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Demo in Ahaus, CASTOR resistance continues! http://www.wigatom.de - 07.02.2004 19:29
More than 150 people demonstrated Thursday evening in the centre of Ahaus against planned transportation of nuclear waste from Dresden, 650 km across Germany. In pouring rain they demanded an end to atomic transports and an immediate stop to atomic power production. There was much applause for a declaration of solidarity from Dresden. The Saxony Green League (Grüne Liga Sachsen) demands that the waste stay in Rossendorf, near Dresden, and announced they would resist it being moved from there. A solidarity greeting also came from the Anti-Atom-Forum in Berlin. Representatives from the Wendland (Gorleben dump) attended. Their BI Lüchow-Dannenberg intends to take part in the Ahaus resistance as they did in 1997/98. So, things are moving. In the town council it was business as usual. The CDU (Conservatives) voted for the transport, but please not during school hours, working hours or through the industrial area. The claim was even made that the reactor in Rossendorf (Dresden) had served mainly medical research. Different dates are being mentioned for a transport. The press reports the North-Rhine Westphalian interior minister, Fritz Behrens, as opposing nuclear waste transports within Germany and no seeing any date for a long time to come. The co-governing Greens in the state are now officially also opposed, whereas in December they were still for it, arguing that it served the phase-out of nuclear power. But according to press reports, the Lower Saxony environment ministry is still saying the transport is to take place “in the first quarter” (i.e. March). Whatever’s on paper, the only thing that helps us is to mount resistance on the roads, because that is where the CASTOR casks are supposed to move. Every action between Dresden and Ahaus aimed against the transport before it happens increases the pressure to cancel or delay it. Creativity is needed! The next dates to mark: 15 February: 111th Sunday Stroll in Ahaus. At 2 pm from the railway station. A carnivalistic protest procession is planned. 28 February: Nationwide autobahn action day. The whole day actions are to take place between Dresden and Ahaus along the autobahns. The routes again: A) Dresden-Chemnitz-Gera-Erfurt-Kassel-Dortmund-Gelsenkirchen-Ahaus B)Dresden-Leipzig-Magdeburg-Braunschweig-Hannover-Minden-Osnabrück-Ahaus. Puncture the CASTORs before they set out! German source story for this: http://de.indymedia.org/2004/02/74103.shtml Previous recent reports in English: Castor alarm in Ahaus! http://de.indymedia.org//2004/02/73745.shtml Dresden Castors to Ahaus: a Dutch view http://de.indymedia.org//2004/02/73731.shtml Autobahn actions against Castor transport http://de.indymedia.org//2004/01/72885.shtml More Castors rolling soon, this time to Ahaus http://de.indymedia.org//2003/12/69056.shtml Translated by Diet Simon |
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