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WILL THE CPT COME TO TURKEY IN ORDER REDEEM T DHKC International - 10.03.2004 17:40
The CPT decided to visit Turkey in the following days, claiming that it will control the F-Type prisons. Therefore it has asked the Turkish Ministry of Justice for the necessary permissions. In a statement published by the Anadolu Agency, the official press agency of the Turkish State, the CPT declared: "The committee is going to visit the physical and social facilities within the prisons. The physical and social facilities of the F-Type prisons in Turkey are in a very well condition. Some of the convicts participate in the production in the ateliers which were established in different areas and get paid their insurances." With such a statement they want to submit the torturous regime in Turkey 'We're going to examine your prisons. But don't worry, we're not against the torture you apply. We have to find a way to silence our own public, that's why we're going to visit them.' What for have the F-Type prisons in Turkey been established: The so-called F-Type isolation prisons were established to separate the political prisoners from each other and the people. The aim of isolation is to deprive human beings from social production and to destroy their social existence. Shortly; isolation is used for this aim as a means of torture. On the lie of prison reforms and the collaboration of the CPT with the torturers: They try to make the world accept the transfer to the F-Type prisons, that means the isolation torture which is only applied against the political prisoners, with their lies of "prison reforms". Those who use demagogies of reforms even kill the meaning of this concept according to their own comprehension. According to these circles, reform is a development, the systematic extension of existing rights and the increase of life quality. But the F-Type prisons which they want to make acceptable in Turkey by the demagogy of "reforms", are places where isolation torture is systematically applied. Another fact that is used under the demagogy of reforms is the transfer to the "room" system in Turkish prisons. What they call rooms are cells for one or at least three persons. Prisoners in the F-Types, who are kept in single cells, can't see anybody throughout months. Those who are kept within the cells for three persons, can only get out of their cells with their two cell inmates. In daily life the prisoners can't see more than two persons. But in the general regulations of the EU it is accepted as isolation, if a prisoner isn't allowed to establish contact at least to 17 persons, and isolation is accepted as torture. But the CPT is calling the F-Type prisons, which do not have anything to do with this system in the EU countries as "European standard" and declares that isolation torture in Turkey can be accepted by the EU. The F-Type isolation torture in Turkey has so far cost the life of 109 of our people. In the struggle against isolation, exactly 109 of our people have lost their lives under big pains and torture. While the Turkish state insists in the isolation torture, it takes courage from the EU and first of all the CPT. Both CPT and the other EU institutions know this reality very well. They are directly responsible for the isolation torture in our country. There are only political prisoners inside the F-Type prisons. They were established under the framework of the "Law on Terrororism". These prisons were put into life, cause due to this law it was foreseen to isolate the political prisoners from each other. The aim was not at all to carry out reforms. The fact that the costs for electric a.o. have to be payed by the prisoners, means that even inquiries like electric, water and cleaning stuff are used as means of torture. Even these kind of inquiries have become means to threaten and to break the prisoners. Even in the past, when the dormitory system still existed, they realised massacre attacks against the prisoners, a lot of prisoners were beaten or shot dead. Now as the prisoners are kept in cells for one or three persons, they have become an open target for all attacks of the state. Therefore "life security" has become fundamental in the F-Types. They even take away the political prisoner's rights of resistance for "life security". There are even held fatally ill in the F-Types, although the health conditions and medical care are strongly limited. These prisoners who were supported in their daily life by other prisoners while being in common prison cells, are now being left without any care. The science for instance says that there's no treatment for the Wernicke-Korsakoff disease. Those who became invalids as a result of conscious wrong medical interventions during the force feeding torture against the prisoners on death fast, were released by a circular. These prisoners are now taken back into the F-Types. CPT knows this very well. Conscious and intendedly it agrees with the torture against the political prisoners in Turkey. The planned visit of CPT in Turkey won't be any other effort than to redeem these tortures. We call upon the European public to condemn the attempt of the CPT to redeem the Turkish state. We call upon the CPT, that it no longer supports the torture and annihilation attempts towards political prisoners in our country and once again to direct its attention to its "feignedly" status as an institution. THE F-TYPE PRISONS HAVE TO BE ABOLISHED ISOLATION MEANS TORTURE, CPT MUST NOT COOPERATE WITH TORTURERS 9th March, 2004 DHKC International |
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