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New Phase Mucdele birligi - 09.02.2004 18:46
New Phase NEW PHASE FOREWORD The new historical phase we have been in is being analyzed by the articles written at different times. Here, it is only being gathered. When examined, it will be seen that a point of view is matured. While capitalist class had always been forcing people to product for maximum profit , it also improved material conditions. By this way the basis on which the new type of society will be built had been preparet. While capitalism, at the end, exhausting itself, socialism has became inevitable by the improvement of the material conditions. The main aim of the articles here is to show that the capitalist type of production, at the end, has come to a new, collapsing phase. And others are the necessity for starting the new society and the possibility of saving it for mankind. You can not understand the daily progress of class struggle and the huge bottle between today and the past unless you understand the historical phase we have been in. The articles pointing at that are only a beginning. The area is wide, the subject is of an extend; it must be developed by other studies. December 7th 2001 BRIEF HISTORY The process of natural and historical evolution today has been carried on shortly and intensively. The history of civilisation covers a temporary and short term within long history of mankind. On the other hand, capitalism covers the shortest term that is suitable to the classified societies of the history of civilisation, which is the history of mankind. The primitive communal community which was before the classified societies (old community), is the unclassified society of history which had covered very very long term. The slaving society that took place of it had lasted for millions of years as the first type of society of the history civilisation. But the following one, the feudal society had lasted for hundred of years. The history of capitalism, which has been the last type of the history of civilisation has been present for only several hundreds of years. Capitalism, based on large industry (except for the manifactural term) has two hundred years’ past. At the very first several decades of capitalism based on large industry proletarian rebellions started. After one hundred years socialism, which is a high type of society, replaced of capitalism. The type of society at covered the shortest term in the history of civilisation has been capitalism. All societies cover a specific historical period. As a matter affact being historical means being temporary. The short history of capitalism replies the thesis of bourgeois theoreticians that capitalism is ‘never-ending’. The process of evolution of the natural history under the capitalism today takes a short place within the history of capitalism. Capitalism has phases in itself. The phase humanity live today is a new phase different from the others. This phase covers the historical conditions that humanity started transition to unclassified society process and moving ahead universal freedom. This is the transition of humanity to a new historical period. The evolution of natural history has got into this new process. At this process capitalism comes to an end not slowly as in the previous historical terms but in a leaping way. Passive evolutionists can not recognise that the development is consisting of characteristic leapings caused by the build up that have been acquired and conflicts. The process of today is the same, also. History has got into a new characteristic leaping process. For a community, in order to lose its strength the disagreeing contrasts in itself must develop historically. The disagreeing class contrasts of capitalism reached the most mature level developing through history. The historical development of disagreeing class contrasts between proletarian and bourgeoisie is on the level of losing its strength. Any types of communities could stay alive for a long time under those conditions historical developed that much. A social system can only leave its place to another one if the material conditions of a higher society occur and become mature. Society does not deprive itself of the fruits of the development level it reached unless it sees the higher social development. But, if the most of the old one stands under the less of the new one, any force can prevent the society from reaching the new one. Capitalists must improve the producing dynamics till the end in order to widen itself continuously. Material / physical conditions improve till the last stage under the dominance of bourgeoisie. By this way the material conditions come to such a point that they become the material conditions of the new society. A higher type of society can not be realized historically unless these conditions occur and become mature. The conditions of the new society have been prepared by the natural historical evolution of capitalism. Every model of society occurs as a result/product of history and leaves its place to a higher type of society as a procedure of the theory of evolution. That is the way natural historical evolution works. Capitalist type of production always flew from one type to another after it settled on the large industrial base. The large industry, scientific and technological development do not consider any form of production as permanent and unchangeable. Branches and techniques of production and composition of capitalists constantly change. Large industry plays a dynamic role; types of production constantly change. All old division of labour change. New types of production, new production branches create the new division of labour. Consentration of the means of production and social character of labour develops clearly. Although the large industry forces and brings continuous improvement and change, the private property of means of production (which remain constant disagreeing opposite to this improvement) causes bourgeoisie act as if they are their own properties rather than that the results of social production be shared co-operatively by the society. All the modern improvement is in the rebellion against bourgeoisie which is contrary to the age and which is not based on any type of production and historical presence. On this context, all modern rebellions have been against capitalism. Means of production have been developed at most by capitalists. This does not mean that the level which means of production must come and reached. Development of the means of production is limited as long as they keep capitalist characters. However, means of production under capitalism do not work just as means of production but as capitalist. On the contrary, the capitalist type of production is a handicap on the way of every type of modern progress. Machine, technology, science, all advanced production powers can only go more forward if they could get rid of the capitalist character. The level today does not show the improvement mankind made. Mankind would have been in a more advanced developing point if the blocking factor of capitalism had not been. The means of production at present are available for mankind to move ahead with their co-operative property. Socialist type of society as higher society which will replace capitalism is a necessity for the age. The improvement history of the old society caused society come to this point. History woks only for that. Capitalism does not only make conditions ready for a higher type of society by forcing the producing dynamics till the end, but also extinguishes every sort of life sources. Nature has enormously been destroyed by capitalism today. The autonomous state of nature ended with the improvement of machine, science and technology. People have the possibility to transform the destroying laws of nature to the advantage of mankind. However, instead of doing it capitalism, as the inevitable process of its historical tendency, destroys nature. Capitalism has a superior production type of character to nature. If that system goes on, the rest of nature will also be destroyed. Capitalism can only widen itself by this way. Capitalism