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BLOOD DIAMONDS - BLOOD OIL Nora V - 23.01.2004 17:14
After the question « What is the difference between Conflict Diamonds and Blood Diamonds? » I got a response that there is no way to find out because not conflict neither blood Diamonds are mentioned in the dictionary. Did you hear about them before 9/11? Not me! Of course it’s not in the dictionary! Just like the word terrorism it is something suddenly everyone talks about. It wouldn’t surprise me neither that terrorism is also not in the dictionary! All of a sudden everything has to do with terrorism and even honest and hard working people are locked up as terrorists because their trade could possible have something to do with financing or contributing to a terrorist organization. This whole ‘witch hunt’ is a political game where George W Bush has control of. Samih Ossaily ( http://users.skynet.be/Samih.Ossaily ) is someone who was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, that doesn’t mean that he is a terrorist! That’s why it is very dangerous to base yourself on the media in such stories. Journalists don’t know the criminal file at all and of course they prefer to write about the most sensational story first. If it has to go about diamonds, I ask myself the question if anyone ever before was convicted of breaking a UN Embargo. If I understand correctly than the embargo on Liberia was affected on 07/05/2001, one month after Ossaily was back in Belgium. How can he be convicted than? And still, the moment that conflict Diamonds are brought into a eg. Belgium they are declared by the customs. From the moment they are declared and they become official Diamonds and are even supported by the government. Anyone in their right mind should stand against the charges of Samih Ossaily because it is obviously a political strategy to win the economical war. Belgium has enough economical problems that we shouldn’t welcome the people that want to make it worse. Maybe it will all become clear when the World Diamond Centre is not located anymore next to the Antwerp City Park but next to Central Park in New York. Another question where I never got an answer on is where are the proofs that Ossaily worked for Al-Qaeda? As I read in his website Ossaily is a Shiite Muslim and Osama Bin Laden is a strict Wahabi. Anyone who has a little bit of insight in this religion knows that does two do not get along! As well Bin Laden as Saddam Hussein, who is a Sunni Muslim, killed as many Shiites as possible. Would you work for your enemy? Not me. Anyway, don’t be too fast in believing what the media tells you to believe because more than half is made up. From my own experience I know that most journalists just write what they think people want to hear or read. Don’t be in the category of people who in 5 years will say that 10 years ago 3000 African children under the age of 6 died from starvation because than it will be too late (as usual). Today so many people believe that the so-called terrorists are for real. In 1954 there was a man who believed the earth was flat. He tried to convince many people of his believe but not too long after he had to admit the earth was round because he saw the proofs in front of him. Not long from now, many people will admit that Samih Ossaily is innocent. For everyone who believes otherwise, why don’t you go and follow his trial in June. You will see and hear that he is innocent. I hope that when this day comes their mouths will be as big as they are now. I received a link from someone who believes that Samih Ossaily is guilty. A link to an article of Amnesty International. I did not look for the article because I don’t believe that Amnesty Int’l does what they are supposed to do, which is help people. Why didn’t they help Samih Ossaily when he was in prison for 15 months? Watch it, everyone is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Why did they take it upon them selves to take on the duties of a judge? Which right do they have to take away someone else’s right? To close up, I have one more question mark. People doubt if there is a difference between conflict Diamonds and blood Diamonds. Is there a difference between conlict Diamonds and blood oil? Website: http://users.skynet.be/samih.ossaily/ |
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