M20 : Time to prepare for March 20 demo AmigaPhil - 15.02.2004 22:41
Time to prepare for the next massive demonstration: March 20, 2004 - The World STILL Says No to War !  March 20 2004 - The World STILL Says No to War 20 March 2004 - Global Day of Action - SAVE THE DATE ! The world will once again claim its opposition to war If you think that it's too late, the war is over, all is done and we can't do anything about that, please consider this: The USA planned wars against Afghanistan and Iraq has taken, so far, the life of at least 11,000 civilians. That is about 4 times as much as the victims of the September 11th war attacks which were immediately condemned by the international community. The number of victims we caused is still growing up, as people (mostly children) continue to die due to the weapons of mass destruction we use, like cluster bombs and napalm-like bombs (MK 77), depleted uranium munitions, ... Saddam Hussein is undoubtely a criminal who has to reply of his acts in front of an International Criminal Court. That does not give us any legitimacy to crush a country and grab its resources. Today, many regions in Iraq are still deprivated of water and electricity. Iraqis have to queue to get some fuel while we have restored and secured the pipelines which allow us to export "our" oil. Now think a moment: CAN WE DO ELSEWHERE SUCH THINGS WE WOULD NOT TOLERATE IN OUR OWN COUNTRY ? March 20, 2004 is also a unique opportunity to remind our governments that democracy is not just about allowing people to vote once in every few years. Actually, we are getting far away from the model Abraham Lincoln promised: "A governement of the people, by the people, for the people" Citizens are concerned by the politic questions even outside the elections time. A responsible governement should not try to keep us away from the administration of our country. A respectful governement has more consideration for its citizens than just regarding them as "money makers". We, the people, can't accept being told Fairy Tales and lies by those we have elected to represent our interests. We can't stand by a government which use noble value such as "freedom", "democracy", "justice" to cover his wrong doing. We can't support a governement as a model for the world if it bypass/violate Constitutions, national and international laws, Treaties and Conventions. We want "PEOPLE" to be placed back to a position it should never leave: OVER "PROFIT" ! For all those reasons, we will protest together one more time. ANOTHER WORLD IS POSSIBLE, WE ARE WORKING ON IT ! Here is what you can do right now to make the M20 event a success and mark this date in History: Distribute flyers and posters announcing the March 20 global day of action. Check from the organizations listed on this web page for some ready to use outreach material: March 20, 2004 - The World STILL Says No to War If you can't find any information about anti-war actions in your area/country, try to contact the organizations that let you knew about the previous demonstrations (like the 15th February 2003 massive demonstration), and ask them if they support the 20th March 2004 International day of protest against the war. Spread the word about this event, forward this announce, write your own message or translate this one into your native language, and send it to friends and relatives. Prepare your banners, placards, posters, slogans, ... Here are some suggestions: WANTED FOR TERRORISM (Bin Laden - Bush) WARNING: THESE MEN ARE TERRORISTS (Bush - Hussein - Bin Laden) HOW COULD WE CONDEMN THIS... (911 - Iraq) Micah Wright's PROPAGANDA REMIX PROJECT You will find many more on the World Wide Web. Again, check from the organizations listed on this page: March 20, 2004 - The World STILL Says No to War Organize and try to find a funny, festive way to protest. Be original, be creative, just don't be quiet. Make sure you will be seen and heard. EVERY VOICE COUNT ! BE THERE TOO ! 2001: After the September 11th war attacks against the USA, we pledged to work together to stop terrorism. 2004: We are saying we are STILL UNITED AGAINST TERRORISM, defending peace, justice, and true democracy. WE, THE PEOPLE, want JUSTICE and DEMOCRACY ! [Please distribute this message widely] War on Terrorism: Depicting a source of the highest threats to the world E-Mail: AmigaPhil@ping.be Website: http://amigaphil.planetinternet.be/usa.html |