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Join the resistance in Ahaus !!! WigA - 16.01.2004 16:49
The German government has revealed that 18 Castor caskets of nuclear waste are going to be transported about 615 kilometres from Dresden in east Germany to Ahaus near the Dutch border. Let`s smash theire ideas.  kick and rush in Ahaus  big solidarity concert in Muenster  Autonomous activists clean your tools! Things are happening again in Ahaus.  some railway action in Ahaus  check: www.wigatom.de The fairytale about abandoning atomic technology. The planned sale of the Hanau atomic plant [to China] has put well into the media spotlight that there is nothing to indicate that the german government wants to move ahead with the abandonment of atomic technology. Almost as controversial is the expansion of the uranium enrichment plant in Gronau, which will soon triple the amount of uranium it will enrich for the global market. Not a trace of abandonment. Totally embarrassing was the switch-off party of The Greens after the Stade nuke was switched off, where the operators admitted that this totally unprofitable plant would have gone off the grid much sooner without the consensus on abandonment. But this way the remaining running time of Stade could still be transferred to other nukes. And so will all atomic power stations still making a profit for the operators continue operating up to their technical KO and even beyond. With this, the danger of accidents grows by the day. This should make clear to everyone that the so-called atomic abandonment is a big fat lie. To put the crown on this attempt to stupefy the people, the Federal Agency for Radiation protection announced ceremonially that an end of the controversial Castor transports is imminent. Only shortly before that the transport from Rossendorf to Ahaus was announced. In the near future atomic waste will be brought to Ahaus from the research reactor at Garching [Bavaria]. In the plutonium factories in Sellafield [England] and La Hague [France] there is still atomic waste in storage which under the planning of the atomic lobby will make transports necessary until the year 2018. Highly radioactive glass blocks to Gorleben, so-called weakly and medium-radioactive waste to Ahaus and on top of that the waste from the interim depots, where it allegedly is only allowed to be stored for a limited time, has to be transported to a “final repository”. There is no end in sight. Atomic abandonment cannot be achieved with any government. So let’s take it in our hands. The this year project to transport to Ahaus and Gorleben will boomerang. The protests in Wendland this year have shown that the resistance lives. By announcing renewed transports to Ahaus the atomic lobby has disturbed a huge hornets’ nest. We will demonstrate again on 18 January at the next Sunday stroll in Ahaus and on 5 February there will be a demonstration outside the town council chambers at the time of a session to force the CDU majority to declare its position clearly. We also invite to a nationwide/international Ahaus meeting in Muenster on 25 January, I p.m. (Umweltzentrum, Scharnhorststr. 57). Get more information:
http://de.indymedia.org/2004/01/71874.shtml And now some pictures from the latest action going on in Ahaus. E-Mail: wigatom@web.de Website: http://www.wigatom.de |
aanvullingen |  | More Castors rolling soon, this time to Ahaus | linking - 16.01.2004 16:56
see also
http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2004/01/16399.shtml Join them in Ahaus on Sunday + February 5 Ahaus anti-nuclear groups - 16.01.2004 16:41 The Münsterland anti-nuclear initiatives will continue and expand their protests. Next Sunday, 18 January, at 2 pm, there will be the traditional Sunday stroll at the Ahaus nuclear waste dump just across the NL border. On 5 February there will be a demonstration in front of Ahaus town hall to urge the council to take a clear stand against nuclear transports planned for this year.
http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2003/12/15879.shtml More Castors rolling soon, this time to Ahaus Diet Simon - 06.12.2003 15:38 | Van Enschede naar Ahaus | LinkMichel - 18.01.2004 14:46
Reistijd 0:43 Website: http://www.ns.nl | |
aanvullingen | |