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The Palestinian Land Day MOCAKAUK - 23.03.2004 08:12
Prostest actions against expropriation of land in Palestine THE PALESTINIAN LAND DAY Protest actions against expropriation of land in Palestine Every year on the 30th of March in Israel and the occupied territories, thousands of Palestinians protest against Israeli politics of land grab. To express solidarity with the Palestinian people, similar protest actions take place all over the world. Since 1948, Israeli authorities have confiscated more than 70% of the land owned by Palestinians living in Israel. Twenty eight years ago on the 30th of March, Palestinians demonstrated against the large-scale expropriation of land in Sakhnin, Galilea. The Israeli police responded with live bullets and shot dead six demonstrators. Since then, Palestinians commemorate these killings of 1976 every year on the ‘land day’. This commemoration is needed and remains relevant to this day as land theft continues unabated, especially in the form of Israeli settlements in the occupied territories. These settlements are in total violation of International Law. Expropriation of land is also taking place through the construction of the ‘Apartheid Wall’ on Palestinian land. Thousands of dunums* of land have been de-facto annexed by Israel since the construction of the wall began in April 2002. On completion, the 8-9m high wall will be 730 km long and will help the Israel to annex approximately 52% of the West Bank. *10 dunums = 1 hectare Saturday 27th March A vigil on the Dam in Amsterdam, from 13.30 to 15.00 hrs Tuesday 30th March A vigil in the neighbourhood of the Israeli embassy in Den Haag, from 12.00 to 14.00 hrs (subject to change) STOP THE LAND GRAB Check our website for the latest information www.palestina-komitee.nl npk@xs4all.nl E-Mail: mocakauk@planet.nl |
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