also destroys proletarian by making them work under bad conditions while it was destroying their soul forever and killing the sea, the weather day by day. At capitalism, worker is parted and the difference between urban and rural area has reached to the peak points. As to division of labour at capitalism, the difference between the intellectual work and muscular work reached to the highest levels. However, large industry created the possibilities of very kind of technological improvement, ending the historical division of urban and rural area, and of coming together on a new and higher levelled composition by applying science as a free power of production. The same progress is available for removing the separation between the intellectual and muscular work. The capitalist type of production has been more made according to technology and science. The combining parts of labour process has been changing. Although worker is at a watcher position on the production process and technological and scientific process started, the only criterion of value of worker had been lasting to be the quantity of work. As it is clearly seen, production based on capitalism is a handicap on the way of development of producing dynamics, science and technology, that must be pulled down. Society can get rid of all binds capitalism which chains it and one can improve himself on many areas by taking the means of productions away, possessing them co- operatively, generalising the labour and sharing the job among all healthy members of society equally. It can get rid of the difference between intellectual work and muscular work. One can only this way improve himself on many areas. A person can not also improve himself under the capitalist division of labour conditions which destroy city people physically and leave people of rural areas behind intellectually. Capitalism has itself put forth that it is a blocking system on the way of improvement with all its facts. People are face to face with losing the level of improvement and its fruits because of being left behind, destroying and collapsing dynamics of capitalism. If people do not want to lose it, they must remove capitalism. Capitalism has improved all the contrasts that will remove itself. The antagonistic class contrasts of capitalism has a tendency of sharpening even in the imperialist countries. The conflicts that had been ‘softened’ by artificial reasons and the class struggle tends to sharpen. While a new century is starting mass actions and rebellions started in the imperialist and all the capitalist countries are losing all social security rights, unemployment has been widening enormously. And this means that payment of workers are getting down and they are getting poor. The number of unemployed and worn-out people in the U.S.A., the U.N. and Japan is right now very high. The most basic right of living of mankind has been sacrificed to the right of saving the capitalist private property. Unemployment is the main reason for not being sure of one is future, poverty, every kind of illnesses, hunger, deaths caused by hunger and illness. Again on the same basis, expansion on crime and murder has occurred. While capitalism reaching the highest level of life standard by means of the material property and capital, the life period of the proletariat has been shortening. To the contrary that white people live till 60 age, black people live only till 40 in the U.S.A. This means that the expression ‘average of human life in capitalist countries’ is contrary to social realities. The life period of mankind should be done separately bourgeois class, labour class and public. The social realities like showing average income level at these countries are low for capitalist class, in contrary to that high, which is low infect, for the proletariat must be taken separately except for bourgeois tactics. The antagonistic conflicts of capitalist type of production and accumulation has taken the sharpest forms at the phase of capitalist progress today. A large amount of property and every kind of extravagance, luxury life style, happy moments and poverty, unemployment, hunger and death on the other side prowl around. This contrast and society form that is opposite to the age can not go on any more. The antagonistic conflicts which will cause this society lose its unity and break up have historically been matured. A new and high style of society will replace with it. July 2001 THE MODEL OF ONE DIMENSION SOCILISM After Asia and Latin America, the universal crisis of capitalism has started to become obvious on all continents of the world. As it is known, economic crisis is the peak point of capitalism. At this point, many producing dynamics is to be wasted and collapse. Economic crisis of capitalism are the inevitable result of process of capitalist economy of goods.* This will last as long as on one side the capitalist class, having means of production and products, on the other side working class (working for a salary) gradually is getting poorer. When stopping the capitalist production system and possessing relations, that is, when getting rid of its material basis, the competition, exploitation, anarchy in production, antagonistic conflict, crisises and class conflicts caused by this basis will come to an end. However, it seems to be starting as an economic crisis, the universal crisis of capitalism is not limited with that. It is a crisis of system, it is an economic and political crisis. This is understood by the process in the countries which the crisis have become more obvious. The capitalist crisis in South Africa and other areas did not remain as an economic crisis which made the political super structure upside-down. As a result of this, masses of people rebelled. Government changed, the lateral power relation of the classes changed. Also, although economic crisis occurs in one or several countries and destroy them, its effect and area will be all capitalist countries. We can not another type on the capitalist world market and under the conditions of the work division of capitalism around the world. On this phase of general crisis of capitalism the imperialist-capitalist world lived a deep shake. Neither the crisis nor the rebellion of masses will be temporary. No need to explain theoretically that capitalism bears its own demolition in itself. Because it has been lived practically. Its results are seen concretely. It has been and will be shown that a higher type of society must replace capitalism by mass actions. This replacement can only be possible by revolutionist actions of millions of working class. The social rebellions and social revolutions which started on all continents are the actions of bearing that new society. And this will last. The reality lying down under the capitalist conflicts and crises is that the relation of capitalist possession puts a barrier in front of the development of producing dynamics. At the producing dynamics grow under capitalism, that is, they gain their social identity to be known/accepted till the end, they force it. This means that the means of changing and producing have social qualification. And this is only possible by removing the old capitalism and founding a socialist society based upon social possession of means of production. Unless means of production and changing is social, the “producing dynamics” will became the “destroying dynamics”. The economic crisis of capitalism is destruction for producing dynamics. These producing dynamics take that relations of possession which do not accept them to destruction. The economic crisis of capitalism means plugging of system of changing, not being able to do goods circulation and no way for capitalist accumulation. Only under the circumstances of social possession of means of production, the relation of changing does not become a barrier in front of the type of production. An agreement occurs between relations of production and producing dynamics. Being known/accepted its social character for producing dynamics also means relations of production have a social qualification. This is only possible by that society takes the direction of producing