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Terroristen dringen woonwijk binnen John Veldhuis - 01.04.2004 10:58
Gewapende Israelische kolonisten zijn een woonwijk in Oost Jerusalem binnengedrongen, note bene gesteund door Israelische politie. ""They said: 'We killed Sheikh Yassin and we will kill you,'" she claimed. The operation was the first of its kind conducted by the Committee for the Renewal of the Yemenite Village in Shiloah - Hebrew for Silwan - to "reclaim" land which is in sight of the Al Aqsa Mosque and Jewish Temple Mount and once belonged to a community of Yemeni Jews which was first established in the 1880s but was finally forced to leave during Arab riots in 1938. But the group is closely associated with Ateret Cohanim, an umbrella settler group of the hard-line national religious right, and follows similar settler operations in neighbouring districts." "A similar group of armed activists broke into and took over the home of a sleeping Palestinian family in nearby King David's City last month." EU: weer een kandidaat voor de lijst van terroristische organisaties: "Committee for the Renewal of the Yemenite Village in Shiloah" Website: http://news.independent.co.uk/world/middle_east/story.jsp?story=507131 |
Lees meer over: vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen |  | Netanyahu in Rotterdam | rosa - 01.04.2004 18:58
Gisteren was Netanyahu op de Erasmusuniversiteit in Rotterdam.De universiteit was omgebouwd tot een vesting waar niemand ongemerkt in of uit kon.Met welke reden heeft de universiteit deze man uitgenodigd en wie heeft de kosten van de bewaking betaald????? | |
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