Salon Cine: Raymundo, a documentary film Latinos Locos - 24.02.2004 15:19
There is no tribute more worthy for a film maker than a film about his life. Husband and wife Ardito and Molina, who were only toddlers when their film’s principal character disappeared, have pulled out all the stops: associative editing of archive films, colourful animation, clever separating titles, Raymundo´s own texts read aloud by his son and a disorienting sound recording now and again.  Salon Cine Salon Cine: Raymundo, a documentary film On Friday 27 February the first Salon Cine event will be held at the Latin America Centre in Amsterdam. The documentary film Raymundo, which was shown at the IDFA in 2003, will be be shown, preceded by an introduction by H.I.J.A. Wara Prieto from Argentina. Through photographs taken by herself Wara will recount an escrache aimed at Astiz (the ‘Blond Angel’). An escrache is a action by the public against accomplices of Videla's dictatorial regime, with large-scale public action taking place at the oppressor's home or place of work. The 'Blond Angel' is notorious for his betrayal of the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo after his activities as an executioner during the Videla regime. About Raymundo: There is no tribute more worthy for a film maker than a film about his life. Husband and wife Ardito and Molina, who were only toddlers when their film’s principal character disappeared, have pulled out all the stops: associative editing of archive films, colourful animation, clever separating titles, Raymundo´s own texts read aloud by his son and a disorienting sound recording now and again. Even so, from all this a clear picture emerges of Raymundo Gleyzer: his work, his life and his times. Born in Buenos Aires in 1941, he developed into a documentary film maker in the turbulent 60s, one who wanted to deploy the medium of film as a weapon for the socialist struggle. Besides filming changes in Europe and Africa he focused on the hotbeds of Latin America. Gleyzer, always provocative, was in constant danger. After General Videla´s junta seized power in Argentina in 1976 he was abducted by paramilitaries. He was never seen again by his relatives, colleagues or fellow fighters. Ernesto Ardito and Virna Molina Argentina, 2002 Subtitling in English A meal (€ 5) will be served beforehand. Reservations for this meal can be made up to and including Thursday 26 February via e-mail or by telephone (020-6229781). Please state whether you require a vegetarian meal. Reservations are valid until 19.30 on Salon Cine night, 27 February. Programme: Friday 27 February 2004: 18.30 Meal 20.00 Introduction by Wara Prieto (in Spanish, with translation into Dutch) 20.15 Documentary film Raymundo 22.30 Bar open; music This Salon Cine event is organised by H.I.J.O.S. and Noticias Salon Cine will be held at: Latijns Amerika Centrum (Latin American Centre) Nieuwe Herengracht 29 1011 RL Amsterdam telephone: 020 – 6229781, Bericht in het Nederlands: |