dynamics.. By capitalism, producing dynamics get away from the society. Society is crushed under the wealth it produced. Product prevents the producer. This is not fate. Society can take the direction of producing dynamics by its own social union and can rearrange the producing dynamics that got away from the society and take it under its control. Only that time and on this way one can improve and become free. The conditions mankind catch and take the producing dynamics under their control has already occurred. This universal crisis of capitalism and its destroying results far from that, the terrible destroying life sources by the capitalist, show how conditions matured and are inevitable for the society to stop that and reorganise a new type of society. Producing dynamics improved a lot under capitalism. However, their improvement and increase should not have been at the level today. Possession of means of production, material production and products by capitalist have prevented producing dynamics a lot of improving. But, producing dynamics can not always be prevented this way. Producing dynamics at this level of improvement today are in the process of rebellion against the capitalist barriers preventing them of improving. Proletariat must take the power of public away on behalf of the society and transform means of production to social possession. Society must handle its own future. It has been nearly one and a half century since the material pre-conditions of the society that will finish the old capitalist society occurred within the capitalism. Even at the democratic republic of the last century showed that a new age was coming. The democratic struggle of the proletariat against autocracy and bourgeoisie was announcing that a new age is coming. Basically, the Paris community became the fist signal and sample of the new society that it was time for doing it. The sample of community is also the sample regaining the producing dynamics and that the unique right way of putting it under politic power and; of being state without having a state. The community was defeated before reaching that target. That is not problem. Bourgeoisie worked for us and at last society could ever get the possibility to check social producing dynamics by the Socialist Revolution in September, 1917. September Revolution did not only start the age of revolutions that will last decades but also the age of big future. Every new illustration of socialism later on widened the age of socialism some more. Socialism passed through various phases both in U.S.S.R. and in other socialist countries. Under socialism, the uninterrupted development and increase of producing dynamics as a whole could became possible. Again, an agreement between the relations of production and producing dynamics (like in the first term of capitalism) was made. While the imperialist-capitalist system was living a crisis in 1929, socialism was trying to found the first five-year central development programmes. Under socialism mankind did not live the crisis which was frequently lived and wasted the wealth of society under capitalism. Socialism did not live the crisis under the social possession of means of production and central socialist planning conditions. Crisis is a fact that is only special to capitalism, to type of means of production. When capitalist type of production and private possession of means of production finish, economic crisises of capitalism come to an end with it. As Engels indicated, if it is not treated appropriate to the character of producing dynamics, they become obstacles for us like laws of nature. But if producing dynamics nature, progress laws and directions are well known like laws of nature and appropriate relation type is put, then they will serve us. Socialist society rises on the agreement between producing dynamics and the relation type appropriate to that. When the agreement on this basis goes wrong, social relations, political life and intellectual life is ruined. Socialism does not (like some narrow minded ones thinks) guarantee uninterrupted progress of producing dynamics by itself. As long as socialist society increases the quantity and qualification of producing dynamics and has the producing dynamics perfect it becomes permanent. This will not be enough. It also must improve relation of production, take social relations of possession constantly forward. Socialism is not only the improvement and increase of producing dynamics. Socialism is improvement of social producing dynamics and relations of production together and having them conformed. If relations production is not improved that is to say, if society is not improved from socialism to communism, then as it was seen in the history, relations of production prevents producing dynamics from making progress and conflict occurs. And of course the laws directing the producing dynamics win at the end of this conflict. Although society is on communism phase, age of classified society, like Engels called “that ominous tour” stars again. Because conformity between producing dynamics and social relations of production can not be done by itself . Society directing the producing dynamics must always have a conscious, planned and aimed interference. Society that takes the producing dynamics under its control will write its own history by itself. Not only increasing the material production and developing the conditions of production enough for doing this but society must be improved culturally and as a conscious. Progress based upon socialist conscious is the main duty and aim of socialism. Socialism takes material and cultural life of society under quarantee. And this can only be possible by increasing the quantity of producing dynamics or obtaining new producing dynamics. As long as society accumulates some of its production it means that classified society came to an end. Making production only for taking material and cultural life of society under guarantee is not enough for going forward. But, that is what is being happening at classified societies. Because producing dynamics will increase and a large amount of product will continuously be obtained. Society can only continuously goes forward to its upper phase by this way. While mentioning about socialism, it must concretely be put/indicated about which phase of socialism is mentioned. This is available for communism in wide aspect. When talking about socialism, the various improvement stages of maturing it passes through must be mentioned just as when we say communism, we are mentioning only about the most matured stage of it and the lower stage socialism can not be disregarded. For example socialism passed through various improvement stage in U.S.S.R. There are the stages of civil war and war communism of NEP (New Economy Policy) planned-central improvement programme period towards and after 1930’s, the period in which bourgeois mujics omitted and the period after 1945, in rank. Everybody knows that there are specific parts in every period. And periods contain their own specifications. They have different specifications from others. This is appropriate to the theory of evolution. Evolution and the dialectic considering ofit accept “improving” as stages. Science of evolutions accepts improving as consecutive stages. Regarding communism as lower stage (socialism stage) and upper stage means comprehending the law of evolution in right way. All periods have common basis although the differences in socialism and U.S.S.R which we concretely talked about its periods. Social possession of means of production and proletariat dictatorship are the common parts of all periods. Still, they are periods of improving and they are different from each other. Talking concretely, can the period of public possession and collective-cooperative possession be the same as the period of making an aimed, unique social possession, joining the two types of possession? Can the period of production of goods be the same as the more matured period of which production of goods is completely finished and the goods are only exchanged? Material conditions, cultural improvement and conscious build up are