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General preamble concerning the protests on f no-nato - 02.01.2004 15:22
The so-called "Munich Security Conference" is not about international security. It´s about agreement and coordination of world wide strategies in order to secure economic power through military interventions.  no-nato At the last meeting In february 2003 over 30 000 people demonstrated on Munich´s streets and at peace conferences against the NATO-war meeting and the Iraq war. The biggest Anti-war manifestations until now took place world wide, on february 15. more than 10 million people demonstrated against war for example. We are part of the world wide movement of resistance which constituted itself in Seattle, Genova, Prague, Davos, Munich, and Barcelona and also at the international Social-Forums in Porto Alegre and Florence. Peace and anti-war movement, trade unions and social movements, the movement against the capitalistic globalization and the international solidarity movement - together we fight against the fall of the social state, armament and war. We are a big alliance of different groups with different conceptionsof protest and resistance. We criticize world-wide unfairness and national war politics from different positions. This variety is our strength. We cannot be split. We tell the war strategists: You are here and elsewhere unwanted. We call on to protests against the meeting of the world war elite ! The NATO "Security"-conference may not take place. We will protest - together, and creatively. Freedom of assambly, manifestation and opinion cannot be taken by prohibitions. Let's stop the world-wide wars of the NATO states! • For a social Europe • No military power for the EU • Against the German war politics and German military missions world-wide • Instead of dismantling of the welfare state and armament - more justice in distributing the wealth • NO justice NO peace • International solidarity against exploitation and military suppression Come to Munich: • Friday, 6 February 2004 starting from 16.00 o'clock to protests around the conference venue "Bayrischer Hof" • The international demonstration on Saturday, 7 February at 12.00 o'clock on Marienplatz The war planners may not come through - NO pasaran! Preamble support: coalition against the NATO-security-conference,munich coalition against war, Attac munich, ConAction, meeting of the munich peace committee Here you can support the ConAction call:
http://www.no-nato.de/cms1/front_content.php?client=2&lang=2&subid=32&idcat=32 Website: http://no-nato.de |
Lees meer over: globalisering militarisme | aanvullingen |  | ConAction - Call to the demo and action again | linking - 02.01.2004 15:41
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http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2003/12/16128.shtml ConAction – Call to the demo and action again no-nato - 23.12.2003 00:07 Fight global war! This is a call to the demo and action against the Nato Security conference being held on the 6th and 7th of February in Munich, Germany. | |
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