8 March 2004 - 5th GLOBAL WOMEN’S STRIKE Global Women’s Strike Co-ordination - 09.02.2004 13:24
8 March 2004 -- Calling all women 5th GLOBAL WOMEN’S STRIKE Calling all men to join with women to STOP THE WORLD AND CHANGE IT! INVEST IN CARING NOT KILLING! A long grassroots history The GLOBAL WOMEN'S STRIKE was born in 1999, when women in Ireland decided to welcome the new millennium with a national general strike. They asked the International Wages for Housework Campaign to support their call, and we called on women all over the world to make the Strike global on 8 March 2000. The Strike came out of a long grassroots history, starting in 1952 with a little pamphlet called A Woman’s Place and continuing with Power of Women and the Subversion of the Community, now a classic, in 1972, and Sex, Race and Class in 1973.* All three made the case that the work women do for wages is a second job, that the work we do in the home and in the community without wages, producing all the workers of the world, and our struggle to change the world, were invisible but central. Since then, we have been campaigning to get RECOGNITION and WAGES for all the unwaged work women do, as well as for PAY EQUITY-- these are JOINT LEVERS against women's poverty, exploitation and discrimination of every kind. According to the UN, women do 2/3 of the world’s work: from breastfeeding and raising children to caring for those who are sick, older or disabled, to growing, preparing and cooking the food that feeds families, communities and continents (80% of food consumed in Africa is grown by women), to volunteer work and to work in the informal economy as cleaners, seamstresses, street sellers, sex workers, as well as work in the formal economy. Here again women’s work is often caring for people, in hospitals and schools, as domestic workers, childminders, personal assistants . . . or in sweatshops - jobs where men who do comparable work also get low pay. But women get the lowest, and often face sexual and racial harassment. Although in every country all this work is basic to the welfare and even survival of humanity, it is devalued and ignored by the Market, and women get only 5% of the world’s assets in return. In Beijing in 1995, the International Women Count Network which we co-ordinate, supported by more than 1,500 organisations, won a major UN decision. National accounts were to include how much of their lifetime women spend doing unwaged work and how much value this work creates. Trinidad & Tobago and Spain have put this into law; other countries are carrying out time-use surveys and increasingly consider unwaged work in court decisions and government policies. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Women in over 60 countries Since 2000 the Strike has been a great success. It has brought together women in over 60 COUNTRIES, including grassroots organisations with impressive track records, who also demand a world that values all women’s work and every life, and who have achieved much. They are now part of an international network of Strike co-ordinators. In Venezuela, we are working with the women who are building a caring economy and won Article 88 of the Constitution, which recognises housework as an economic activity that creates added value and produces social welfare and wealth, entitling housewives to social security. The Strike has been spreading news of such momentous victories, supporting the revolutionary process there in which women from the grassroots are the most active participants. The Strike is part of the movement against war and occupation not only in Iraq but in Palestine, Chechnya, Colombia, Congo, Kashmir . . . Our priority has been to highlight the struggle that women make and the direction this gives, from which the whole movement benefits but which is often as ignored as the unwaged survival work we do. With the theme INVEST IN CARING NOT KILLING, we demand that the $900+ billion now spent on military budgets is used instead for basic survival needs -- clean accessible water, food security, healthcare, housing, education, safety from rape and other violence, protection of our planet -- and therefore for women who are the first carers and the first fighters for the survival of loved ones. We claim for a start the US military budget -- over half the world’s military spending -- with which “Corporate America” imposes its economic and political interests on the whole world (including on people in the US). * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The contribution of those sectors most discriminated against Those sectors of women who are most discriminated against – all women of colour, including women of Indigenous, African and Asian descent, single mothers, women with disabilities, immigrant women, sex workers, lesbian women . . . use the Strike to spell out their contribution to every economy, society and struggle. The Strike insists that more powerful sectors acknowledge this contribution. We also demand recognition for the contribution of men who actively support our struggle because they agree that INVEST IN CARING NOT KILLING is the priority of all workers and all humanity. Not only do men owe women their daily survival -- from breastfeeding to cooked meals, clean clothes and emotional support -- but they also depend on women prioritising survival to oppose the values of the Market, values which now threaten the survival of the world. The web page of Payday, a network of men, www.refusingtokill.net, is an important contribution to the movement against war, and to the recognition of all those who risk their own life and liberty in defence of everyone’s life and liberty. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * A framework for unity We are often told that in order to win we must unite, but we don’t hear much about how to do that (except from political parties that want to lead us). We use the Strike as a framework for unity -- among sectors of women, between women and men, within and among countries -- because it is based on each sector accepting and enriching the independent struggle of every other. The Strike is not party political, nor is it separatist. It is ambitious for the movement for change but it stands against personal ambition that undermines mutual accountability. The Global Women’s Strike has extended from taking joint action every 8 March. It is now a global network that strengthens the ongoing daily struggle of grassroots women (and men). We attach what Strike coordinators in some countries say about what they have achieved with it. The Strike establishes that as carers, waged or unwaged, we are always WORKERS, and that we have the power to bring the whole economy to a halt. That’s what women did in Iceland on 24 October 1975. They said: WHEN WOMEN STOP, EVERYTHING STOPS. We add: STOP THE WORLD AND CHANGE IT. Selma James and Nina López, 17 January 2004
womenstrike8m@server101.com www.globalwomenstrike.net *Until then, it was assumed that only those who did waged work, mainly men in industrial countries, were ‘real’ workers, and that only they could change the world. The Wages for Housework Campaign broke with this sexism and racism, establishing autonomy as a new basis for organising and unifying. Strike demands * Payment for all caring work – in wages, pensions, land & other resources. What is more valuable than raising children & caring for others? Invest in life & welfare, not military budgets & prisons. * Pay equity for all, women & men, in the global market. * Food security for all, starting with breastfeeding mothers. Paid maternity leave, breastfeeding breaks & other benefits – stop penalising us for being women. * Don’t pay ‘Third World debt’. We owe nothing, they owe us. * Accessible clean water, healthcare, housing, transport, literacy. * Non-polluting energy & technology which shortens the hours we work. We all need cookers, fridges, washing machines, computers, & time off! * Protection & asylum from all violence & persecution, including by family members & people in positions of authority. * Freedom of movement. Capital travels freely, why not people? * Visibility and respect * Wider networks * * Grassroots women’s anti-racism * * The largest women’s anti-war event in our history * We’ve all changed * ARGENTINA, Santa Fe "For more than 15 years we struggled in isolation for the huge amount of work we women do caring for others to be recognised with a wage and a pension. Trade unions, civil servants, political parties and many feminists, said we were “backward and mad”. With the Strike we found there were women like us on every continent. This has strengthened our organisation. We have made a great leap forward locally and nationally. Now they look at us with respect. We have been able to reach more grassroots women, encouraging them to form autonomous women’s networks. We know we are not alone and that in the face of any attack women in other parts of the world will raise their voices in our defence." Sindicato de Amas de Casa de Santa Fe _______________________________________ GUYANA, Georgetown "Sometimes Guyana is a country at war - when the tension and conflict that the British and American governments first helped create between Indo-Guyanese and Afro-Guyanese explodes into violence. Then there is the violence against those of us who are Indigenous Guyanese, whose interests are just thrown aside. In the last two years the Strike helped us to make our opposition to the racism and violence whose main victims are grassroots women and children visible. Every year we put forward practical demands - especially against the higher prices we’re paying for water and electricity because of privatisation. But our main demand has been for an end to racist violence. We have begun to feel we’re part of a global movement. We feel as if something happens in Guyana the Strike will fight with us internationally." Red Thread ________________________________________ IRELAND, Galway “The Strike has given us a way to come together across many divides. Irish women are not expected to unite with English women, who come from the country that waged war and occupied Ireland so many centuries ago. The religious divides between Protestant and Catholic that are a legacy of this have plagued us on this island, and now the new rift the warmongers have stirred up between Muslim and Christian is added to that. We have been able to use the Strike to organise against war and occupation, bringing women together from North and South of Ireland, Catholic and Protestant, Muslim, Christian, atheist.” Wages for Housework Campaign ______________________________________ PERU, Lima “With the Strike we have related to other women’s organisations which fight with great courage and determination for our fundamental rights as women and as workers who care for the whole of humanity. The Strike has helped us to accept ourselves as we are, so that, for example, our sisters can have free sexual choice. Before the Strike we were prejudiced because of our machista and patriarchal culture. Lesbian women are able to organise autonomously and make their situation visible. We have learnt to be self-critical about our mistakes. “ The Strike is part of me because the demands of the women of the world are my demands. I feel that we are invincible because we are the great majority and they are my sisters in struggle.” Centro de Capacitación para Trabajadoras del Hogar _______________________________________ PERU, Puno “The Strike gives us visibility, a space where rural women can participate and speak out about the issues that affect our daily lives. With the Strike we have won over more women’s organisations such as mothers’ clubs, craft groups, soup kitchens, as well as the support of men. The income that rural women contribute through Andean crafts is for the benefit of the family - its education, food, housing. We now hope to reach an international market with our produce and cut out the middle men.” Centro Aymará “Pacha Aru” _______________________________________ SPAIN, Barcelona “The Strike has transformed us, helping to break us free of the habit of relating and prioritising one sector of women over others, to move beyond our neighbourhood and region, to act locally - in our neighbourhoods, plazas, markets, schools, workplaces - but with an international perspective, and to widen our networks. It has made visible the contribution of those of us who are immigrant. The mass Strike actions brought together women’s opposition to war and globalisation.” Campaña por un Salario para el Trabajo sin Sueldo ________________________________________ UGANDA, Kaabong “We are neglected and discriminated against because we are poor. BUT the Global Strike has changed our lives. We have gained free medical services, no cost sharing. The Land Act also allows women to own land and properties and inherit the late husband’s properties. The Strike has helped to express our point of view in a more effective way. Like we say, Invest in Caring Not Killing. Wars will never bring peace in the world. Our major demand for this year’s Strike is: we need accessible clean water. We have the source of the river Nile in Uganda. Why shouldn’t we take the water for agriculture, so that women have enough food for their families! Kaabong Women’s Organisation _________________________________________ USA, Los Angeles “The 2003 Strike was the largest women’s anti-war and International Women’s Day event in LA history, with an estimated 3-5,000 participants. It brought together grassroots women, with the major anti-war networks, and activist celebrities. The Strike helps those of us in the US, no matter how poverty stricken we may be, not to scab on our sisters in the South who are in much more dire straits. It has helped open our eyes to the leadership offered by those resisting US domination outside of the US and to be strengthened by it.” Global Women’s Strike/LA Women of Color in the Global Women’s Strike _______________________________________ USA, Philadelphia "The Strike gained visibility, prominence and respect for women’s voices and demands in the massive protests against war in Iraq. We won’t allow the disabilities and illnesses created by war and weapons pollution, in countries attacked by the US as well as among US vets and their families, to remain hidden. The Strike brought together the most diverse multiracial crowd. We have been a crucial voice for mothers and grandmothers against military recruitment programs in school. A Black woman raising her grandchildren said what we oppose: ‘Billions for war and not a dollar for a child.’ ” Wages for Housework Campaign WinVisible - women with visible and invisible disabilities _________________________________________ USA, San Francisco “Our strength has been the organizing for the civil and legal rights of women in the sex industry. Many of us are lesbian, and we have a wealth of experience based on organizing against the discrimination women, especially ‘sexual outlaws’, face from the police, courts, judges, in both criminal and family law. We used the Strike to press City Hall on a resolution to end violence against sex workers. The Strike has helped us to extend our network to other sectors, organizations and neighbourhoods.” US PROStitutes Collective Wages Due Lesbians _______________________________________ Global Women’s Strike Co-ordination ENGLAND International co-ordination Crossroads Women's Centre 230a Kentish Town Road, London NW5 2AB Tel: 00-44-20-7482 2496 Fax: 00-44-20-7209 4761
womenstrike8m@server101.com Website: www.globalwomenstrike.net Co-ordination of men’s actions and support: Address above payday@paydaynet.org Website: www.refusingtokill.net ARGENTINA SAC, Francia 3036, 3000 Santa Fe Tel: 00-54-342-453 0216 & 496 0868
izanutig@gigared.com; amadecasa@gigared.com GUYANA Red Thread, 72 Princess & Adelaide Streets, Charlestown, Georgetown Tel/Fax: 00-592-227 7010
thread@sdnp.org.gy INDIA Chhattisgarh Women’s Organisation Pithora, Mahasamund, Chhattisgarh 493551 Tel: 00-91-7707 71107
sharmanand@yahoo.com IRELAND 10 Galway Bay Apartments, Salthill, Galway Tel: 00-353-91 520269
maggie.ronayne@nuigalway.ie PERU 132 Wakulski, Cercado, Lima Tel: 00-51-1-423 1958
ccth@terra.com.pe Jr. 20 de Julio No 159, Urbanización Fernando Belaunde Terry, Chanuchanu, Puno Tel: 00-51-51-356 808
pacha_aru@hotmail.com SPAIN Centro 'Las Mujeres Cuentan', Radas 27 Local, 08004 Barcelona Tel/Fax: 00-34-93-442 2304
huelgademujeres8m@teleline.es TRINIDAD & TOBAGO NUDE, Mount Pleasant Rd, Arima Tel: 001-868-667 5247
domestic@tstt.net.tt UGANDA KWO, PO Box 9344, Kampala, Uganda Tel: 00-256-41 271012, Fax: 00-256-41 346456
akulum@hotmail.com USA Los Angeles Crossroads Women's Centre PO Box 86681, LA, CA 90086-0681 Tel/Fax: 001-323-292 7405
la@crossroadswomen.net Philadelphia Crossroads Women's Centre PO Box 11795, Philadelphia, PA 19101 Tel: 001-215-848 1120 Fax: 001-215-848 1130
philly@crossroadswomen.net San Francisco Crossroads Women's Centre PO Box 14512, SF, CA 94114 Tel/Fax: 001-415-626 4114
sf@crossroadswomen.net E-Mail: womenstrike8m@server101.com Website: http://www.globalwomenstrike.net |