not the same in every improvement stage. So, the stage of socialism mentioned about must be indicated when talking about socialism. It is the same for capitalism, too. No one can talk about capitalism disregarding the imperialism stage of it. The monopolist period of capitalism differs from the pre-monopolist period of capitalism. The way to be able to understand this is possible with dialectic. Communism that will replace capitalism which has started to do this, is a “one thousand year age” sheltering many illustrations in it. That is the one thousand year which appeared in the last century at democratic republic and which has been coming. Considering an age that will last one thousand year limited with an only sample of socialist society means not understanding the evolution theory and a big age. Various models of socialist society have been seen so far. Every of it passed various improving stages. Every socialist model had its own specific improving line. Being all of their directing laws common (which are laws of social possession and proletariat dictatorship) did not stop them become one-dimension type of socialism. Here, we present Marxist theory. Every socialist society is only dimension model of socialism. Socialism is a wholly world system. A huge age does not concretise itself with all characteristics, in an only model. If we do not consider each socialist country from this point of view, we only limit our aspect of socialism. The socialist system, till its recent period at the same time tried to pass over this being of “one dimension”. Every socialist country put something from their knowledge to socialist system and by behaving commonly, they started an effort for passing over that one dimension improving which had historically been in the system. The models of socialist countries are not the last and the very much matured models of that one thousand year age dialectically and according to historical materialist aspect, societies are in a continuos change like every thing is. Change also means improvement. It can not be without improvement. Depending on the improvement of producing dynamics and equally to it, types of societies take place and every type of society passes through various improvement stages. The evolution theory keeps on its process under socialism, too. The point is to analyse the main line of improvement of the age that will last for one thousand year which depends on the social possession of means of production, people would improve themselves both material and intellectually and fell in a scientifically true way. Why are the socialist societies one dimension model? We know that producing dynamics are the basis of every type of society. The conditions and level of improvement of the means of production in the producing dynamics give us the stage of improvement of types of societies. The feudal society of windmill, the steam engine giving the capitalist society, the conditions of means of production, the way products are produced also gives us types of societies. Every model of communal society in primitive societies happened within different stage of improvement. Marx indicates that the communism in Peru gives a more improved model than the others. The same case became available for different stages of social improvement. Societies were in very much different stages till capitalism which producing dynamics showed a gigantic development. Capitalism and the case of that its becoming a world system put an end to the isolation before and the case of being in different stages for societies. But it could not finish the case of improvement of producing dynamics. History must meet socialism for this. Producing dynamics develop a lot under socialist conditions. Relations of producing keep on developing their own producing dynamics. However, socialism can not (in shortest period) solve a problem that history will solve in a long period just like that the technical and materialist basic of communism can not form/constitute right at the very beginning of socialism. Because the improvement stages of society parallels the improvement of producing dynamics, the producing dynamics do not increase immediately under socialist system. A conscious but historical period of improvement must be lived for this. Let us give an example for that; socialist type of social relations at agriculture comes true as soon as proletariat get the power. But a radical transformation at agriculture does not happen together with socialisation. There must be a huge development at material producing conditions which increase agricultural production. Can the conflict between urban/rural area and between intellectual effort and muscle effort be removed under socialist system? Definitely no. This means that there are differences at development of producing dynamics. Each socialist society is founded with a specific coming through capitalist society. Socialist society is founded as to the degree of improvement of producing dynamics. The conditions of foundation and improvement of socialism in an imperialist country and a dependent country would be different. This difference can be removed socially but it stands physically and with historical process. Communism does what it has to do on this area. In that case who can dare to say that every type of socialism is the one-dimension type of socialism. The thing that will remove that being of one-dimension model will be the improvement that increasing of the producing dynamics. While considering every socialist country, an only model had been roughly presented and defended so far. The Soviet Socialist Communities of Russia, China, Albania and other, as the most mature types. When socialism had been destroyed in these countries people metaphysically thought that socialism finished. But passing from capitalism to communism totally consist of a huge age. At the age there would be several socialist societies. Any fail or drawing back does not put an end to the passing from capitalism to communism when the age started, this means that its pre-conditions are available. An age having its own pre-conditions definitely becomes superior. However, the old age resists and lives within the new age for some time, historical progress talks in the end. The new becomes superior during the process. The Monopolist state Capitalism and the parasiting of the bourgeoisie living cutting coupons gave us the examples of society works being able to live without bourgeoisie society. SSCR and all types of socialist countries showed us that is possible to remove the old society and build up societies of the new age. The types of socialism consisted the weak parts of them so far. These weaknesses were subjunctive and they were the results of the objective conditions. However, process does not stop. However the capitalism resists for not living its place, historical law says its word. People all around the world are on strike. This is the strike against the capitalism which is the last one of classed societies lasting for thousand of years. This is the strike of the power of the new society. This is the coming of an age which will last for a thousand year. The struggle of communist revolution in every country is the messenger of that huge age. October 1998 THE COMMUNIST PARTY AT THE AGE OF PASSING FROM CAPITALISM TO COMMUNISM Socialism is a fact of our age and today. Modern capitalist relations show socialism all around. Not understanding the historical process that came to this moment means not understanding the quality of the struggle of classes lasting all around the world. Those who do not grasp today can not say anything about the future. As long as the international communist movement takes socialism as a fact of today, it will stand of the process and movements. And in order to understand how socialism became as a fact, firstly we need to specify the processing degree the modern capitalism reached which will prepare socialism from every aspect, scientifically. At a specific stage of process the capitalism (improved capitalism level) turned into imperialism. The economic core of imperialism is monopolism. The capitalist improvement, at the