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National Anti-Fur Demo+Party Frankfurt/Main black - 10.03.2004 02:04
National Anti-Fur Demo+Party Frankfurt/Main National Demo against the biggest German Fur and Leather exhibition "Fur&Fashion" in Frankfurt/Main. Saturday, 03/13 11.30 Meeting: Brunnen an der Zeil / pedestrians area 17.00 Anti-Fur-Party: Jugendhaus Heideplatz - Schleiermacherstraße 7 (Stadtteil Bornheim) Live Music, vegan catering and lots of information booths German websites:
http://www.anti-pelz-fest.de/fest.php |
Lees meer over: natuur, dier en mens | aanvullingen | Fur&Fashion Demo 2005 | heiko - 26.01.2005 10:35
In 2005 there will again be a protest against the Fur & Fashion Frankfurt. Please check out the updated site at http://fuf.tirm.de - infos also available in Englisch. Saturday, 12th of March 2005 11.30am Meeting: Brunnen an der Zeil / pedestrians area As last year we are also planning an Anti-Fur-Party. Website: http://fuf.tirm.de | |
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