiam Torture Victims) 7- Ibrahim Mahajna, lawyer (Palestine, Human Rights Committee) 8- Representative of the Cuban Consulate in Rome, as the brother and lawyer of Gerardo Hernandez, one of the Cuban 5) 9- Committee "Free the Five" from Austria 10- Pol MacAdaim, musician (Ireland) 11- BEHATOKIA (Basque Country, Observatory for Human Rights) 12- Julen Arzuaga, lawyer (Basque Country) 13- Rote Hilfe (Germany) 14- Unity 18 October (Germany) 15- PAME (Worker's Front Greece) 16- OLME (Federation of Teacher Trade Unions) 17- Tayad Komite, Hamburg (Germany) 18- Initiativ e.V. (Germany) 19- Delegation of ex-prisoners from Iran 20- Andrea Bertolini, journalist (Italy) 21- Peter Nowak, journalist (Germany) 22- Vesile Yücel, lawyer (Germany) 23- Murat Demir, lawyer (Germany) 24- Silvia Petrini, lawyer (Italy) 25- Professor Antonella Sapio, (Italy, University Florence) 26- Sandro Targetti, parliamentarian (Florence regional parliament, Rifundazione Comunista) 27- Giovanni Barbagli, parliamentarian (Toscana parlament, PRC) 28- Alessandro Leoni, (Florence municipal, PRC) 29- Heidi Giuliani (Italy, mother of Carlo Giuliani) 30- Professor Marcella della Donne (Italy) 31- Doktor Paola Cecchi (Italy, WILPF- Women's International League for Peace and Freedom) 32- Emmanuela Rubini (Italy, AZAD) 33- Mammad Süleymanov, journalist (Azerbaijan) 34- Renato Romei, parliamentarian (Florenz parlament, DS-Left Democrats) 35- Abderrahim Mhassini (Marocco, Annahj Addimocrati) 36- Marian Price (Ireland, IRPWA) 37- Christopher Kelley (Ireland, IPSC) 38- AIK (Antiimperialist Coordination) 39- Arab Palestine Club (Austria) 40- Fausto Schiavetto (Italy, Soccorso Popolare) 41- Laboratore Marxista (Italy) 42- Nino Moscato, Comitato Antifascista Antiimperialista Spartaco Lavagnini (Italy) 43- Comitato Antinebbia Valdarno (Italy) 44- International Forum (Denmark) 45- Karla (Italy, Novo Unita) 46- IRSP (Ireland) THOSE WHO STILL HAVE TO CONFIRM THEIR PARTICIPATION: 1- NDF (National Democratic Front, Phillippines) 2- Dario Fo, writer (Italy) 3- Revolutionary Communist Group (England) 4- Rote Hilfe International/Revolutionärer Aufbau (Switzerland) 5- International Solidarity Committee for Milosevic 6- PRD (Indonesia) 7- Palestine Association (Austria) 8- Iranian Students Concil (Austria) 9- Bulgarian Communist Party PARTICIPANTS FROM TURKEY: 1- Bilgesu Erenus, writer and artist 2- Selçuk Kozagaçli, lawyer 3- Ahmet Kulaksiz, relatief of martyrs in the death fast 4- Sadi Özbolat (ex-prisoner, Association for Fundamental Rights and Freedoms) 5- Cezmi Ersöz, writer 6- Tekin Tangün (Tayad) 7- Ruhan Mavruk, poet 8- Mehmet Gocebe (Association for Fundamental Rights and Freedoms, Istanbul) THOSE WHO ARE NOT ABLE TO JOIN AND SUPPORT THE SYMPOSIUM: 1- Henri Alleg, writer (France) 2- Angela Davis, Law Professor (USA) 3- Mark Barnsley, Ex-Prisoner (UK) 4- PCPE- Communist Party of the People's of Spain 5- Marco Camenisch Solidarity Committee (Switzerland) 6- Break the Chains (USA) 7- International Communists, Berlin (Germany) 8- Harsh Thakor, democratic rights activist (Mumbai, India) 9- Hans Branscheidt, Medico International (Germany) 10- Association Marocaine (Marocco) 11- Nederlandse Palestinian Komitee (Holland) INTERNATIONAL PLATFORM AGAINST ISOLATION Tel:, Rue Stevin 190 1000 Brussels, Belgium E-Mail: |