stage of imperialism had been on the way strengthening the monopolies some more. The first tendency of monopolist capitalism came up as the monopolist state capitalism. This process got faster when the 1st war of imperialist sharing occurred and the world-wide crisis of capitalism occurred at a later period. The war and the economic crisis strengthened the capitalism of monopolist state completely. The state, caught by the monopolies, turned out to be interfering the economic life for the benefit of the monopolies. The state under the control of the monopolies was not only the best customer of the monopolies but also it accelerated the process of unpossessing. All conditions of flow of the capital from the most monopolies to the less were created. Finding proper conditions for developing, the monopolies got the essential areas of the economy under their sovereignty. Monopolist capitalism integrated with the state is an essential fact of today as a tendency of monopolist capitalism. The unions among several monopolist units are the tendency of development of capitalism. Increasing their power by the ‘national’ and international unions of capital; the international unions of capital; the international monopolies, by this way, dominated both the state and by means of the state, the social life the unions among monopolies lasted during the whole century. Especially during the economic crisis in 1998 which was the new phase of the world-wide crisis of capitalism. This case shows a new phase at various ways. The role of the economic crisises, which are the peaks of the capitalist type of production, on becoming monopolies is not on conscious yet. While the peak capital going bankrupt, much stronger monopolist units occur. The monopolist, getting stronger by different ways, catch the capital of that who can not keep up, again by several ways. The economic crisises carry the material conditions of the next period. The biggest part of the society are taken under domination of several monopolist units during each crisis. By the historical tendency of accumulation of capital, crisis, the monopolist improvement comes to its physical limit. Centralising the means of production and socialising the work is the most important characteristic of the monopolist state capitalism. National and International uniting of the monopolist units and the process of state-monopoly integration much more accelerated the socialisation of work. Another thing that increased the socialisation of work is the scientific and technical progress gained under monopolist state capitalism. Science and technology are productive dynamics. In the process of methodic production the rule of technique obviously leaded. Work became the observer of the process of production by applying scientific-technical progress to progress of production. Scientific-technical progress carried the function of centralisation of the means of production. So, branches of production and workers working in here clamped together more tightly. The mutual addiction of the workers working in different branches got an advanced dimension. And this made working class act together. Scientific-technical progress, like ideologists of capitalism said, did not soften the conflict between work and capital. On the contrary, that conflict got the top point by scientific-technical progress. The conflict between socialised work and private possession of the means of production sharpens much a lot by scientific-technical revolution. Monopoly is the “last word” of capitalism. And monopolist capitalism integrated with state representing the level monopolist capitalism reached, is the beginning of collapse. Socialisation of work was raised to such a level by modern capitalism that, it is in contradiction with capitalist shell everywhere. The capitalist sell raising difficulties against the progress of producing dynamics and conflict has been broken up everywhere during exactly one century. The stage capitalist economic evolution reached under monopolist state capitalism made socialism unavoidable for many reasons. Socialism is looking at us through all windows of capitalism. Monopolist capitalism is the phase of preparation, its pre-step and pre-day of socialism. It has been nearly one century since Lenin has made these determinations. Not only was socialism prepared by modern capitalist relations but also it became a fact. The level of socialisation of work under the monopolist capitalism it reached is the material essential of unavoidablity of socialism. Bourgeois type of relations of production has been preparing the material essential of socialism at universal scale. Socialism became an inevitable must at universal scale. Capitalism is working for socialism. It is turning into its contrary. Capitalism made socialism the fact of today. The very first thing the universal communist organisation must do is to see that fact. Scientific socialism was only a teaching in the middle of the last century. Having integrated with the proletarian movement which appeared within class actions in the history, socialism turned out to be a mass action. Then, social-democratic labour parties, taking scientific socialism as basis, occurred. Socialism is a political movement then. International communist organisation, based upon scientific socialism, is the most effective and gripping political power of 20th century. This is the result of the proletariat which had been the only consistent and real revolutionist class till the end of 20th century, being the dynamic of social transformations. The international communist organisation, international revolutionist political movement of proletariat, stamped 20th century as the unique revolutionist power of our age. By the October Socialist Revolution, socialism became a socialist system. Socialism which came true at only one country, became as socialist system by the socialist revolutions which happened in the Eastern Europe in 40’s. Later, the socialist system became powerful by the direction of every new country to socialism and it widened its effect through the furthest places of the world. The occurrence of socialism and becoming as a system is the most important fact of our age and of the history of mankind. It is the first that the pre-historical period ended by socialism and again, for the first time entrance through the history of mankind was made. Lots of revolutions happened so far, by these revolutions social orders changed, but none of them could end the history of classed societies before them as socialism made. Socialist Revolution went deeper than the revolutions so far. The social transformations happened were more radical. Socialism is the most radical social transformation of history. After socialism had become a social system, the historical initiative of bourgeoisie definitely ended. The historical initiative was held by the proletariat, socialism. The fact that our age has been the age of proletarian revolutions is the most essential way of saying that the dynamic of that historical initiative and social transformations is the proletariat, the socialism. This is mainly the collapse of capitalism, rising of socialism. Capitalism gained a temporarily and relatively strong position towards the end of this century but this is only the situation that the old society resist with its all power against the superiority of the new one before it collapses down. It was seen obviously that the power bourgeoisie had was temporary. Working and exploited mass showed that they are only consistent defender of the historical initiative by showing revolutional rising all around the world. Bourgeoisie and capitalism can not obtain the historical initiative they lost any more. A new period has opened from the aspect of the universal history of the world; it is the age of passing from capitalism to communism. Socialism is the social system which exploitation is removed. The period that does not contain classes is a long period. We only saw age opening models so far. But in the century we will pass through, mankind will improve the age and will see other models dimensioning towards communism. The very first models