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Vingerafdrukken enzo Escorza - 18.01.2004 00:20
Een interessant statement van de filosoof Giorgio Agamben naar aanleiding van het Amerikaanse besluit om vingerafdrukken af te nemen van alle buitenlandse bezoekers. "The newspapers leave no doubt: from now on whoever wants to go to the United States with a visa will be put on file and will have to leave their fingerprints when they enter the country. Personally, I have no intention of submitting myself to such procedures and that's why I didn't wait to cancel the course I was supposed to teach at New York University in March." De auteur gaat daarna verder met het weergeven van een indruk waaraan ik mij ook niet kan onttrekken: "There has been an attempt the last few years to convince us to accept as the humane and normal dimensions of our existence, practices of control that had always been properly considered inhumane and exceptional." (...) All the same, it wouldn't be possible to cross certain thresholds in the control and manipulation of bodies without entering a new bio-political era, without going one step further in what Michel Foucault called the progressive animalization of man which is established through the most sophisticated techniques." Bruce Sterling drukte dit angstige voorgevoel ooit uit met de woorden: "Anything that can be done to a rat can be done to a human being. And we can do most anything to rats." De technocraten die ons besturen moeten voor de zekerheid in dit huiveringwekkende licht gezien worden. Voor de hele tekst (verschenen in Le Monde) zie: http://truthout.org/docs_04/011304H.shtml |
Lees meer over: vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen |  | |