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Big pro refugee demonstration The Hague human rights for refugees - 09.02.2004 13:24
On Monday morning 9 February, thousands of demonstrators assembled before the parliament building in The Hague, government city of The Netherlands. They came to protest the Dutch government’s plans to expel 26.000 refugees, some of whom are now in The Netherlands for ten years or more.  Earlier Afghan refugees demonstration, also on the Plein The Hague: big demonstration against Dutch government’s forcible expulsion of refugees On Monday morning 9 February, thousands of demonstrators assembled before the parliament building in The Hague, government city of The Netherlands. They came to protest the Dutch government’s plans to expel 26.000 refugees, some of whom are now in The Netherlands for ten years or more. In many cases this policy, if implemented, will lead to families torn apart, children no longer educated, parents and their Dutch born children sleeping rough on Dutch streets as their “native” countries refuse to accept them, or forcible return to “former” war zones like (ex) Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, and Iraq. Countries, safe according to the propaganda of the US, Dutch, and other governments; however, extremely unsafe in the real world for returning refugees. In the days before 9 February, there had already been big solidarity demonstrations all over The Netherlands. In Leeuwarden, a town of only 60.000 people though the capital of Friesland province, there was a meeting in the main Protestant church. It quickly filled to capacity, and thousands of fellow demonstrators had to follow the proceedings outside on a big TV screen. In the still much smaller town of Schoonhoven in the central Netherlands, there had never been any demonstration since 70 years ago. Still, on 7 February, over 300 people were in a pro refugees demonstration there. In the small Southern town of Bergen Op Zoom, over five hundred school students had an anti government protest march through the town centre. They protested especially against government plans to deport the Serbian-Croatian Radakovic.family, of father Dragan, mother Silvana, and their three children, to Croatia. More on this case (in Dutch) at http://www.juvenaat.nl/radakovic/radakovic1.html This is the site of Gymnasium Juvenaat, the school of the Radakovic childrten. On http://www.juvenaat.nl/ are also a protest song and more on this case. This family has already been in The Netherlands for over nine years. Extreme Croatian nationalists have threatened to kill them as “ethnically impure” if the Dutch government goes ahead with its plans to deport them to “safe” Croatia. In case of deportation, the family also very probably would be torn apart as some of them have passports of Croatia, some of Serbia and Montenegro. There are many more heart-breaking cases. A Dutch lady, Dutch born, can stay in The Netherlands. However, the government plans to deport her Afghan born husband to Afghanistan. Afghanistan is, like (ex) Yugoslavia, Iraq , and Somalia, the countries where most refugees in The Netherlands are from, “safe” in government propaganda, and only in government propaganda. As in other countries, if US or other NATO troops have invaded, that, and not reality, is supposed to mean “safety”. On the Plein, the square in front of the Dutch parliament, many people had signs, like “We were already deported once. From Kosovo. That is enough!” “Also Roma have the right to live.” A leaflet quoted a man from Iran: “My wife and children have permission to stay in The Netherlands. However, after eight years they want to send me back to Iran. This is because I asked for political asylum four months before they did.” A family from Palestine: “Dutch government officials claim we could return to Palestine by way of the Palestinian embassy in Belgium. There is no such embassy at all.” A woman from Somalia, a single parent: “They say we can return to Somalia. My little daughter will get forcible clitoridectomy there, against my and her will.” Etc. etc. etc. A sign said: "Don’t deport refugees. Only the Dutch Government Minister of Refugees, Ms Ria Verdonk [of the “Right Liberal” VVD party], should be deported ... to Denver, where she would make an even more credible Alexis Colby than Joan Collins in “Dynasty”." There were red and black anarchist flags, red tomato signs of the Dutch Socialist Party, and Target signs against the 1999 Yugoslavia war. A drum band played, and many people blew whistles, clearly audible in Parliament. Various speakers addressed the crowd, including a 10 year old girl from a refugee family, born in The Netherlands; and a comedian in the role of Hans Janmaat, before his death the leader of the extreme Right Centrumdemocraten; implying that present government policy goes in that direction. Ad Visser, former Dutch TV presenter of the Top Pop show, concluded the meeting with a song about three women from Kosovo. After fleeing war to The Netherlands, and many years there waiting for bureaucracy to decide, they find out the Dutch government wants to forcibly return them to danger in Kosovo. The pro refugee struggle goes on. On Wednesday 11 February, there will be a demonstration in Groningen. See http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2004/02/16749.shtml |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wereldcrisis | aanvullingen |  | protest Nijmegen | Tjados - 09.02.2004 15:11
Actie in Nijmegen In Nijmegen zal er op Valentijnsdag, zaterdag 14 februari, een manifestatie gehouden worden, om een hart onder de riem te steken voor al de Nijmeegse vluchtelingen die met uitzetting worden bedreigd. Om 14.30 uur verzamelen we ons op Plein 44. Er zijn verhalen van vluchtelingen, er is de mogelijkheid om handtekeningen voor een humaan asielbeleid te zetten, briefkaarten worden uitgedeeld aan het winkelend publiek, ideeën voor verdere activiteiten kunnen worden gemeld, zodat het kan worden gecoördineerd. Doe mee! Voor meer informatie: zie in de komende week deze website (www.stichtinggast.nl) of de website van de diaconie www.kerkinactie-nijmegen.nl Voor eventuele giften voor levensonderhoud voor de uitgeprocedeerde asielzoekers giro 8523702 tnv Gast te Nijmegen.