of socialism occurred in the places where capitalism did not improve enough. Even in this case people could meet their essential needs by socialism. People did not only find it enough to meet their essential needs at very first models of socialism but also they made very important steps on the way that mankind could improve himself multilaterally. There is no-one that does not accept the superiority of socialism. If people at the conditions where capitalism did not improve enough, could pass through socialism and meet their very essential needs and go forward by socialism, people who live under the conditions where capitalism improved a lot and work got the best of its social characteristic could already meet their needs by passing through socialism. The first models of socialism are very good evidences proving that it is possible!!!! The level of the means of production, intellectual accumulation, progress in science, the progress level mankind reached give affirmative answer the people is survival and meeting their modern needs. The modern progress itself shows that the only hindrance in front of going more forward is private possession. The producing dynamics who get rid of the ties of possession could go forward. On one side the working class who can not meet its essential needs, on the other side the property owners who live like parasites in an excessing consumption, the conflict is very much obvious. This stupid conflict must be ended. Producing dynamics running away from society and it is got to be taken under control of society. This can only be possible by putting an end to private possession of the means of production and leaving them to the society by the society. That is impossible in capitalism. For being able to do this, capitalism must be removed. Modern improvement has been on the strike against capitalism. Removing capitalism on this conditions is completely possible. The proletariat have been struggling to remove the capitalism since the middle of last century. The most effective struggles in 19th century were between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. Having socialism transformed to a social system by the October Revolution and so on the struggle of classes between them was between capitalism and socialism, under a new form. This struggle stamped one century. The second war of imperialist sharing is the biggest sample of how the war between the two systems had been. After a war turned out to be a psychological war. It is war of the world. Psychological war, which means that continuing the struggle of the classes, was kept on ideologically, politically, diplomatically, culturally, militarily etc... psychological war essentially means the intense struggle of anticommunist ideology of imperialist-capitalist system which can not remove socialism by militarian threat and race. The main aim of the imperialist-capitalist world was to prevent the effect and widening of socialism which was spreading on all around the world. All militarian and economic resources were mobilised for that. For this aim they applied fascist requisitions, militarist requisitions, domestic anarchic events, mass massacres, using religion widestly at the dependent capitalist countries. By means of the counter revolution dynamics got the political power in the socialist countries, the war between the two classes, the two systems and the two worlds created a new situation by the end of this century. The imperialist-capitalist system had got a temporary superiority against the socialist system. The bourgeoisie and the little bourgeois tried to impose this case as the ending of the historical accounting between socialism and capitalism. But it is not over yet, and it will not get over as long as capitalism on duty. The anti-capitalist struggle of the proletariat have been continuing while entering the year 2000, revolutionist proletariat and communist action all around the world went up by a huge spring on the way anti-capitalist struggle. This shows how hard the struggle between these two worlds will be in the following period. This struggle will at last come to an end as a superiority of socialism. The last two hundred years history proves that socialism, which was a teaching in the middle of last century, has soon become a mass action, a social movement and a social system. With the very fist model of socialism the world system of capitalism was deeply wounded and it deepened the world-wide crisis of the capitalism. The 20th century became the century which spread out the effect of the socialism through wide areas. Considering the material pre-conditions prepared under capitalism, work that had the social characteristic within them and all other experiences showed that in the 21st century socialism will complete its struggle, capitalism will firstly be invaded by socialism and it will end by the sovereignty of socialism. The main line of our age is passing from capitalism to communism and dictatorship of the proletariat, it is socialism. In general a revolutionist movement and a communist movement at special, the real movement of passing from capitalism to communism will realise socialism as the movement which has a wide background gained by the struggle lasted for 150 years. This theoretical, political, and real life background had been obtained not only during the victory years but also during the defeat years. We must accept that the defeat years have more important effect on the struggle of socialism rather than the victory years. The dynamics of the counter-revolution which were at power at socialist countries made use of really serious mistakes in the country, and outside the country they relied on a strong imperialist-capitalist world. The very first thing that should be taken as a communist lesson is that passing from capitalism to communism consists the whole of a really long period. The proletarian dictatorship which is the political form of the passing to communism keeps all its revolutionist importance during that period. Socialism, the first phase of communist society which came through the breast of the ex-society, kept the effects and tracks of the old society it came through. Although socialism got victories in a country or countries, as long as capitalism is a huge power in the world, the proletariat dictatorship, which will protect socialism from capitalist invasions and attacks, must be strengthened. The revolutionist and socialist struggle made during more than a hundred years in all continents must be seen as a gain and position struggling for the sake of socialism. The proletariat must know how to reach socialism not only theoretically but also practically, before reaching socialism. The experiences so far show a very strong basis on realising socialism. The old experiences got so far enlighten the socialist generation today at realising socialism by transferring the cultural background. Here, not only cultural background important but also filtering them in the Marxist critic appropriate to the use of them at the struggle today and tomorrow. The proletarian party which is the most effective weapon of it at passing from capitalism to communism has a rich history mostly placed at extraordinary conditions. In order to identify the level of the free political organisation of the proletariat, we must know its evolution well. Having done its duty the International I. founded after the union of the communists which was founded for gaining the proletariat for socialism, broke up after the fall of the treaty. The International II. Founded instead of the first one gathered the social-democratic labour parties created by the first one. The International II. Struggled at the period which the struggles of classes happened at so-called peace. The essential duty of it was to take socialism to the widest masses and directing them at struggling against capitalism. The means of legal struggle were successfully used for socialism at this term. When really important changes occurred at conditions , the parties of the International found it difficult to keep up with the new progress. This was the new and sharp start for the struggle of