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URGENT APPEAL asylum seekers forum - 04.04.2004 16:56
URGENT APPEAL FOR FINANCIAL HELP FOR A POLITICAL REFUGEE AT THE MERCY OF EUROPEAN BUREAUCRACY- KAFKA’S CASTLE REVISITED http://www.unobserver.com/index.php?pagina=layout5.php&id=1551&blz=1 APPEAL FOR FINANCIAL HELP FOR A POLITICAL REFUGEE AT THE MERCY OF EUROPEAN BUREAUCRACY- KAFKA’S CASTLE REVISITED 2004-04-01 | There is confusion about asylum seekers; some are economic migrants and some are political refugees. The latter leave their country of origin because their lives are at risk or because they are threatened with prison and possibly torture. Many cannot explain in detail what happened because the relatives and friends they have left behind might also be targeted by a despotic government. This particular asylum seeker, Brian (full name temporarily withheld) falls into the latter category. However, after several years in two European countries, Spain and Luxembourg, he is still struggling to be given the right to work, while being treated as a nuisance by bureaucrats who shuffle his case from desk to desk. Would it really disturb the balance of the European Union to allow an intelligent, hard working and well educated man to work to maintain himself wth some dignity. Apparently, European bureaucrats - who enjoy greater work privileges than most people - cannot allow a refugee from political persecution to have peace of mind or the dignity of supporting himself. He is capable of working at two difficult professions. Brian now finds himself, as do many others, facing eviction from his modest one room appartment and cannot move to another country where we have offered him accomodation. The system won’t allow it! Please, contact this website and send anything you can to the BRIAN FUND. It will be forwarded to Brian. We will also be placing a letter tomorrow with e-mail addresses and phone numbers of officials in Luxembourg and the European Union. We hope you will copy, sign and e-mail the letter. Related articles: EU agrees common rules on refugee status http://euobs.com/index.phtml?sid=9&aid=15013 E-Mail: asylum_seekers_forum@gmx.net |
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