| mooi spandoek | volgens een nieuwsdienst - 09.02.2004 15:25
had het opschrift: "Verdonk, Go Home".
| Groenlinks congres | 10.02.2004 10:03
Groenlinks houdt zaterdag 14 februari een congres voor de europese verkiezingen in Nijmegen. | óók flahmob in Nijmegen {14 feb} | fwd! - 11.02.2004 15:16
Inderdaad vindt zaterdag ook plaats het Congres van Groenlinks in de Schouwburg. Tijdens de pauze van 13.30 tot 14.15 vindt er een "flashmob" plaats op het Keizer Karel Plein om de aandacht te vestigen op de problematiek van de uitgeprocedeerde asielzoekers. Dit 20e Congres van GroenLinks wordt bezocht door een recordaantal van 850 leden. De geplande flashmob kan nog massaler worden, als iedereen, die van plan was om 14.30 naar Plein '44 te gaan zich een uurtje eerder naar het Keizer Karel Plein begeeft om een nog krachtiger tegengeluid te laten horen tegen het inhumane terugkeerbeleid van deze Regering. Mensen kom ook naar Nijmegen!
Website: http://home.wxs.nl/~grlinijm/main2.htm | verslag in The Times | nollun - 12.02.2004 00:19
Zelfs The Times (London), een krant die zeker niet als links word beschouwd, vindt het schokkend... The Dutch Prepare For Biggest Mass Deportations The Times, London AMSTERDAM, Feb. 11. — The Netherlands is to force 26,000 failed asylum seekers to return to their countries of origin over the next three years in one of the biggest mass deportations in modern European history. The deportation order, amounting to one in 600 of the population, applies to almost all failed asylum seekers who arrived before the Dutch introduced a new asylum regime in April 2001.... The mass deportation, which has public support in what was once one of the most liberal countries in Europe, is seen as the legacy of the anti-immigration politician Pim Fortuyn, who campaigned for a halt to all non-European immigration. His assassination by an animal rights activist in 2002 caused a political storm that saw his thinking enter the mainstream....
| Download actiemateriaal Nijmegen 14 feb. | Angela - 12.02.2004 01:47
Ansichtkaart aan Verdonk, Poster Platform Breed Pardon en 10 schrijnende gevallen. Te downloaden op de site van Keer Het Tij Nijmegen:
http://keerhettij.nijmeegsplatform.net/nieuws.htm | Dutch anit refugees law | real afghan boy - 16.11.2005 16:20
dear readers, the dutch anit refugess laws are one of the criticla issues that people are facing extremely these days. imagine, for example, a family of five people who lived for almost 6 years in a country which claims to have the highest standards of democracy and equaliity among its citizens is now deciding to withdraw not only this family, but a total of 26000 people who are in hanger, starvation, lacking shelther and saftey!!!!!!!!!!!!! in my opinion it is the time to judge and set toghether and talk togheter is it a good jugdment??????????? i think not. close ur borders and let no body enter ur land....... be specific to ur decesions ... let each one live in peace and equality. let the world be equal pleaseeeeeeeee
E-Mail: love_lifeever@yahoo.com Website: http://www.yahoo.com | |
aanvullingen | |