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 | Meer: | 01.03.2004 20:43
ABC Secretary of State Colin Powell says the claim is absurd. White House spokesman Scott McClellan calls it ''nonsense.'' He says Aristide left on his own free will -- and that U-S troops were there to protect him. But Congresswoman Maxine Waters of California says she got a phone call today from Aristide and his wife, who are now in the Central African Republic. She tells C-N-N that the Aristides claim U-S officials forced them to get on a plane -- and that they now feel as if they're being held as prisoners.
http://www.newschannel9.com/vnews/topstories/1078168466/ Salon.com: An African-American activist says Aristide told him on the phone Monday that he was kidnapped at gunpoint by American soldiers and ousted in a U.S. coup d'etat. Aristide said he was being held prisoner at the Renaissance Palace in Bangui, Central African Republic, said the activist, Randall Robinson.
http://www.salon.com/news/wire/2004/03/01/aristide_us/print.html | meer op indybay en cnn | Kees - 01.03.2004 21:17
Bronnen bij beweringen van Congreslid Waters oa. hier te vinden: http://www.indybay.org/archives/archive_by_id.php?id=1838&category_id=22 Net was er een live persconferentie op CNN waar Rumsfeld en een generaal vragen beantwoordden en waarbij een journalist vroeg wat er waar was van het gerucht. De twee mannen zieden dat ze er niets van afwisten (wat wat anders is dan ontkennen dat het gebeurd zou zijn) en wilden niet ingaan op de vraag hoe de aftocht dan wel in zijn werk was gegaan. | President Aristide says 'I was kidnapped' | (posted by Guido) - 01.03.2004 21:39
"Multiple sources that just spoke with Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide told Democracy Now! that Aristide says he was "kidnapped" and taken by force to the Central African Republic."
| Reuters: Aristide Tells U.S. Contacts He Was | 01.03.2004 21:40
Robinson, speaking from the Caribbean island of St Kitts, said Aristide had telephoned him on a cell phone on Monday morning from a room in the Central African Republic, where he said he was being guarded by African and French soldiers. "The president said to me that he had been abducted from his home by about 20 American soldiers in full battle gear with automatic weapons and put on a plane" on Sunday morning, Robertson said. "Across the aisle from him and Mrs. Aristide sat the American soldier who apparently was the commander of the contingent. They were not told where they were going, nor were they allowed to make any phone calls before they left the house or on the plane," he said. He said Aristide had told him the plane made two stops before landing in the Central African Republic and that the Americans had instructed them not to raise the blinds to look out when the plane was on the ground. "Not until they arrived did the president learn where he was," Robertson said. "He said to me twice before he had to get off the phone, 'Tell the world that it's a coup. That American soldiers abducted (me)."' Rangel, a Democratic member of the House (of Representatives) from New York, said he heard a similar account from Aristide by telephone. Aristide told him he was "disappointed that the international community had let him down, that he was kidnapped, that he resigned under pressure." Maxine Waters, a Democrat from California and like Rangel a member of the congressional black caucus, also said she had heard by telephone from Aristide that he had been kidnapped, a spokeswoman for Waters said. Website: http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=topNews&storyID=4471495§ion=news | Haiti Rebels Halt Attack On Capital After US | Neo_cortex@stopimperialism.be - 01.03.2004 22:01
Port-au-Prince, Feb. 29 (NNN): 3Acting on an appeal from the United States Haitian rebel leader Guy Philippe says he has decided to hold off an attack on the besieged Haitian capital Port-au-Prince for "a day or two". 3Speaking from his headquarters in northern Haiti, Philippe said he was acting on a request from Washington.3
| Aristide beschuldigt VS van staatsgreep | Latinos Locos - 02.03.2004 12:27
Aristide beschuldigt VS van staatsgreep uit: http://www.noticias.nl/rnw.php#1991 02/03 11:15 De afgetreden Haïtiaanse president Aristide beschuldigt de Verenigde Staten van een staatsgreep. Vanuit de Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek heeft Aristide aan CNN en Amerikaanse parlementariërs laten weten dat hij absoluut niet vrijwillig is vertrokken maar door de Amerikanen is ontvoerd. Twintig uur lang zou Aristide in het vliegtuig onwetend zijn gehouden over de bestemming; pas kort voor de landing zou hem zijn verteld dat hij naar de Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek ging. De Amerikanen zouden de verklaring over zijn aftreden hebben vervalst. De Amerikaanse minister Powell (Buitenlandse Zaken) noemt de aantijgingen van Aristide 'absurd'. Intussen zijn de eerste groepen Amerikaanse en Franse militairen in Haïti. De Verenigde Staten hebben zo'n tweehonderd militairen gestuurd en dat kunnen er uiteindelijk tweeduizend worden. Ze gaan deel uitmaken van een internationale troepenmacht van de Verenigde Naties. De Veiligheidsraad gaf daar maandag in een spoedzitting het groene licht voor.
| Caribbean nations demand Haiti inquiry | 04.03.2004 18:40
Fourteen Caribbean nations called Wednesday for an independent international inquiry into Jean-Bertrand Aristide's claim that the United States forced him out of office. At an emergency meeting of the Caribbean Community in Jamaica, the regional bloc, which includes Haiti, also refused to be part of a multi-nation peacekeeping effort in the country.
Website: http://www.mytelus.com/news/article.do?pageID=cbc/world_home&articleID=1543118 | |
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