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Ahaus Castors down the autobahn? WigA Widerstand gegen Atomlagen - 22.01.2004 20:18
February looking likely for Ahaus CASTOR transport - will it be on the autobahn? Information is accumulating that points to an early date for the transportation of 18 Castor caskets of highly radioactive nuclear waste from Rossendorf/Dresden to Ahaus. 1. On Wednesday morning (21 Jan) the media spokesman of the Federal Agency for Radiation Protection (BfS), Dirk Daiber, rang the Environment Centre (Umweltzentrum) in Münster. He did not deny our report of the previous day on IndyMedia which had stated that a permit would come through in the coming two to three weeks for a transport in February. Daiber was interested only in where the information came from... 2. Also on Wednesday (21 Jan) there was a meeting at the government presidium in Münster of the county directors of Borken, Steinfurt and Coesfeld with representatives of the North-Rhine Westphalian state government from Düsseldorf. Media inquirers were told it was only about "regional transport planning". The presidium made much of emphasising that CASTOR transports were not discussed. It is to be assumed, however, that controversial issues like nuclear transports will also come up when administrators of this rank meet, regardless of the denial. 3. The Federal Environment Ministry told the Ahaus civic action group opposing storage and transports already in November that the 18 CASTORS are probably going to be trucked on motorways "for cost reasons"! That would be the first big road transport in 15 years. Following the so-called Transnuklear scandal over thousands of barrels of nuclear waste being illegally transported, millions paid in bribes and workers being contaminated, the then environment minister, Klaus Töpfer, ordered transports put on to trains for safety reasons! That is why the transport is especially important to the nationwide anti-nuclear movement and should be the focus in the weeks ahead. These are the two possible routes: A: Dresden-Chemnitz-Gera-Jena-Erfurt-Eisenach (A4) - Kassel (A7)-Paderborn-Dortmund (A44)-Recklinghausen(A1/2) -Gelsenkirchen-Bottrop(A2)-Dorsten-Ahaus (A31) B: Dresden-Leipzig (A4/14)-Halle-Magdeburg (A14) -Braunschweig-Hannover-Minden (A2) - Osnabrück-Bad Bentheim (A30)-Gronau-Ahaus Should it be a rail consignment after all, approximately the same routes would be likely, with the last piece most probably running via Hamm-Lünen-Dülmen-Coesfeld to Ahaus. The private rail siding in Ahaus is not yet ready for transports, however. Familiarise yourselves with the motorway (Autobahn) sections near you! Think quickly about autobahn-compatible protests! Mobilise in your towns and villages! Give the CASTOR a puncture before it sets off! For more information see Indymedia reports of recent days or visit www.wigatom.de. e-Mail:: wigatom@web.de ¦ Homepage:: http://www.wigatom.de ¦ Litigation possibility "Infomierter gewöhnlicher Bär" at http://www.trainstopping.de/ advises that in case of road transportation §4AtG offers the chance to litigate. In contrast to rail transportation, in road transportation under §4 Paragraph 5 Atomgesetz (Atom Act) "the necessary protection against disturbance measures or other interventions by third parties" has to be assured. Proof of this protection is prerequisite to licensing the transportation. According to Paragraph 6 No. 6 this proof is not required for rail transportation. We have seen in recent years what vast police input has been necessary for the less than 20 road kilometres from Dannenberg to Gorleben. And the efforts interior minister Schönbohm thought necessary for the road transport from Rheinsberg (which was still before 11.9!). Hence a suit against the transport permit could make sense, in which the litigants could cite danger prognoses used to justify bans on general meetings in Göttingen and in the wider Lüneburg-Lüchow-Danenberg region. For the above reasons I personally regard a road transport as unlikely, one of the usual tricks to confuse critical citizens. Stop Castor! Homepage:: http://www.trainstopping.de Translated by Diet Simon E-Mail: wigatom@web.de Website: http://www.wigatom.de |
Lees meer over: natuur, dier en mens | aanvullingen |  | Join the resistance in Ahaus !!! | linking - 23.01.2004 02:12
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http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2004/01/16405.shtml Join the resistance in Ahaus !!! WigA - 16.01.2004 16:49 The German government has revealed that 18 Castor caskets of nuclear waste are going to be transported about 615 kilometres from Dresden in east Germany to Ahaus near the Dutch border. Let`s smash theire ideas. | |
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