Ghadafi is de slimste 25.12.2003 01:03
"Saddam baaaaaad. Ghadafi gooooood." "Another message should be equally clear: leaders who abandon the pursuit of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons, and the means to deliver them, will find an open path to better relations with the United States and other free nations. With today's announcement by its leader, Libya has begun the process of rejoining the community of nations. And Colonel Ghadafi knows the way forward... "Libya can regain a secure and respected place among the nations, and over time, achieve far better relations with the United States..." "When leaders make the wise and responsible choice, when they renounce terror and weapons of mass destruction, as Colonel Ghadafi has now done, they serve the interest of their own people and they add to the security of all nations." Heeft de VS dan het verkeerde land aangevallen? O nee, natuurlijk niet. Libie had wel WMD's en dan zou de oorlog niet zo makkelijk gewonnen zijn. En Libie is natuurlijk van minder strategisch belang dan Irak. En hoe weten we zeker dat Libie geen WMD's heeft? De wapeninspecties natuurlijk: "As proof of their seriousness, the Libyans invited their counterparts to travel to Libya and inspect sites -- and even the weapons. Experts from the United States, Britain and the United Nations spent a total of three weeks in the country during trips in October and December.  American fasism Alles over genomen van |