classes. When capitalism turned out to be imperialism at a specific progress of it, emperialism took all the movement laws, conflicts of capitalism to an upper level. The struggle of classes got harder and harder, the struggle for social survival of the proletariat was cleared. The monopolist capitalism brought all the revolutionist parts inside it into action. The pre-conditions of social revolution were getting matured. The period was insisting a political organising that will represent them. The Leninist Party was born at such a revolutionist period. At new conditions of the world, they could not have gone on with an old party. A new type of party was a must. It had to be a revolutionist party. The Bolshevik Party founded at the leadership of Lenin was such a party. The period of International II. was closed any more. Parties of the International II. brought their end at the war of Imperialist share by fighting for their own bourgeois. Following a social-nationalist policy, the International was completely collapsed. The October Socialist Revolution was got a victory by the Bolshevik Party which was a new type. Marxist groups representing independent, revolutionist line of the proletariat during the war and; considering the main targets of them also occurred on others capitalist countries. This was the result of that the conditions for the social independence of proletariat were formed in many countries. International III (the Communist International) was founded by the new type proletarian organisations. The communist parties of the International III. is the product of the age of proletarian parties. The Communist International Parties got the qualifications of knowing how to survive even during the most severe aggressions of the bourgeoisie and gaining the ability of struggling at any conditions. At the period of the Communist International, which lasted till the beginning of the 40’s since the october, the proletariat met successes on many areas at the leadership of the communist parties. Scientific socialism became a material power. Its activity increased. Because they made the leadership to the proletariat at the class struggle, they did not leave any gap in the area of struggle. At the stressful conditions the imperialist world war II. brought, the communist parties continued their socialist struggle in their countries even after the break up of the International III. after socialism became a system, activities of both the new type proletarian parties and the socialism increased. After the break up of the international III. The International communist movement got together as the summit of the communist and labour parties which was held from time to time. As this type of relation including the biggest part of the last half century, the communist parties differt. Most of the European Communist Parties adopted “the European Communism” which ment co-opetation with bourgeoisie. So, these parties copletely broke of the Leninist part mentality and the scientific theory of socialism. Refusing proletarian dictatorship and denying the “leader organisation” mentaly, they were directed to the formal ideology present. While the communist parties at the socialist countries were staying engaged tothe scientific socialist rules in basis, they made serious mistakes at Marxist-Leninist rules at several points, they gradually got away from the position of communist party and they broke up in the end. The communist parties of depent countries became opportunist-reformist and they fell off the class struggle in the course of time. In the dependent capitalist countries, the leftist revolution organisations filled the gap at class struggle very strongly effected by Maxism-Leninismthe leftist revolutionist groups began to struggle for socialism, making use of the effect socialism made all around the world. There is not a Chinesse Barrier between these revolutionist movements and Marxism-Leninism. Later, some of them catching the communist party level, these parties represented the real revolutionist struggle in the dependent capitalist countries. The most remarkable happening of the last years was that there were parties which either broke up from socialism or took the scientific socialism as basis. Presence of this kind of revolutionist groups is an insurance for the struggle of socialism. Having a long, historical past, and gaining a very rich cultural and practical background during this period the International Communist movement must correctly fix the revolutionist duties today at the phase the struggle reached. At the historical phase of conflicted class struggle between the prolateriat and the bourgeoisie there are great differences in the duties the communist parties must charge from the earlier duties. The main duties of passing form capitalism to communism are demolition of capitalism, realising proletarian dictatorship and socialism, removing classes. The upper phase of communism is the result of the more forward phase. The same thing can not be said for socialism. In the dependent capitalist countries by a democratic public revolution including a pass, socialism is the matter of today, not future. Communists must fix their duties according to this case. It has been far too old that socialism was a theory. Socialism is a material power, a fact, the most activist movement of age, a social system and a must which is talked by the capitalism everywhere. In this case, the communist party must make socialism superior everywhere. This huge duty forces the communist party perfect as qualification. It must be at the level of representing socialism theorically, politically, culturally, with the way of struggle and culturel background. On the other hand, when the superiority of bourgeoisie became international the proleterian internationalism of the international revolutions proleteriat became a must in the actionist basis. The communist movement must solve this duty also. Most severely criticing the ones who consider socialism as the matter of “the future”, Lenin calls these as “doctriner”. Especially in the conditions today, at the phase which the monopolist capitalism made socialism a fact, the fact of today, still considering socialism as the matter of the future means falling off the historical process. We must convict the doctriner mentality in the socialism. March 1999 THE PROLETERIAN INTERNATIONALISM OVERTAKES Anti-capitalist, anti-emperyalist actions against capitalism rise all around the world. Especially in the last years these social rebellion in the dependent countries now began to occur in the emperialist countries. The street wars seen everywhere, domestic conflicts and rebellions are caused by the same universal conditions. We can not explain the events apart from the world conditions and multilateral international happenings. Events can not be enlightened apart from economic and historical progress. For this, a sientific point of view is needed. Scientific point of view is not limited with explaining previous progresses. It watches the de velopment of history everywhere. Anti-capitalist, anti-emperialist actions are the result which material essetials and conditions were formed before. It is not enough to say that “this is because of capitalism” for this case. Because capitalism also had an evolition in itself. The actions today are caused by the situasion of capitalism reached. Generally the case is that the collapsing dynamic of capitalism takes that system to collapse; that the producing dynamics which will found the new system are matured enough and conditions for revolutionist transforming of the world are excessively appropriate. The social revolutions aiming the new society were prepared by the improvement of capitalism. And adding the big theoritical-practical background of socialism to that, the struggle for founding the new society has been actual everywhere. Peoeple in dependent countries who were alone with their struggle for decades, find a stong support by the rebellions working classes make in the imperialist centres. Rissing of the mass actions against imperialist-capitalist system all over the world shows that the movement in