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 | Language, my dears! | Mallard Q. Duck - 14.03.2004 11:24
If you hef to wraait English on dis saait, please at least TRY to get y'r Lingo right. No Pardon in the Street??? "Without Pardon onto the street" you mean. Or "Kicked out, without Pardon" which sums it all up in a nutshell. Noice? Make noiSe, with an S, I presume? But Hey! We get the meaning, wudde begriepen 't wel, wa? Monday @ 09.00 before the Stopera/Town Hall, a bus-campaign to support all "out-procedated" refugees in the Netherlands kicks off! Sometimes Dutchie "Neder-English" is like hearing the clock, without being able to find the klepel! :) Website: http://www.taalunie.nl | |
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