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Road actions Saturday against Ahaus trucking Various - 25.02.2004 19:56
Original German stories at http://de.indymedia.org/2004/02/75606.shtml and http://de.indymedia.org/2004/02/75607.shtml By Wiga On Saturday (28 Feb) protests will take place throughout Germany at motorway locations against the transportation of nuclear waste in CASTOR caskets from Dresden in the east to Ahaus in the west. The interior ministers of North-Rhine Westphalia and Saxony are trying to find out what’s coming at them. The ministries have instructed county police authorities to phone known or suspected opponents of nuclear power to collect information. And, what do you know?! Several blockades of autobahn entry roads, actions at rest houses, plus X-actions just in the Münsterland region alone will make it a very lively day. Things are also going to get lively between Dresden and the Münsterland. The ministers have reason to get nervous! The North-Rhine Westphalian one wanted to be precisely informed and so the phones rang in at least the counties of Borken, Steinfurt and Coesfeld. The police had nothing to go on for autobahn action day. Many activist groups found the info-seeking calls quite cute and were prompted by them spontaneously to organise actions for autobahn action day. It’s quite empathetic to be reminded of important appointments by the police… In Dresden the police also showed themselves extremely interested in the nationwide actions. But their info-gathering attempts are in vain because many activists will gather spontaneously somewhere along the 600 km of motorway between Dresden and Ahaus. A number of activities have, however, already been announced for the Münsterland (Ahaus region): Ahaus: 2 pm from the railway station. Blockade of two autobahn entry points. Dülmen: Blockade of the autobahn entry point Münster: 10 am action at Münsterland-West layby. Osnabrück: 2 pm action at autobahn entry point Osnabrück-Hellern Waltrop: Action at the autobahn entry point DO-Mengede And that’s only a small selection because X spontaneous actions will be added... More information at www.nixfaehrtmehr.de Please notify your acdtions on Saturday to the info number 0162-7752056 so that a list can be compiled for the media about what happened where and when. Important notice: It should be self-evident to everyone that the idea is NOT to endanger oneself or others on the motorway! The only dangerous thing is the CASTOR and that will be stopped!! Saxony police checking various routes By Castorliesl The Saxony interior ministry is checking various routes for getting the 18 Castors out of Dresden-Rossendorf on to the autobahn in the direction of Ahaus. Familiarise yourselves with the most important routes and the possibilities to resist along the roads. Trust is good, but checking out is better! The Saxony police have got a bit nervous. They’re to bash through the 18 Castors from the Dresden-Rossendorf research centre (17 km from the centre, at the B6 national road) on to Autobahn 4 so that the nuclear waste can roll on to Ahaus. Possibilities are limited because a lot of local resistance is to be expected. Here are the major routes: 1. On the B6 straight through Dresden: very unlikely 2. Through Radeberg to the exit Ottendorf/Okrilla or Pulsnitz (c. 12-14 km): The road to Radeberg has many curves. A lot of woods and free fields are very enticing. Big disadvantages for the police are the long drives through Großerkmannsdorf and Radeberg. For that even Radeberg would probably have to be completely sealed off. Tight spots are the bridge over the railway line and the steep climb in the middle of the village. Although the route is short, it has many drawbacks for big demonstrations. 3. On the B6 heading east (Bischofswerda) via Grosshartau to the entry points Ohorn or Burkau (c. 22-23km): A lot of forest at the start (!), later a lot of open fields, few settlements. The disadvantage for the police is the detour to the autobahn, the advantage is that they don’t have to seal off entire towns. That is why this option should be watched as intensively as possible and planned in! All in all, the forests around Rossendorf provide a very “natural” environment. And anyone pitching their tents in the Rossendorf/Radeberg/Arnsdorf area can possibly do something against the Castor twice because they might catch it again on the motorway. No wonder the police are looking at the options... And, by the way: The Dresdeners invite everyone for Day X to Rossendorf, to stop the Castor from even starting to move! So, check out the area, because Day X could be with us soon! Homepage:: http://www.nixfaehrtmehr.de ¦ Action in Hanover by atomplenum hannover On Saturday 28 Feb there will also be action in Hanover. Meet at 3 p.m. at the layby Garbsen (Nord) on A2, Dortmund direction. e-Mail:: info@atomplenum.de Homepage:: http://www.atomplenum.de Translation Diet Simon |
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