dierenbevrijdings acties afgelopen week Dieren Bevrijdings Front - Supporters Groep - 01.03.2004 11:17
OVERZICHT VAN DIERENBEVRIJDINGS ACTIES IN DE LAATSTE WEEK.  beagle in proefdiercentrum BONTWINKELS IN MALMO VERNIELD 24/4 Once again, the furshop Palskonfektion in Malmo/Sweden was hit. When we arrived the windows all had slogans painted which the owner hadn't even bothered to clean and the shop now looks really messy. It has been attacked many times last year, and a couple this year. We know that their losing a lot of money from actions and customers not wanting to go to such a messy store. We intend to close them down before summer. To get started we smashed their entrancedoor with a large rock. Smash the furtrade! -Djurens Befrielsefront, Swedish ALF." "25 February, Malmo, Sweden -Canbaz Skinn & Mode installed a steel screen to protect their window and door which has been smashed during earlier actions. We therefor glued their locks, and painted slogans on the screen and walls. -The fur shop Nordiska Pals had slogans painted on the walls and windows. Until everyone is free! -DBF, Swedish ALF" VIVISECTORS IN NIEUW ZEELAND DOELWIT "On the morning of the 25th of February, the ÆLF (Animal & Earth Liberation Front) targetted two directors of New Zealand's largest Biotechnology company, Genesis Research & Development, for their involvement in vivisection and genetic engineering. Genesis R&D is also involved in the worlds largest biotechnology company specialising in genetically engineered trees, ArborGen, in partnership with the worlds largest forest and paper company, other multinationals and New Zealands largest industry, Fletcher Challenge and their subsidary, Rubicon. The subsidary AgriGenesis is involved in genetically engineered plants created to produce ethanol. Paint stipper was poured over a sportscar and SUV. The targets were: Dr James Watson, "New Zealands top scientist", founder and chief executive of Genesis R&D, board member of the Malaghan Institute which is also involved in vivisection and genetic engineering and president of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Dr James Watson 769 Riddell Rd, St Heliers, Auckland 09 575-5290 Jon Andrew Cimino, Director of Genesis R&D and Investment Banker, 53 Portland Rd, Remuera, Auckland 09 524 4277 Genetic engineering is the most recent weapon of the capitalist monoculture to exploit the biosphere to harvest profit. All individuals and companies involved in this exploitation of the planet will be held responsible and their property made legitimate targets in the name of the continuing struggle for human rights, animal and earth liberation." LEGBATTERIJ IN SPANJE GESABOTEERD Here is a poor tranlation of the spanish press release; sor, my english is not perfect: Last 22th of february, at 2:00 in the morning one F.L.A. cell made a raid in Valencia region, between Lloc nou dén fenollel and Torre de Lloris. The goal was an egg farm. When we came inside that jail we found a sad situation, we saw how our brothers animals where libing in a very bad conditions and where hold in little cages lots of hens (6,7 or 8 in each cage). =ur first goalwas to smash the eggs, but they had allready been taken. We made the plan B, we smashed quite a lot of cages, to make some economycal damage, we wrotte a slogan in the wall "respect the animals" and "murderer". At the end of the raid we liberated 5 hens that where prisioners of the humans because of their shelfistness, and they where put with other hens that where libing in liberty, in an open yard without noone bothering them. This action is dedicated to all the ovo-lacteo-torturer people that don´t realize that they have to walk towards veganism, which means No SUFFERING. Ant to the female animals, that as well as in people (womens), are the ones that are having a more painfull lives. And obviously to all thous people that contradict their selves been (or calling their selves?) vegans, straightedges, A.R. activists, or enviromentalysts that reuse to use direct action, which today is in the spanish state the best weapon to beat the human shelfistness and to deffend our brothers becouse they can´t deffend their selves. AGAINST ALL KIND OF ABUSE Animal liberation------------- Human liberation 200 SLAGERIJEN MET VERF BEKLAD IN ITALIE In the night of february 24 about 200 butcheries have been damaged using red paint on their entrances and their walls in different italian cities (Milano, Torino, Modena, Parma, Bari, Forlì, Pisa). This action has been claimed by Animal Liberation Groups. The red paint symbolizes the blood of the animals killed for the slaughter, and the action has been coordinated on this night because of its symbolic importance for the catholic church as the beginning of the Easter period, when in Italy millions of lambs are brutally killed for their religion. YAMANOUCHI IN ZWITSERLAND AANGEVALLEN "Februar was the month against Yamanouchi in Switzerland. Protests and protests everyday. On the night of the 18 februar someone visited the Yamanouchi offices. Windows and tolls completely destroyed. The wall was sprayed with slogans like: 'Animals killers'. Red paint bombs were thrown everywhere." KIPPEN BEVRIJD 16/02/04 22 chickens were liberated from a Wiltshire battery unit. They were all rescued dying in deep piles of shit. They have all been cared for, nursed and rehomed. " MEER YAMANOUCHI ACTIES More Yamanouchi puppy killers received justice on Friday the 13th. Mrs Clifford Leach who lives with Gemma and Joyce Leach at 30 Horsell Park close Woking surrey GU21 4LZ had 2 cars paint-strippered, and now knows what it feels like to be an enemy of the ALF. Not so funny any more is it puppy killers. Learn the lesson of justice from the ALF and leave the killing company Yamanouchi ALF" 13/2/04 Friday the 13th was unlucky for some more Yamanouchi scum: Mrs Margaret Mcquillan and her husband Barrie, 22 Triggs close Woking Surrey GU22 0EJ Tel 01483 760 058 will have woken to find their garages painted with slogans and their front door too. Across the windows and the house were painted 'puppy killers', 'murderer lives here'. Now the Yamanouchi killers realise the ALF is hot on their trail and hell bent on justice for the animals who are brutally, viciously, heartlessly murdered inside HLS because of Yamanouchi. Now you feel the fear scum, ALF E-Mail: dbfsgnederland@hotmail.com Website: http://www.directaction.info |