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Why Collaborate with Fascism? Chris Herz - 29.03.2004 19:13
Why is fascistic aggression facilitated by the Dutch state using the territory of the Netherlands Antilles? As a US citizen I wrote some days ago to ask you why your people and their government permit the use of your territory in Bonaire, Aruba and Curacao as bases for unprovoked US aggression against Caribbean and South American nations. Especially against Venezuela. A Dutch citizen, resident in Central America, wrote me indignantly complaining that Japanese fascists in WWII had among their other crimes, executed his aunt in what was then the Dutch East Indies. He was defending the United States power that defeated those fascists and avenged his relative. That is right and proper. But the United States of Franklin D. Roosevelt is a failed state. Gone into the mists of history as thoroughly as any of the empires of antiquity. The policies and ideals of that state are expicitly rejected by the vast majority of today's Americans. They regard these things literally as anathema, opposed to the goals and objectives of the corporate, theocratic state now regnant in the territories of the former Great Democracy. Today, fully one third of our most important national minority are criminalized, fully one seventh of their male population incarcerated, and Blacks are a full 12% of our national population, not a mere .6% as were the Jewish victims of the earlier fascist project. Today, thousands upon thousands of US troops and locally recruited mercenaries rampage through all of the countries of andean South America. Using the crudest tools of terrorism and violence they seek to appropriate for their corporate masters the resources of that part of the world. Is there any country where these people hold sway or influence where we do not see the death squad, the mercenary militia, the wholesale suppression of social, economic and political aspirations of ordinary, working people? In both of these fascist projects they use the "War on Drugs" as an excuse to neutralize an inconveniently liberal minority upon the one hand, and promote more aggressive war upon the other. As an American citizen, I denounce these crimes. Openly, and to this I sign my name. I ask again. Why does the population of a country once itself exposed and helpless before fascism collaborate with the proprietorship of a born-again theocratic, corporate, modernized fascist state? Chris Herz 35 Sombrero Boulevard Marathon, FL 33050 USA E-Mail: cdherz44@yahoo.com |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme | aanvullingen |  | | 29.03.2004 20:32
"A Dutch citizen, resident in Central America, wrote me indignantly complaining that Japanese fascists in WWII had among their other crimes, executed his aunt in what was then the Dutch East Indies." Without taking sides with the japanese fascist regime, I should note that in those days, the netherlands brutally occupied indonesia, pillaged it, oppressed it's native population, and only after a filthy colonial battle did the dutch get kicked out. The aunt should not have been killed, but calling her an innocent victim contradicts history. | Not a discussion group website | M02 - 29.03.2004 20:59
I am sorry, and with all good intentions, but http://indymedia.NL is not meant to be a discussion forum. But an open NEWS website with news posted by witnesses, involved, activists. There are many places on the internet for discussion, and you can link those here as a supplement. I suggest for this topic the groups: nl.politiek and soc.culture.netherlands on usenet Thank you. Website: http://usenet.pagina.nl | |
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