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Who is a real threat to a State? SWEDISH SECURITY POLICE FOLLOWS HUNDREDS OF ’DISTURBER PEOPLE’ - BUT WHOS IS A REAL THREAT TO THE STATE FIN – According to Finnish leading newspaper Helsingin Sanomat is Swedish Security Police SÄPÖ putting disturber people under observation after few threatening letters or after having tried to contact ’the victim’. ”We attempt to have a chat with a person having sent the letter. After this our psychologist, criminologists and other experts are making their conclusions, if the person is a true threat to the one needing protection.” explains the circumstances Margaretha Linderoth, who is in charge of counter terrorism and personal security. People having place a threat will be classified into tree different levels. The most potential class are those having committed an violent act, being able to do so or, who have a motive to commit such an act. Potential people having committed a threat will be photograph and the photos will be given to each bodyguard says Linderoth. Swedish Security Police has got officially about 800 agents. What the article did not say, was the fact, that while I was seeking some help into my decease from Sweden against the Finnish lunatic cops, I got couple of these SÄPÖ idiots behind me back in Stocholm yelling ”a loose criminal” to a normal civilian, not did the article reveal Swedish Police using Police Helicopters in chasing innocent tourists. So you s.c. ’expertise’ can not be very highly valued based on these observation taken in practise. - I am very grateful to HM’s Court for their actions and acts taken, because .without them you would have made another marvellous cock-up. So far your acts against the counter terrorism have not impressed me very much. Helsingin Samomat’s article do not reveal the most common technique government reps in power are using against civilians in Finland, thus I can not see, why it would not happen in Sweden as well; we do remember, that the Toijala District Court Lagman Paul Salmi committed an violent act against me on me land without getting him into any register or in front of court – if I beat anyone I go either to jail or patrol, at least to one of your registers. So honestly I do not think they count very much, at least in cases similar to mine? Nor does the article reveal the most common method Security Police advised and learned to be used against civilians – faked reports of an offence. I’m sure there are several sample cases, but Järvenpää District Court Lagman is one too. Government Officials place faked reports and people can no longer fight in front of court – or behind if- against these people or their acts. Based on ISBN 951-98052-2-2 on police and lawyer education I really can not think you have made very wise move. Apupoika – Business Intelligence Finland Åke Tyvi Source : 1/26/2004 Helsingin Sanomat; Tuomo Pietiläinen; Ruotsin turvallisuuspoliisi seuraa satoja häiriintyneitä ihmisiä. |
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