Anarchist ontsnapt uit FIES-detentie Escorza - 01.02.2004 21:23
De anarchist Gabriel Pombo da Silva is ontsnapt uit een isolatiekerker van de Spaanse Staat. Hier een bericht (in een niet zo goeie vertaling) van na zijn ontsnapping. FROM THE OTHER SIDE To my comrades and my family: I would have liked to make an end for ones and for all to this death weight of prisons, persecutions and evasions? I say this with a burning heart; yet, I fear that I am obliged to live constantly with a past conditioning the present and the future, which pushes me always further into a desperate and surrealist situation of tension and confrontation with all and everything that configures, structures and comprises the world, existence and life in all its aspects. I cannot, I do not want and I do not have to submit myself anymore to the dominant logics of those who, during all those years, have tortured my/our bodies/souls/existence and have pretended to orient/control and regulate me/us on the so called way of «socialisation-normalisation ». TO THE OTHERS? You have tortured me/us to the limits of the unbearable; you have broken all your law books of alleged ethical-moral-political values by the use of your formal-concrete laws/norms/institutions and representatives? so be it? I would have liked to be able to do things (all things) from a more relaxed and free situation-perspective?. Nevertheless, not satisfied with taking from me/us 20 YEARS (the supposed limit for the deprivation of freedom under the old criminal code in the Spanish state, today elevated by the Aznar government to 40 years with retroactive working) of my/our existence, they also want to take/rob my/our MEMORY-WORD-LIBERTY-EVERYTHING? It is enough!!! Finished with the commandments, the farce, the silence, the humiliations, the tortures? . Today I am FREE (as free as a human being can be who lives exiled from his land and his loved-ones) and I can SPEAK and ACT? I can sleep with a good conscience able to at least support-share with all those persons/collectives who just as me have suffered, suffer and will suffer the VIOLENCE of the STATES-INSTITUTIONS-GOVERNMENTS-LAWS? When the LAWS-NORMS turn into instruments of VENGEANCE in the hands of the powers that be, there is no other remedy left for us than to ignore-despise-denounce and fight them in all their expressions/manifestations? When Rights only serve the interests and the ambitions of a few, we ourselves are the only Left... I will not here and now explain all the concrete cases which show ALL the abuses of power that have been done, are done and will be done against us by the past and coming CONSTITUTIONAL STATE? In the Spanish state, my brothers and sisters rot in Special Units which were illegal in the beginning, then semi-legal, and later legal? A regime, the F.I.E.S., C.D.1, in which since its instauration (year 1991) 13 COMRADES in struggle and rebellion have lost their lives; the last one, Paco Ortiz; brother and friend? There is no truce!!! We will never rest in peace until you have done away with your military secrets! We will cease to scream-express our disgust-rage for your democratic fascism, so that, at the end, you neither will be able to sleep peacefully!!! I know that we are almost alone in this struggle against you and your institutions/representatives; that the times have changed so that almost nobody cares when some criminalized persons are driven crazy and die under general or quasi general indifference? Personally, I am so convinced and in love with FREEDOM, all FREEDOMS, that I will struggle with all my energy, feelings and passions to (at least try to) change, destroy this world and create ANOTHER WORLD than the one you have left for us with your AUTHORITY/AUTHORITARIANSM. TO THOSE WITH US I make an appeal to all those persons-collectives-organisations and peoples who today, in the 21st century, struggle for more Dignity, Autonomy and FREEDOM? I nourish no hope to come out-standing out of this « adventure », therefore i would like that i/we in our struggle against tyranny and tyrants could be a reference and sign of continuity for all persons-groups-collectives who declare themselves lovers of freedom? I make an appeal to all these journalists (not to those who are spokespersons for the state) to be courageous, fierce and responsible and that they enter in these Special Units of Spain, France, Germany, the USA, etc. and see with their own eyes what I am referring too? Evidently, I don't nourish any hope that the States will renounce to their instruments of domination and torture; neither that they give in to the goodwill of these groups/organisations/etc. who denounce these concrete FACTS/SITUATIONS and other? such as the F.I.E.S. ?the D.E.R.T. and, further away geographically but closer in time, the situation of the Taliban war hostages in Guantanamo (juridical-legally absolutely and manifestly unjustifiable), the legal assassinations of Yankees, especially against the Afro-Americans and Latinos. TO MINE And to you, family? friends and comrades, I say that you live in my heart and that I regret to deprive you of my companionship and presence, that?s how it is, that?s how my consciousness/my heart dictates? For those who have left me alone in this decision of struggle and freedom, as well as for the traitors and enemies, a smile of profound and eternal contempt. GREETINGS; ANARCHY AND SOCIAL REVOLUTION!!! Gabriel Pombo da Silva De Spaanse tekst onder meer hier: |