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CUBA LETS DEFEND REVOLUTIONARY CUBA OF PEOPLE Glory to 45th anniversary of Cuba Revolution that redeemed Cuba from all kind of oppression and explotation for world proletariat and oppressed people. Cuba revolution not only let Cuban people in the way of a society classless and without exploitation but also it has showed that an example of socialism beside the most powerful imperialist force would live. Cuba in the leadership of Fidel Castro, has become the revolutionarist Cuba of people by means of socialist development it has been providing for a long time and improving revolutionary internationalism and understanding of communism. US Imperialism entering the leaping collapse period, has conducted all of its forces to demolish and abolish this example in front of world proletariat and oppressed people At the lead of Germany and France all the European Imperialist is backing US on the demolishing Cuba in spite of all conflicts with us. In short, all imperiallist-capitalist countries has started to demolish Cuba to abolish the example of Cuba. They want to abolish this example because they are fearing that revolutionary Cuba as commune of our century enlightining the way of world proletariat and opressed people like a cresset. They’re fearing that proletariat and the other proletarian classes to follow the example of Cuba. They want Cuba to depart from a revoluation center that is boosting all the oppressed people moral and power. US Imperialism is establishing comissions in the sight of world for their repulsive aims, organising the counter revolutionarist escaping from Cuba, reserving allowances from its budget for destructive actions. European Imperialist are trying to blockading Cuba by means of propaganda and economic embargo. These herd of bandits want to show the world revolutionary forces that they will not let any example of socialism lived and so they want to demoralize and break their fighting desire. Valiant and courage Cuban people in the leading of Fidel Castro and Cuba Communist Party resist heroicly to these herd of bandits. Imperialist herd of bandits attempt to abolish Cuba, world communist parties, revolutionary organisations World proletariat and oppressed people must reply as defending Cuba. Lets defend Cuba that is “the Commune of our Century” Lets establish the Defence Comittee of Cuba for defending People’s Revolutionary Cuba. Now the first internationalist duty of all the Communist parties, revolutionary organisations revolutionary proletariat and opressed people is to defend the Cuba. Lets Defend Cuba Lets Establish The Defence Comittees For Cuba Long Live Proletairat Internationalism Long Live Revolutionary Cuba of People THE CENTRAL COMITTEE OF TURKEY COMMUNIST LABOR PARTY/ LENINIST E-Mail: hollandambirligi@hotmail.com Website: http://www.mbirligi@com |
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