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Salon Cine 9/4: Argentina - Cine Insurgente Latinos Locos - 01.04.2004 00:19
Two documentaries around the theme: 'Past and Present of the popular struggle in Argentina' They were made in 2003 and they show some experiences from popular movements in the 1970's and 2002.  Salon Cine Salon Cine: Argentina - Cine Insurgente Friday 9 April 2004 On Friday 9 April there will be another Salon Cine event held at the Latin America Centre in Amsterdam. Two documentaries will be shown around the theme: 'Past and Present of the popular struggle in Argentina' They were made in 2003 and they show some experiences from popular movements in the 1970's and 2002. Three of the makers of the documentaries are currently touring through Europe and they will be present at the Salon cine. There will be ample time for questions and discussion. Programme 9 April: 19.30 Introduction 19.45 Documentary film: Asamblea: Ocupar es Resisitir 20.15 Short break 20.30 Documentary film: Uso mis Manos, Uso mis Ideas 21.30 Discussion with the makers of the documentaries 22.00 Bar open About the Films: Asamblea: Ocupar es Resistir: After the popular rebellion of the 19th and 20th of December 2001, all over the country neighbourhood assemblies were formed spontaneously around the slogan "That they all leave!" ("Que se vayan todos!") This documentary follows the Assembly of Villa Crespo, when on the 13th of July of 2002, after six months of meeting in the streets, it decides to occupy an abandoned branch property of the bank of Province of Buenos Aires, that has been used as a political centre of Duhalde, in that moment interim president, after the escape of Fernando de la Rúa. This way the assembly manages to confront the government with its legitimate right. This documentary has been made from the inside by members of the assembly itself. It is unique in registering a pursuit of an assembly movement after the social explosion of 2001 and it tells how the fight against the neoliberal system in Argentina continues. Direction: Grupo de Cine Insurgente Duration: 30 minutes, 2004 Subtitles: English/Italian Uso mis Manos, Uso mis Ideas: In 1973 a group of popular militants started a literacy project for adults in the province of Neuquén, Argentina. Using the Cuban experiences and the ideas developed by Paulo Freire in the 60's, the group learned how to read and to write, the two important tools for social transformation. Raúl Rodriguez decided to film this experience, as he thought it could benefit other communities. 30 years later, 'Uso mis Manos, Uso mis Ideas' tells the story through the testimonies of the participants; how did they experience the project and what happened after it was shut down. The documentary also describes the political events that constitute the historical memory of a town's struggle. This documentary has won two prices, one at the Italian 'Festival dei Diritti' and one at the Second Telefestival Iberoamericano. Direction: Mascaró, Cine Americano Duration: 55 minutes, 2003 Subtitles: English/Italian/Portuguese This Salon Cine event is organised by Noticias http://www.noticias.nl Salon Cine will be held at: Latijns Amerika Centrum (Latin American Centre) Nieuwe Herengracht 29 1011 RL Amsterdam telephone: 020 . 6229781, Bericht in het Nederlands:
http://www.noticias.nl/lac/salonlatino.html E-Mail: salon@noticias.nl Website: http://www.noticias.nl/lac/salonlatino.html |
Lees meer over: Agenda | aanvullingen |  | Ook in Nijmegen | jasper - 01.04.2004 01:43
Op woensdag 7 april ook in Nijmegen te zien in de Klinker, van Broeckhuysenstraat 46, aanvang 20:00 uur, entree gratis. De mensen van de Asamblea de Villa Crespo zijn erbij voor uitleg en discussie. En natuurlijk Soepkafee! Voorafgaand aan het videokafee van Videokollektief Onderbelicht, iedere 1ste en 3de woensdag van de maand, veganistisch/biologische soep met brood in De Klinker. Van 18.00 tot 20.00 uur. Zie ook: http://www.grotebroek.nl Website: http://www.protest.net/nijmegen | |
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