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 | Re: A Letter from an Iraqi Mother to the Moth | Kelly 2000 - 07.04.2004 04:56
I think this is an absurd propaganda tool for the arab nations the pen style verbage etc are all giveaways: sorry when i see anything like this I just switch off emotionaly and otherwise. it is so obviously a fake written by an editor of an extremist media group. it is laughable and full of bile. Of course we know the war is wrong but trying to take the moral high ground by cheerleading murduring scum is sickening. I hate violence and wrongfull murder in my country and outside it, the Iraqi war was wrong but so was butchering men in the streets for sadistic pleasure. they all disgust me as do the commanders in chief responsible for the worst outrage in history - the Iraqi war.
| What are you saying, Yankeedoodle?! | R Kelly - 07.04.2004 11:44
What you are saying only confirms the thought that Americans see Arabs as sadistic brutes, taking pleasure in lynching! It seems to me you only want to see Arab propaganda, whereas you forget that the American media is always cheerleading fucking murdering scum. Propaganda or not, it does seem to be a legitimate question(if you've read the full article), why should American mothers be sacrificing their children for Bush and the likes? But like you noted, you hate violence and wrongfull murder so I kinda get the idea that you are not against violenceat all, only wrongfull violence! Would you have the 'west' have the monopoly on rightfull violence?! You are the propaganda tool here, for or against the war, seeing the 'Arab Nations' as a whole, when it is actually a divided and politically diverse region, and in differentiating between right and wrongfull violence. Your double standard makes me sick, it is simply racist. | Are You A mother Kelly? | Shadow - 08.04.2004 19:37
Kelly, Are you A mother? If not maybe one day you will be if yes this letter is for you too, no one likes violance but those days Bush planted Violence inside the roots of more than half the population worldwide, so someone will have to Bare the consecuances. We never heared of such letters during Clinton till Reagen times, why are we seeing such letters today? The answer is The Bush Gang planted hate and rage and now its time when SOME people says enough is enough and act. So Kelly please read that letter as a mother or becoming a mother, think of it and avoid the violence you mentioned by NOT SENDING YOUR SON TO KILL ANY ONE (Today Muslims in Iraq) Tomorrow might be the other way round. | |
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