general would behave totally all around the world. The diffrence in between is not a handicap for the struggling dynamics to behave together in relation. The sovereignty of capitalists all around the world, the unavoidable results of that and conflicts of it give a more international characteristic to the proleterian movement. Integrations of monopolist all around the world, accumulation of the capital in handfuls of capitalist spread the revolutinonist rebellions of the poor on the other side all other continents. Actions of hundreds of workers, youngs actions in the imperialist centres like Seattle, Davos, Washington, France, Germany and in other centres show that the imperialist countries will be shaked by bigger actions. The mean reason of this is the overtake and sharpening of capitalist inner conflicts. Rising of unemployment, excessive exploiting of the emigrant employees and taking them under pressure, reducing social relief, life conditions going worse bring the incrase of the sovereignty of several capitalist caused by the integrity of the monopolists on the rest of the society and joining of a vast majority of mass agains that. For that reason, not only workers but also farmers, little bourgeois and intellectuals do join the actions. Social individual rebells against capitalism. It is natural that not only the proletariat but also small bourgeois does join these anti-capitalist rebellions, street wars in the imperialist countries. Monopolism means exploiting farmers and the little bourgeois too other than the proletariat. Also capiatlism had cities and industry and townmen’s physical life vanish. The matter of enviroment of capitalism effects every individual. The naturist and intellectual movement taking world peace and matters of disarming were positive and of realizing that problems of environment are the problems that capitalism naturally creates in itself. Objectively being agains capitalism, the naturist movement must also intellectually stand against capitalism. It is the sign of that must/necessity that the naturists the rebellion in America with workers. None of the social-politic movement which does not tend against capitalism can survive. The release of mankind with the environment they live in is only possible by removing capitalism and realizing socialism instead. This intellect and must is more grasped today. Being a revolutionist class which charcing the release of mankind, the proletariat must indicate its ideas and show the pratice of its attitude. Dealing with only with their own problems convicts the proleterian to narrowness. The universal proletariat must correctly understand the vast mass action which is improving and spreading out. They must assume an attitude against every trouble and action capitalism caused. Aim of the release of the mankind and its historical mission require thinking and acting that way. However farmers, little bourgeois, intellectuals ask for anti-capiatslist demands, they can not put a perspective going beyond capitalism. So, the rest is the demand for improving conditions is a miracle under capitalism. All the movements which do not tie the struggle of the proletariat for founding the new society, can not keep away from degeneration and being a tool of bourgeoisie. And the proletariat can not survive unless they survive the rest of all exploited (people). The proletariat are the dynamics of social revolution because of its class status, qualification and the place it took up in the world population. Little bourgeois played a revolutionist role with the proletariat so far. This role will go on as to the process of becoming proletarian. But the little bourgeois will not have the same role as in the past. Economical and historical conditions clearly have the revolutionary status of the proletariat overtook. Survival of the exploited folks depends on the proletariat is carrying out its mission. Actions all around the world show how appropriate the conditions of that survival is. The proletarian internationalism as a revolutionist movement came forward at such an upside down process. Proletarian internationalism is a transforming mean in their hands, it is an capiatlist weapon. Proletarian movement is naturally international. It can only by this way go ahaed. For that, identification of the historical phase today as a new phase must be done. This historical phase is the stage that historical leadership’s turn is the proletarian’s and only the proletarian can solve the problems mankind faces and the most important thing is that improvement level of the producing dynamics forces a new society. Perspective of the proletariat is socialism. Socialism has been prepared by the monopolist capitalism and all historical conditions. It must be known/considered that if the worldwide proletarian communist movement does not interfere with the international rebels and use its influence, this movement will degenerate and break up in the course of the time. The communist movement can persuade masses on action about socialism by telling the superiorities and unavoidability of socialist society. It has enough background and intellect to direct big masses of workers to socialism. The proletariat must start for a revolution based on internationalism in practice. In order to organize a revolutionist internationalism, the previous process should be discussed and criticized first. The proletariat must severely criticize the passivist, status quo minded mentality of internationalism based only on speech and should bring a new one (mentality) that will overturn capitalism and aim a new society. Towards the rebellions against imperialism and capitalism all around the world, imperialist-capitalist system does not stay idle. Not only does it direct its pressure means but it also improves an ideological-political attack in order to make the movement politically and ideologically ineffective. We know that the international bourgeoisie is experienced at that. It can devert the anti-capitalist movement in the direction of bouegeoisie by using the means of the mass communication and propaganda it has. On this area communism will be in a severe, extensive quarrel with capitalism. At this quarrel, it must be behaved in the direction of knowing that historical initiative and superiority are at socialism. All around the world a big wave of revolution for overturning capitalism and founding a new world has been rising. May 2000 THE NEW PHASE (OF CAPITALISM) On the way the proletariat is surviving the world it has been entered a new phase. This is a historical phase. The conditions of that new phase had been prepared by the economical and historical process like in all historical consecutive phase happened. Dialectic deals with relations in the world, societies, classes always in change accepting the evolution requires accepting the change also. If you regard the dialectic and the historical materialism, you must also accept that evolution consist of springings in itself. The historical progress of capitalism itself, which is its evolution, consist of a consecutive phase of progress in itself. Even when concidering capitalism, we must know which stage of it we are considering. We can not consider the capitalism at the stage of primative accumulation of capital together with the one at the stage of imperyalism. Rising form of capitalism is the one which improves the producing dynamics; but capitalism at the stage of imperialism is the one that is at the process of collapsing which prevents development of the producing dynamics. It is a metaphysical approach to consider the rising and collapsing stage of a historical period in the same way. Capitalism had had some transformations in itself as to the law of dialectic which is denying of denial. That period of transformation and the laws of movement of the capitalist economy at last brought capitalism at a stage where it created all the conditions of abolishing itself. Not only did capitalism create economic and historical conditions that will abolis www.mbirligi.com E-Mail: mucadelebirligi@hotmail.com Website: http://www.mbirligi.com |
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