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Intimidation of peoples opposing a dump of 20 RCW - 09.03.2004 21:37
Canadian company Rosia Montana Gold Corporation is intimidating peoples opposing a dump of 200000 tons of cyanide in theyr drinking water. Canadian company Rosia Montana Gold Corporation is intimidating peoples opposing an open pit gold mine that will simply dynamite 5 mountain peaks to leave in place a 700 ha lake with cyanide water. To this end, the doctor of the village has been bribed with 30000 euros to leave, school teachers have been told that starting this autumn classes will be closed, the Orthodox priests refuse to bury the dead persons (while the top hierarchy of the Church has sold the cemeteries). Water wells are intentionally polluted and electric current is cut often for days. Those are clearly Human Rights abuses. Top scientists opposing the project (such as Mr. Ioan Piso) are marginalized and efforts to ban them from scientific commisions are underway, or even threathened with death. A parlamentary commission refused to declare the project illegal in spite of the overhelming evidence that exploitation permit is illegal and has been obtained by bribing the previous government (and the current one...). The project will destroy a patrimonium of the mankind, the village having been continuously inhabitated since the Neolithic. Currently the archeological treasures standing in the way of the mining are destroyed by an archeological team appointed (and "paid" by the company) to "save" them. Quick reminder of the consequences of the exploitation: -wipe out five mountains flat to leave in place a hole 360 meters deep -displace the human population from this area - one of the villages is 1871 years old of written attestation and inhabited since Neolithic -detonate 150 tons of dynamite daily -leave behind a 700 ha artificial lake full with cyanide. 203200 tonnes of cyanide will make it into the phreatic water -poison with cyanide about 1600 ha. , in open air -leave behind 300 millions of tons of sterile. -500 square km. will be turned into a desert More infos: Original article: http://www.expres.ro/transilvania/?news_id=125689&PHPSESSID=cd8e0d20669b7cdb06fb6b8a6066c467 More infos on the Rosia struggle: http://www.rosiamontana.org Translator's note: RMGC has not deposed in a bank account the money needed for environmental cleansing (the amount is nothing but a joke anyway, compared to the damages), as required by the law. The Rosia Montana mining project is 10 times bigger than the infamous Esmerelda Exploration Limited Australian gold exploitation, which in 2000 poisoned with cyanide the Danube and 4 countries the company vanished in thin air, the exploitation continues and the Romanian peoples are caught with lawsuits for billions of dollars in damages. Imagine what more than 200 000 tons of cyanide can do when infiltrated in our drinking water. While accusing ONGs to exploit Rosia to make a living, the new PR manager of the company (Adrian Dascalu, hired for its amazing ability to avoid answering direct questions) is making his by being paid to market an ecological disaster as "economic development of the area". This is NewSpeak. E-Mail: rosia_montana@gmx.net |
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