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 | Was it really the US that 'got him'? | (posted by Guidoke) - 31.12.2003 15:17
More than two weeks after the US civil administrator in Iraq, Paul Bremer, uttered those words at a press conference in Baghdad, reports continue to circulate that Saddam Hussein was first captured by a Kurdish-led intelligence unit, drugged, then put into the "spider hole" to be taken by the US military.
http://www.csmonitor.com/2003/1230/dailyUpdate.html?s=mes | Op-Ed: Hussein Was Not in Hiding But a Captiv | (posted by Guido) - 13.01.2004 18:11
A number of questions are raised by the incredibly bedraggled, tired and crushed condition of this once savage, dapper and pampered ruler who was discovered in a hole in the ground on Saturday, December 13:...
http://www.why-war.com/news/2003/12/14/husseinw.html | |
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